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Do you support the Europe 1805 - II version?

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Captured Joe said:
Then maybe re-install the mod instead of the game (M&B) might be a better idea?
Or have I already said that?

Or maybe it's just the smoke...

I already re-installed the mod, and good idea of the smoke, is the smoke patch for Age of blackpowder also for 1805!? didn't knew that...
Captured Joe, I need your help!

Can you please find some images of Swedish Dragoons? I barely can find some good examples with Google. Even if I search in Swedish language.



All that I could find myself... Googled it and on the first page wham :grin:

Edit :
Addon :



Google is ur friend :wink: <3
Agovic said:
That uniform is from the Russo-Swedish war of 1788-1790.

The next 2 are just wrong, I can see that.

The last ones... bad pictures IMO. Knötel is infinitely better:
Captured Joe said:
Another Knötel; Swedish Heavy Cavalry:

Knötel's Swedish light cavalry:

Source for the Knötel ones: http://www.grosser-generalstab.de/tafeln/knoetel.html

Swedish horse guard regiments:

As you can see in the last plate, there are different types of uniform coat used there. The one worn by the white-coated officer in the foreground appears to be of the newer 1807 model, while the others are of the older model worn in 1805.
In Sweden and Danemark-Norway, it was common practice to replace the uniforms not by new ones unless they were falling to bits. So in 1807 many soldiers were still dressed in the 1803/1805 model uniforms.
(Just like in 1940, during the German invasion, many Danish units still wore their WW1 black greatcoats and brown leather belts.)

BTW: Sweden had only 1 hussar regiment, the (apparently famous?) Mörner Hussars.

Did you see the white scarfs around the officers' left arms? All officers in the Swedish army wore those, as a remembrance of the coup of 1772 (in which Gustav III became absolute monarch), where it was used as a fieldsign (token of remembrance).

In this site you can see the high variety of uniforms within the Swedish cavalry; almost every regiment seems to had his own uniform (uniforms here ore of 1810 onward, though!).

11sparky11 said:
Those pictures look like they were drawn by a five year old. :razz:
This gives me an idea... :twisted:
Oh my... my internet just crashed and my post which I was writing is gone... I feel bad now...

Whatever, I start again. I just about an hour ago scanned some pages from Uniformen in Kleur (written by Preben Kannik, Amsterdam 1969; vertaald uit het deens).

Some Swedish and Danish uniforms:
(only the right-hand Swede (and the headgear of the Dane on the left), have uniforms for the 1805 period; the uniform of the Dane on the right hasn't much chanced since 1805...)

The description of the Swedish Dragoon, in Dutch, is rather usefull I think:
Regiment Smalandse lichte dragonders, dragonder, 1808
De Zweedse cavalerie kon op grond van de nieuwe uniformbepalingen nauwelijks tot een uniform uiterlijk komen. In 1799 werd het jak met de korte gemarkeerde opslagen ingevoerd. De knoopsjerp, de zogenaamde huzarensjerp, [in de afbeelding geel] was reeds in 1795 bij alle regimenten dragonders ingevoerd en in hetzelfde jaar werd bepaald dat de gehele cavalerie met sabeltassen uitgeruist moest worden. De huzaarachtige muts werd in 1794 ingevoerd. Bij de dagelijkse dienst en als het koud was werden sinds 1794 donkerblauwe rijbroeken met leren stukken gedragen. [...]

The description of the Swedish infantry may also be usefull, although the illustrated uniform is of a later model:
Regiment Kalmar, infanterist, 1814
De Zweedse infanterie, waarvan de uniformen in 1792 nog ten dele uit de tijd van voor 1779 dateerden, kregen in 1798 jassen met opslagen, die tot de taille dichtgeknoopt konden worden. De ronde hoge hoed was hoger geworden [dus na die van 1788-90, die door Agovic getoond word] en werd voorzien van een geelkoperen band, waarop aan de voorkant het koninklijk monogram of het regimentswapen was aangebracht. In 1806 werden de opslagen afgeschaft en de jas van een sluiting met een rij knopen voorzien. [...]
Het is begrijpelijk, dat deze zo snel op elkaar volgende veranderingen grote verwarring stichtten, vooral omdat de nieuwe uniformen niet aangeschaft mochten worden voordat de oude uniformen waren versleten. Verschillende regimenten volgden de instructies niet op, maar hadden hun uniformen voorzien van een kraag en mouwomslagen in de oude regimentskleuren.

In this book there are some more usefull plates I think, I can post these too if you want.
I am happy to see the new swedish troops awaiting to be implemented! :wink: Those old ones were...pissing me off (literally XD ) :razz:
Update: "The Swedish Army"

"De hafva aldrig wikit eller för sin egen dehl tappadt"
They have never retreated or by their own actions lost

Swedish Infantry

Swedish Officer

Swedish Dragoon

Finnish Marksman
I guess I just equip them some engineer uniform, unless you find some really good picture of them. Then I can consider making a uniform for them.
Quintillius said:
Update: "The Swedish Army"

"De hafva aldrig wikit eller för sin egen dehl tappadt"
They have never retreated or by their own actions lost

Swedish Infantry

Swedish Officer

Swedish Dragoon

Finnish Marksman
I guess I just equip them some engineer uniform, unless you find some really good picture of them. Then I can consider making a uniform for them.

Huzzah!  :lol: Great job!

Captured Joe said:
Yes, their top hats were ugly, weren't they? :smile:

Yeah, they were, to be honest, very ugly. The problem was there was  one uniform & hat for them only but they didn't fit together very well so in the end it wasn't nice.  :razz:
Great! I love them! :grin:

Quintillius said:
Finnish Marksman
I guess I just equip them some engineer uniform, unless you find some really good picture of them. Then I can consider making a uniform for them.

Just found this:

(Found these with google; so apparently Google is indeed your friend. But I already knew the unifroms, thanks to Hat's good accuracy, I just needed better pictures.)

And from this Hat site:
Finnish Sharpshooters
Besides the designated sharpshooters of the line infantry regiments, there were special sharpshooter regiments of enlisted professionals. In Finland there were three of these: the Savolax Rifle Regiment (Savolax jägarregemente), the Nyland Rifle Batallion (Nylands jägarbatalion) and the Carelian Rifle Corps (Karelska jägarkåren). In wintertime these were also issued with skies. During most of the 1808-09 Russo Swedish war the Finnish sharpshooters appear to have worn the 1802-regulation uniform, which is hear shown with the distinctive deep green shako particular to the Finnish jägare. It had a large black peak that could be turned up, which is shown on these figures. The plume is green. To the 1802-regulation an ordinary belt - black for the jägare - was worn with a square plain brass buckle, which easily could be painted. These particular figures, however, are depicted with the new 1807-regulation yellow sash with two blue stripes. The gaiters are black with brass buttons. The uniform is in mid or lighter grey and brass buttons. The lapels, collar, cuffs and turnbacks are deep green piped white. The front tips of the collar are decorated with a thin semicircular white round lace that would form a complete circle if one were to press the collar together.

If swapping heads with the line-infantry-man you basically have a Finnish line-infantry soldier in an 1802-regulation uniform, which would still have been worn by many Finnish regiments during the war of 1808-09. Most Finnish line-regiments appear to have had their uniforms in mid-grey with the lapels, collars, cuffs and turnbacks in mid blue, with one single shoulder strap in the coat's colour on the left shoulder. The belting was now ordered to be black, but many regiments appear to have kept or not changed their previous white belting. The rifle-sling was now temporarily red. A sabre was still worn similar to that of the guards. If painting the coat dark-blue, with buff yellow lapels, collar, cuffs, turnbacks and breeches you will have a uniform of the Finnish Österbotten's regiment, which also would have been what many national Swedish regiments looked like, except that their breeches would have been white or dark-blue. Although a yellow plume had now been adopted by most - the 1802-regulation stated it to be white with white straps on the upturned brim. Most jägare of the line infantry appear to have had deep-green coats and breeches with facings as their regiments'.

Finnish Sharpshooters
The shako is in deep green with a black upturned peak and green plume. The coat is in mid-grey with lapels, collar, cuffs and turnbacks in deep green piped white, buttons in brass. The front tips of the collar are decorated with a thin semicircular white round lace that would form a complete circle if the collar were pressed together. The gaiters are black with brass buttons. The belt either painted black with a brass buckle or a yellow sash with two mid blue stripes, as made on the figure.

There were three Finnish sharpshooter regiments: the Savolax Rifle Regiment (Savolax jägarregemente), the Nyland Rifle Batallion (Nylands jägarbatalion) and the Carelian Rifle Corps (Karelska jägarkåren
(So, in 1802 already the Finns wore that uniform; The peak of the shako could be turned up, but you can use normal shakos in-game IMO, because then they would be down.)

EDIT: Maybe you can use a grey coat for both the Finns and the Mercenary horsemen?
Also: The Danish Grenadiers apparently used the same bearskin hats (with peak) as the Austrians.
And the Danish top hats were the same style as the Swedish ones.

Damn, did you say 'engineer uniform'? The Austrian engineers used grey coats like that too! :shock:
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