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Do you support the Europe 1805 - II version?

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The year is 1805. Realising that Britain will keep on supporting coalitions against France, Napoleon decides to
tackle the problem at the root. Now Emperor he has brought together his Grande Armée in Boulogne, ready to
set sail for England any time. But by crowning himself emperor Napoleon has provoked Russia and Austria, who
are preparing to march on Paris from the east. It is in the summer of 1805 that you start. You just graduated
from military academy and are ready to play a role in the upcoming conflict.

This mod is part of the Age of Blackpowder series. Berthout's targets were
historically accuracy & realism. He also wanted to highlight the civil part of the game,
like me. After 1 year and 24 days this all resulted into a freshly new version of the modification!

Current Version:
> Changelog <


It's unbelievable, but the amount of features is: ~ 379 ~ !!

Main Part
- A full map of Europe with 21 playable nations:
* Kingdom of Denmark
* Kingdom of Sweden
* Electorate of Bavaria
* French Empire
* United Kingdom of Great Britain
* Papal states
* Kingdom of Portugal
* Kingdoms Naples and Sicily
* Kingdom of Spain
* County of Nassau
* Austrian Empire
* Serbian Revolutionary State 
* Electorate of Saxony
* Ottoman Empire
* Kingdom of Italy
* Kingdom of Prussia
* Dutchy of Wuerttemberg
* Electorate of Hesse-kassel
* Batavian Republic
* Russian Empire
* Prince-Bishopric of Montenegro
* Revolutionary State: Duchy of Warsaw
* Revolutionary State: Kingdom of France
* Revolutionary State: Irish Republic
* Revolutionary State: Republic of Venice
* Revolutionary State: Republic of Russia
* Revolutionary State: Spanish Kingdom under Ferdinand VII

- Historical clothes
* About 128 uniforms
* Cardinal & Pope habits
* 15 civil cloths
* 2 priest & 1 bishop & 1 monk habits
* 1 surgeon cloth
* 1 Officer & 1 cavalry gloves set
* 2 baskers
* 8 bearskins
* 13 bicornes
* 3 caps
* 2 coifs
* 5 colbacks
* 2 czapka's
* 3 forage caps
* 10 helmets
* 1 janissary hat
* 2 kippah's (cardinal & pope)
* 2 mitre's
* 17 shako's
* 4 slouchs
* 5 tarletons
* 1 top hat
* 4 turbans
* 13 boots
* 4 Ottoman shoe's
* 4 shoe's
* 1 sandal

- About 240 historical officers
* All names are from officers in command during 1805.
* As much as possible they command the type of unit they commanded in real life.
* Over 111 officers have unique, historically correct faces!

- 16 different historical horse breeds
* Don
* Hunter
* Arabian
* Hanoverian
* Lipizzaner
* Holsteiner
* Percheron

- Unique lootable items
* Wellies, Napoleon's boots or uniform, Murat's uniform, Marengo, Holy Cross, artefacts, …)

- Graphical Enhancement
* Almost every texture ingame has been improved
* Better water texture
* More quality

- Random events
* Messages to give the feeling of the era

- New music & sounds
* 18th century music
* Better sounds

- Coronation scene
* In 1805, Napoleon crowned himself to King of Italy in the Cathedral of Milan
* Cathedral scene is almost an exact copy
* Archbishop & Napoleon & Dragoons & people
* Archbishop & Napoleon speaking
* Music & bells

- Barracks replaced the arena
* 2 freshly new barrack scenes
* Pistol with one bullet instead of bow
* Fight with szabla's and 18th century weapons

- Bois de Justice
* Working guillotine (with falling blade & bloody head)
* New quest (guillotine included)
* Executioner dialoque
* Possible to grant clemency either loose renown
* Random event like ‘Join the tournament’, but now ‘Attend the public execution’.
* Random events has priest talk included

- Camp menu options
* Disable / enable options at camp menu (drowning, messages, ...)
* Progressions and overview of current progress

- New Face Textures (Aquil)
* New faces for men
* New faces for women

- Rumor of the Road & Date Specific Events
* 13 weekly Rumors of the Road - to get the feeling of that time
* 11 monthly date specific events. Follow the news and watch how fast Napoleon
  defeated the Austrian Empire. From the march to Ulm to the Peace of Pressburg
  and further

- Practice training field overhaul
* Shoot with musket, musketoon or rifle
* No reloading
* Smoke and accuracy still stay

- Complete overhaul of companions
* Added: Bjorne (as credit to founder of AoB series)
* Added: Berthout (as credit to founder of E1805, companion with story about Dutch Republic)
* Added: Jacob (faithful monk)
* Added: Ferdinand (with adjusted dialogue, he's from the House of Habsburg)
* Added: Joseph Fouche (Police Man)
* And 11 other companions with unique dialoques!
* Completely redo of armor and weapons

- Map icon textures overhaul
* No more ancient native icons
* Towns & castles replaced
* Player & people have new textures

- Several improvements
* Speak with village elder from menu
* Deathcam (free camera after death)
* Increased map travelling speed
* Decreased chance of companions leaving from 30% to 15%
* 30% chance of companions leaving due to complaints now
* Changed currency from Denar to Franc
* Gambling. Flip a coin with the tavern keeper
* Amount of townwalkers adjustable
* New proficiency: firearms
* Cattle will follow you instead of running from you
* Added little flags to town icon on the world map, so it’s easier for the player to find his houses / enterprise back.
* Kill horses to get some food
* Added a lot of new troops with new uniforms (carabiniers, Royal Marines, Chosen Men, ...)
* Most shako's have hair included now
* Added more help & tutorials
* Almost no native names any more
* Completely redo of every image in game.
* Cartridges are now visible when carrying.
* Most melee weapons have scabbards now and the scabbards are looking more 18th century now.
* Completely overhaul of all dialogues & text to give a lesser Native feeling.
* 109 hints added!

Warfare Part
- Historical weapons
* 14 muskets
* 7 rifles
* 6 carbines
* 16 pistols
* 8 sabres
* 6 heavy cavalry swords
* 6 small swords
* 2 matchlocks
* 1 arquebus
* 1 blunderbus

- More than 110 different historical troop types
* Line Infantry
* Grenadiers
* Light Infantry (Finish Marksmen, Portuguese Cacadores, Prussian Jaegers, French Voltigeurs,...)
* Light Cavalry (British Light Dragoons, Hungarian Hussars, French Horse Chasseurs, Polish Uhlans, Cossacks, ...)
* Heavy Cavalry (Sicilian Dragoons, Austrian Kurassiers, British Heavy Dragoons, French Cuirassiers, ...)
* Special troops (Queen Annes 7th Hussars, Wallon Guard, ...)
* Regional Troops (British Highlanders, Tyrolean Jaegers, Kalmucks, ...)
* Mercenaries (Irish Line Infantry, Swiss Jaegers, Hessian Hussars, ...)
* Historical Rebels (Klepths, Irish peasants, Dervishes, ...)

- No longer do all parties have the same troop composition. There are several options
* Mixed army
* Only Infantry
* Only Grenadiers/Elite infantry
* Only Light Cavalry
* Only Heavy cavalry
* Only regional troops

- Formations (foxyman)
* Line, square or wedges formations
* Choose officer to command a regiment
* No longer only charges. If you attack an enemy, they stay
* Enemy AI is smart and tries to charge you from behind

- Duelling
* Duel lords or companions
* Duel with pistols, small swords, dagger and rapier, sabres or sabres on horseback

- A brand new war/peace system
* When the game starts diplomatic relations are as they where on August 5th, 1805. What happens afterwards, nobody knows
* Countries are either part of the Third Coalition against France, a French Ally or Neutral
* French Vassal states will always stay allied with France but all other states can join or leave the coalition/France's allies. They can even change sides
* It's not all about France, other states, often neutral ones, can have totally unrelated conflicts
* New all-in-one menu. No longer 110 different messages, informing you about war or peace

- New system of recruiting
* Join a country, go to the warrant officer in towns and ask for troops
* If you do run out of troops you can always recruit from villages,
  but be aware that you will have to pay for their equipment too

- Complete redo of whole armies of every country
* Improved quality
* Improved LODs (performance)
* Lesser polygons (performance)

- White bullet
* Bullet is white now with some blur to improve accuracy and visibility
* MINIMOD available to change this back to black

- Camp entrenchment
* Option in camp menu to build fortifications
* Defend in fortified area (tower, farm, ...)
* Toggleable drowning

- Improved siege warfare
* Better textures
* Troops get stuck lesser times

- Statues
* Your government can build a statue in honour of you in a random town of your faction
* The statue type depends on your renown (wood, stone, marble & bronze)
* The statue is visible when walking on the boulevard

- Medals
* Medals are gainable by joining a faction
* France, Austria, Russia, England & Montenegro have different medals. Other nations have Prussian-like medals
* 10 different medals per faction
* A total of 54 unique medals
* Medals are gettable by increasing your player honour
* You can increase your player honour by completing quests (not native honor, not renown)
* Every medal is different and historically accurate
* Every medal has it's own name (e.g. Legion d'Honneur 2nd Class or Royal Hungarian Order of St. Stefan)

- Standards & drums
* Unique battle standards for every nation
* Drummers
* You can get these men by hiring regiments/batallions

- Bring Death & Terror
* Looting system has been changed
* You can set fire on every structure you want. (except for structures you can’t build/upgrade)
* Get a melee weapon or a firearm or some stones and damage the structure by thrust attack. After some attacks you will get a message that it has been destroyed and the structure disappears
* Some structures like the statue can be easily destroyed. Other like walls do need 15 attacks
* There is no auto-loot anymore. You will have to fight the peasants. If you have a few troops, you will have to fight two times. First to eliminate all resistance, then to plunder and raze. But the peasants won’t give up quickly, so expect a lot

of blood!
* The more stuff you damage the more profit (in money)!
* Your troops can set fire on buildings too, so if you do not want to destroy everything make sure your army won’t use firearms.

- Star Forts
* 7 new and unique forts. From a easy attackable stockade to a grand citadel
* Nose out why bastions were used and how they annoyed the attackers

- Added new troops or unique uniforms for these troops in version II:
* Imperial Dragoon
* General

* Cuirassier

* General
* Moscow Musketeer
* Hussar
* Dragoon

* Dragoon

* Norwegianskier
* Grenadier
* Dragoon

* Dragoon

- Battlefield Combat Abilities script (Chel)
* Dynamic combat through combat abilities like
* Rage - Get extra power
* Focus - Get increased weapon proficiencies
* Sprint - Run for your life!
* Whistle for horse - Call your horse, the higher the more horses come!
* First aid - Recover!
* Inspire Troops - Rally your troops!
* Morale Shock - Unleash a  fearsome cry to terrify weaker opponents!
* Taunt - Get your enemy’s attention to you, instead of to your troops.
* Defensive Structure - Consume sandbags to create coverage!
* Get help by pressing N key
* Duration & power of abilities depends on your game skills.
* Some abilities costs some experience.

- Tournaments are back!
* Fight with sabres, swords, pistols and daggers!
* Possible to set higher bets now!

- Additional Battlefield Add-ons
* Medicines heal 10% of your health per second, but after 5 uses, they will be 

- Extend your victory a little bit
* After the battle, if you were victorious, you may decide what to do with
  the prisoners. Your choices can change your money, prestige or your relation with
  the enemy’s faction.
* Take Prisoner - you can either recruit them or sell them as slaves
* Execute - prestige boost, but means faction relation penalty as well
* Ransom - earn money immediately. It’s around 40 Francs per person
* Release - do you have a noble heart? Or do you want to increase the relations a
*  Let them go with only underwear left - do you really hate your enemies so much? You can punish them now! But beware, this gives a prestige and relation penalty.

- Extend your victory a lot more
* After you conquered a town you have some options
* Liberate - give the town back to the original faction and increase prestige and
* Peacefully occupy - receive some prestige.
* Loot it - kill 1/3 of the total population in order to get money!
* Keep a victory march - march past the Arc while your soldiers follow you

- Experience the Revolutions at Close Quarters
* 6 Great Powers have a monthly chance of facing a revolution.
* Duchy of Warsaw
* Kingdom of France
* Republic of Ireland
* Republic of Venice
* Republic of Russia
* Republic of Spain
* You can talk with the revolution leader and join them, but beware, there are no
  officers. On the other hand the leader has around 200/300 troops. Enough to
  terrify the surrounding area!
* Recruiting troops is still possible. You can recruit the troops of the faction the
  revolution started in.
- Item Restrictions
* From now you may only wear items if you belong to the right class or have the right rank.

- Increase in Rank!
* More than 8 ranks are awaiting for you. (from Corporal to Marshall)
* Your rank depends on your renown
* If you became faction leader and lost all your land, you may return in service as
* Each rank with corresponding wage (300 x rank lvl) which the player gains before payment to troops

- New and Realistic Smoke
* Smoke is much bigger and many soldiers with a musket can obstruct your view.
* You will need to wait before the wind blows all smoke out of the field before
  you can aim.
* Smike is white now, not grey any more!
* Performance is improved! I've removed 50 particles.

- Tavern Mercenaries
* Hire the amount you want
* Hire 5, 10 or 20 mercenaries

Civil Part
- New Napoleonic scenes
* New 18/19th century poor/average houses
* Native texture have been replaced with HD textures
* Accurate siege building components (traverse, bartizan, bastion, ravelin, ...)
* Siege a up to 7 different fortresses or storm the barricades of a town
* New townhall and offices

- Hunting system
* No bugs (bug is fixed)
* Two animals (deer & bear)
* Get profits with flesh

- Dynamic payment for resting in towns/castles
* Payment has been raisen, because you should sleep in your own house
* Payment = 25 + random number between 0 and 25

- Improved town
* New house props
* Better visibility between rich and poor
* New scenes
* Town center scenes are dynamic (lampposts/prosperity)
* Dynamic weather (fog, rain; different strength)
* Castle scene (with transparent windows and sun glows)

- Dynamic streets
* The more prosperity your town has, the better the streets look
* 5 different views (from poor to rich)
* Window shutters move by fan sometimes
* Scene-linking; if you walk into some street you won’t be blocked by an exit-barrier,       
  but you will be directed to another scene
* Streets signs to show you the right direction

- Grand Quest of Hagia Sophia added
* Huge interior
* Climbing & walking in catacombs
* Reward includes champion horses, money and a large amount of influence points.

- Companion minimods
* Joseph Fouché
* Johnny Five Ace

Management Part

- Dynamic housing system
* Different houses (bad/average)
* Rent houses
* Buy houses
* Rent out houses (profitable)
* Estate agent for advice
* 18th/19th century-like interiors
* 18th/19th  century-like furniture
* Toggleable fireplace
* Play piano and improve your skill (the higher your skills, the more lords like you)
* Sleep in your own bed (also possible via town menu)
* Your own chest! To store your gained medals and other stuff.
* Signs with: ‘For sale’ and ‘Your home’ in every town
* Signs can change when you rent/buy your home
* Manage your house by pressing ‘F’ on door

- Complex banking script
* Building & interior
* Banker
* Borrow money (with interest)
* Shares (Invest your money in different companies; riskful)
* Exchange securities for silver
* Government bonds

- Invest in towns
* Talk to the Mayor to invest in enterprises
* About 9 different enterprises (chapel, hospital, brewery, mill, farm, ...)
* Different costs and profits
* Profit per week is dynamic
* Unique scene for each enterprise (from dark, cold mines to a beautiful chapel)

- Skills
* Duelling skill
* Piano skill

- Jobs
* Go work as woodcutter, hunter or soldier
* Get a steady salary
* Hunter: hunt for animals and sell them to the butcher
* Woodcutter: dynamic, interesting work. (don’t make boss angry)
* Soldier: loot and fight

- Special people
* There are about 7 special people to hire (Engineer, Priest, Officer, Surgeon)
* They have different party skills (tactics, trade, surgery, engineer)
* Each with a special story and outfit

- Dynamic village management
* 11 buildings are waiting for your order to be build  (from a chapel, walls, a statue to barracks and watchtowers)
* Every structure is visible ingame if you build it
* Every building has various bonuses (native bonuses and E1805 bonuses like prestige)
* If your weaponsmith has made enough weapons, you can equip volunteers with weapons, so there are no costs in gold to recruit them
* Village stockpile with resources like (timber, stone, tools, weapons)
* You can view the current stock by walking to a parchment, stuck on the wall. You will be leaded to a menu automatically
* Village treasury
* You can build structures with resources and gold for example:
Farm, 80 stone, 80 wood, 20 tools, 20 000 Francs
* Resources are produced by structures which are upgradable up to lvl 20 (stone   
  quarry, lumberjack, weaponsmith
* Tax level can be set by player (from no tax to extreme). Choose to be dreadful or chivalrous to your people!
* The higher the taxation, the lower the production
* Every village has buildings which have been build already. So conquering Brighton instead of Leicester because Brighton has

barracks can make your campaign very interesting and they build new structures during your game.

- Social Classes!
* The time of classes is back. In the beginning you belong to the Freemen, rank up and enter the nobility!
* 10 classes in total! (freeman, serf, journeyman, peasant, labourer, citizen, bourgeoisie, gentry, aristocrat and nobility)
* 8 titles to earn as nobleman! (Baron, Viscount, Earl, Marquess, Duke, Archduke, Grand Duke and Viceroy)
* 8 special banners for every title you gain. Bear them proudly!
* Social mobility is based on wealth. You need to work, rent/buy houses, set up enterprises, manage villages/castles/towns and gain prestige! If you upgrade, you will also get large amounts of xp.

- Stagecoach travel
* Travel as fast as possible to different towns (from Saint Petersburg, Toledo, Aberdeen to Constantinople and more)
* The longer the distance, the more money you have to pay
* Highwaymen! They are waiting for you in the bushes along the roads! When you travel through rough terrain, they strike and

you have to defeat them… or loose
* Talk to the coachman on the boulevard to travel with the stagecoach

- Influence – Way to power!
* Influence Points are points you can gain from lords, invest these points in return of 
  AI actions!

Get influence points by:
* Bribing.
* Donating money.
* Buy a gift and give it (the better your trade skill, the lesser it costs)!
* Persuading (most effective and increased skill = increased chance)!
* Show your army to him (max. 2x á day)!
* Let him know how much honour you have earned by quests (max. 2x á day)!
* You get influence daily. Amount depends on your class. Spend your Influence Points to lords
* Let lord follow player.
* Let lord follow someone.
* Increase your relation with lord.
* Join faction – even if your current faction is at war.
* Order him to raid an enemy village!
* Order him to return to a town.
* Use influence to let him attack a party.
* Order him to siege a town!

* Get so much influence you become nation’s Marshall!
* Order lords of your faction and... foreign lords! They take more Influence Points to   
control. You can even control enemy lords if you want! But they take 3x standard amount of Influence Points to control! The only lords who cannot be influenced are faction leaders!

- Become blacksmith!
* Set up your own blacksmith for 2000 Francs
* Develop your engineer skill and increase chance of succeeding
* Craft melee weapons and firearms from wood and iron
* Your crafted items are of the finest quality, so are the selling prices!
* Buy expensive wood and iron or take a long search for cheap materials to get more

- Extended Town Management
* Hire Commissioners! They help you with town management!
  (Commissioner of the Town, Commissioner of Finance,
  Commissioner of Architecture)
* Manage your town by keeping happiness, growth high, while increasing prestige
  and filling your treasuries!
* Change your own salary, from low to extremely high! But beware, high salary 
  causes a penalty to happiness.
* Set tax level. Are you an evil who creates extremely tax burdens or do you prefer
  100% happiness in all of your towns?
* Give feasts! Organize events to increase your prestige! It’s all about prestige!
* Ask for key to the treasury room and admire your gold!
* Build more than 15 structures! Every structure has different bonuses.
* Advanced system of building - use keyboard arrows to leaf through the parchments
  and press enter to accept the building plan! If you got enough money, then the
  construction will start and the building plan gets a green stamp!
* If you conquer a town - you will receive the keys of the town!
* Dynamic Treasury Room - if the town’s treasury is empty, you will encounter a dark, cold room with empty chests. If the town is prosperous, you will be awarded with mountains of gold!

- Kingdom Management
* Choose your own banner
* Choose faction name
* Choose faction color
* Choose faction leader name (Antipope, Emperor, Tsar, King, Prince, sultan, Emir,
  Shah, Prince-Bishop)

Trade Part
- Improved Trade Goods
* More than a dozen various item modifiers are enabled for trade goods and food 
  items, directly affecting their prices and morale values.
* As most modifiers noticeably increase item prices, average profit per inventory slot
  grows proportionally, turning trading into a very lucrative business.
* Food morale values are also affected - stuff your inventory with exquisite foods to
  make your men happy! If you can afford the price of course. Very cheap food make
  you men unhappy.
* Finally, there's also a slight tweak to the "Deliver grain to village" quest. Trust me - if
  you bring those peasants large bags of grain instead of regular ones, they will be
* Added new food & goods (3 types of wine, medicine, beer, fish, fruit, grapes, flax, 
  wool cloth, raw silk, dyes, furniture and tea)!

~ 379 ~​


Q: Is this mod for Warband?
A: No it isn't. It's for Mount&Blade Native and it won't be ported.

Q: What's release date for version III?
A: There are no plans for version III currently. And since Quintillius (Mod Developer) has no time to develop it, the best thing I can say is: you shouldn't wait for it. There are still plans to release patches for fixes et cetera.

Q: What is the current version?
A: The current version is 2.0.

Q: Where is the Guild Master?
A: Guild Master is replaced by Mayor and his location is on the boulevard, near the statue.

Q: Is there a way to wear your medals?
A: Unfortunately no. Stick them in a chest.

Q: Why is Madrid a fort? Shouldn't it be a town?
A: That was Berthout’s plan. I think it’s a fort for the sake of balance.

Q: How to forge weapons in my weaponsmith?
A: 'Talk' with the fire.

Q: Where is Moscow?
A: The town of Moscow doesn't exist in this modification.

Q: What happened to the Saint-Etiènne quest?
A: Has been removed. But you can still enter the church and search for some hidden chests!

Q: My game crashes so... many times!
A: If it's a CTD (Crash to Desktop, without error message) or something with 'vertex buffer' or a Runtime error, then lower your graphical settings. Any other error must be reported!

Q: What's the fastest way to earn money?
A: Participate in tournaments, then invest the money in houses / enterprises / shares.

Q: How to invest in enterprises?
A: Talk with the Mayor on the boulevard, near the statue.

Q: Is it possible to edit the troops and lords?
A: Of course! Download TroopEditor and edit them on yourself!

Q: Is there any guide?
A: A grand guide with information about almost every feature is going to be released in week 35 or 36. Since people encountered some problems during their early stage, I decided to release an unfinished version: Click here to download it.

Q: What's the amount of tax I get in my village per week?
A: No tax - 0 Francs
Very low - 4,150 Francs
Low - 8,300 Francs
Average - 12,450 Francs
High - 16,600 Francs
Very high - 20,750
Extreme - 24,900

Q: How do I start the grand quest or enter the Hagia Sophia?
A: Talk to the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. Click the option: "You are the Sultan?" or something similar. After you agreed, go to the menu of the town and click: "Visit the Hagia Sophia".













































We, the team and all contributors have delivered a mod, which took a lot of
effort! Just to create the ultimate gameplay for you. Now you can help us by putting one
of these banners in your signature. This helps spreading the mod and
we thank you for doing so!












Note: This is not for Warband, but for M&B!
Note: Due to improved texture quality, set your texture detail to 30% to gain Native's quality and stability!

Main File (v2.0)
Place the mod folder in "...\Mount&Blade\Modules", then play the game and have fun!

Download Link I
Download Link II
Download Link III

Patch 2.1
1. Rename folder 'Europe 1805 [v2.0]' to 'Europe 1805 [v2.1]'.
2. Copy and paste the content of the rar file to 'Europe 1805 [v2.1]'
3. Play the mod and have fun!

>> Download Link <<

Patch 2.2 (Full Mod)
1. Unpack both rar files into "...\Mount&Blade\Modules\"
3. Play the mod and have fun!



Mod Founder

Quintillius - Mod Developer
Sudi555 - Models & Textures & Beta tester

Captured Joe - Research & Contributor & Beta tester
Agovic - Research & Beta tester
Davilesh - Musket sounds
SeanBeansShako - Beta tester & Enormous Contributions
Sekum - Beta tester
Tom Bubu - Research

Bjorne - Founder of AoB series & Contributing stuff
Venitius -  Items & Add-ons
JDeNef13 - Items & Add-ons
Thufir - Items & Add-ons
Cruger - Scripts from Europe 1200
andeg - Map of Europe
Foxyman - Form Ranks kit
Martin - for the Duel kit
Lyx - (old) Random Events code
obywatel - Old map sheets textures
PsykoOps - Minimalistic Hud Crosshairs
Shredzorz - Some firearms
Mayhem - French Shakos;
Luigik - OSP weapons
RR_Raptor65k - OSP weapons
Jamesk - OSP weapons
The Popek - OSP weapons
Bismark - OSP weapons
wildhorse - OSP Horse Textures
Nikephoros - Dragoon Helmet
Renkoo - OSP Dutch houses
Chel - OSP Battlefield Add-ons
Tempered - OSP Camp Entrenchment
Lav - OSP Improved Trading
Albertus Magnus - OSP Gambling
Xenoargh - OSP Invest in Towns
Geoffrey Ashe - Talk to Village Elder
Highlander - Hunting (bugs fixed)
Zaro - Graphical Enhancement
MartinF - Deathcam
Aquil - OSP Face Textures
Johao - OSP Tavern & Street Props Set
Llew - OSP Firearms

I believe that I donated a few sound effects.  They are laying around somewhere on this part of the forum.  Let me know if you need any more voice acting in anything else.  Maybe death cries for each faction in their own language?  1866 I believe did it with the voice acting.  Also the commands would be nice to have added voice sound effects, if you really need them.

Quick edit:  Here is the old topic I made.
If you want I can start with the voice acting today.  Just say the factions that are going to need voices.  I can do some in English* and other languages such as Polish, Russian, French, and Swedish.  I will try my best in any other languages but I do not guarantee realistic accents and pronunciation.
Thank you, but there is no plan for VII currently.  First, I'd like to set up a team before I begin with the plans  :smile:.

Anyway, if the preparation is done, you will hear of us soon :wink:.


I just took a look at our current weapon sounds. They almost aren't different, so implementing your sounds would be very great :wink:!
I can be a scene editor.  Just say what you need done and I will work on it.  Just props I will not make myself.
oliver255 said:
I can be a scene editor.  Just say what you need done and I will work on it.  Just props I will not make myself.

Nice =D!
Are you interested in making town/village scenes? I'd like to redo them all with new buildings (with lesser polygons).
Quintillius said:
oliver255 said:
I can be a scene editor.  Just say what you need done and I will work on it.  Just props I will not make myself.

Nice =D!
Are you interested in making town/village scenes? I'd like to redo them all with new buildings (with lesser polygons).

Yeah sure!  Just any scene would be fun to do.  Even siege scenes for said town/fort/village scenes. 
:grin:! Siege scenes would be great, since we have a real lack of it. :wink:

I am currently modeling the new house props, so stay tuned :wink:!
Also, I will add some separate ornaments to make varation possible.

New images:


Pretty!  Should I make the street plans accurate to history?  Such as in Paris, there are long roads with the same building colour, style, shape, and other important tidbits?
Or should I only make town squares such as the one in Brussels?
I can actually do the model for that one.  I love Grand'Place!

These are just some examples.  You can name all the locations and I can try to make a few models. 
Do as you feel! Berthout wanted scenes with large boulevards, but if you like to make long roads, that would be nice too =).

You better can keep varation in your scenes. So this scene has a large boulevard, that scene long roads and the other scene this =)!

By the way, making the streets as historical accurate as possible as long I am going to use the same city model for more cities (like Berthout did)

I still can make some 'special' buildings for the capitals if you want, like the large dome of the St. Peter's Basilica at the background in Rome.

P.S: I really love Grand'Place.

I so far got the main tower thing done in the Grand'Palace but I do not want to spoil anything so I will not post pictures.  :razz:

P.S.  If you are new to modeling, it is hard.
I ran into a problem modeling the Town Hall in the Grand'Place.  You know the statues on the walls and tower?  I am afraid the model of that one building would take up too much space if I was to do every single statue.  Would it be fine if I just made semi-cylinder (cylinder cut down from top to bottom) and put a picture of the statue on that part as a decal?  I have no problem modeling the statues in but it is mostly just a memory issue.
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