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Do you support the Europe 1805 - II version?

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SeanBeansShako said:
Speaking of travel, how is moving across the english channel, Irish sea and around other bodies of water going to happen?

Will you need to hire a boat to get you and your men across? what happens if you get attacked?

That coach model is lovely by the way.

Thanks! Ehm... I am not going to spend a lot of my time to make ships and scripts, just for some water.

sudi555 said:
What about attacking foreign coach?  capture an important person and then ask for ransom...
Sounds like something I need to check again right before release.  :wink:
Quintillius said:
SeanBeansShako said:
Speaking of travel, how is moving across the english channel, Irish sea and around other bodies of water going to happen?

Will you need to hire a boat to get you and your men across? what happens if you get attacked?

That coach model is lovely by the way.

Thanks! Ehm... I am not going to spend a lot of my time to make ships and scripts, just for some water.
Right you are. As far as I know, there was no piracy on these rather busy waterways. Maybe on the distand oceans there was a privateer or two, but not so close to the continent. (Anyone watched Master and Commander: The far side of the world? :wink:)
I just remember in the first beta armies casually flitting back and forth across the water and curious if they'd do that still.
Yeah, there were certain routes over water that could be used by armies/parties to cross the water. But there were no sea-battles in the latest version AFAIK.

But it may be interesting to try and make a scene for a (static) sea-battle, I think.
(I always hated the sea-battles with moving boats, like in Ruthven's original mod, but the static ones, like those in Struggle for Bermia and Gabrilduro's 1776 American Revolution mod could be nice. Give the boats a less viking-ish look, get some gun props on them, and it could fit in the mod, maybe.)
Captured Joe said:
Yeah, there were certain routes over water that could be used by armies/parties to cross the water. But there were no sea-battles in the latest version AFAIK.

But it may be interesting to try and make a scene for a (static) sea-battle, I think.
(I always hated the sea-battles with moving boats, like in Ruthven's original mod, but the static ones, like those in Struggle for Bermia and Gabrilduro's 1776 American Revolution mod could be nice. Give the boats a less viking-ish look, get some gun props on them, and it could fit in the mod, maybe.)

Well the Battle of Trafalgar happened in 1805, so it would really fit! I was already thinking
of this - with moving ships - but that would take weeks to implement  :lol:.

Why do you hate moving ships? A bit too laggy  :razz:?
Static scenes need a ship, spawnpoints and that's it. So... maybe...

On the other side, replacing map party icon by ship icon doesn't really work, so - image how your
troops swim - swim through the water to England!
Quintillius said:
Why do you hate moving ships? A bit too laggy  :razz:?
I remember standing with my men on several Longboats (in Ruthven's Fury of Odin mod), with occasionally one of my soldiers falling off and drowning, and I was waiting for ages 'till I could get close enough to an enemy boat to be able to board them. Sometimes I could just wait forever, without engaging the enemy at all! :mad: And when (or IF) my boat had finally came board top board with an enemy ship, there were still gaps between them that prevented the bots to board and fight effectively, and became deadly traps in which I got stuck and made me sink.


Quintillius said:
On the other side, replacing map party icon by ship icon doesn't really work, so - image how your
troops swim - swim through the water to England!
You don't have to replace the icon, IMO. In Nikephoros' Struggle for Bermia, you can 'walk' over the water, but when you encounter enemies, you can choose either to engage them and board ship (which takes you to a static scene with some ships lying board-to-board), or land on the coast (which takes you to another scene with your troops scattered on a beach, with some ship props around, and the enemy coming up from behind those); the usual 'surrender', 'retreat', etc. options were also available of course.

And about swimming -- I remember reading about a Frenchman of the Old Guard making plans to train dolphins to carry the French troops across the channel! :mrgreen:
It'd be nice if there was map with two static frigates tangled up you could fight ontop if you got caught up in a battle over the travel channels.

Well if we speak about static ship combat then I am going crazy.  :neutral: 
Seriously. It is horrible.
My problem with static ships is that the actual ship is TOO small and all in all it's just not nice. I mean there is a lot of places you get stuck on, and you can barely move if you have like 50 VS 50 battle on them... I would like to see static ship fighting on like 5th rate or 4th rate ship.  :wink:
Update: "Influence - Way to power!"

Always wanted to gain influence? To control lords with money, gifts or just
persuasion! And not only friendly lords, enemy lords too!
I've made that possible now! Only in Europe 1805!

- Influence – Way to power!
* Influence Points are points you can gain from lords, invest these points in return of 
  some actions!

Get influence points by:
* Bribing.
* Donating money.
* Buy a gift and give it (the better your trade skill, the lesser it costs)!
* Persuading (most effective and increased skill = increased chance)
* Show your army to him (max. 2x á day) !
* Let him know how much honour you have earned by quests (max. 2x á day) !
* You get influence daily. Amount depends on your class.

Spend your Influence Points to lords
* Let lord follow player.
* Let lord follow someone.
* Increase your relation with lord.
* Join faction – even if your current faction is at war.
* Order him to raid an enemy village!
* Order him to return to a town.
* Influence him to attack a party.
* Control him to siege a town!
* Get so much influence you become nation’s Marshall!

* Order lords of your faction and… foreign lords! They take more Influence Points to   
control. You can even control enemy lords if you want! But they take 3x standard amount of Influence Points to control! The only lords who cannot be influenced are faction leaders!









- My party size was 1 and my honour points 0, so there won't be any influence added.
- Last image, see how that party travels to Brugge!
- Some English language errors have been fixed =X.
- That lord liked my speech, huh!  :lol:

Update: "Improved Trade Goods"

"Thanks to Lav for his wonderful script! He makes trading a lot
better and funnier."

* More than a dozen various item modifiers are enabled for trade goods and food 
  items, directly affecting their prices and morale values.
* As most modifiers noticeably increase item prices, average profit per inventory slot
  grows proportionally, turning trading into a very lucrative business.
* Food morale values are also affected - stuff your inventory with exquisite foods to
  make your men happy! If you can afford the price of course. Very cheap food make
  you men unhappy.
* Finally, there's also a slight tweak to the "Deliver grain to village" quest. Trust me - if
  you bring those peasants large bags of grain instead of regular ones, they will be
* Added new food & goods (3 types of wine, medicine, beer, fish, fruit, grapes, flax, 
  wool cloth, raw silk, dyes, furniture and tea)!







SeanBeansShako said:
Oh god I'm getting more and more excited each time I visit this thread. When will you be working on the trailer for it?

And this makes my more excited to make more stuff  :razz:!
Trailer will be released at week 34/35, but earlier is possible.
Quintillius said:
SeanBeansShako said:
Oh god I'm getting more and more excited each time I visit this thread. When will you be working on the trailer for it?

And this makes my more excited to make more stuff  :razz:!
Trailer will be released at week 34/35, but earlier is possible.

I'm pretty damn excited, I don't suppose you'll tell us what music from the 18th century your picked for it? or will that be a surprise?
Kind of music is still a secret. I have already some good pieces, but if you have suggestions... They are welcome!

By the way, week 33/34 is bèta period! And week 35 is release week!

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