Beta Patch Notes v1.1.0

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hey TW

-no feasts or events.
-no claimants/usurpers
-randomly generated companions < jeremus
-no promised gang/brigand playstyle
-villages don't count as fiefs, only useless castles and town do.
-no upgradable villages
-no manhunters
-no naval combat
-RtR system from Warband discarded, a clown could become a faction leader overnight.
-no books or trainers.
-no hitmens targeting you/random encounters like the belligerent drunk.
-no lords consipiring on each others, no duels. 0 political intrigue.
-no political quests and denouncement quests.
-no deserters
-no deeper courtships, just gamble rng, no poems.
-no real reason to visit towns/castle/villages at all.
-no camping.
-lots of other content removed/discarded.
-meme ingame economy.
-meme ingame diplomacy.
-lots of exploit-early game is a chore/boring.
-meme mid-late game
This list is so strange to me...

  • No naval combat: A system that was not in the prior game - nor ever promised as part of this game.
  • RtR: A system that has quite clearly been replaced by the clan tier system. Your comments on become faction leader are untrue; because of this system. The only major difference between the two is Warbands RtR was a softcap, bannerlords a hard cap (and family based).
  • No Deserters: Except there are deserters as part of quest missions, there are rebel factions and military units can be found as part of bandit parties?
  • No Camping: As in the mechanic where you stand still and pass time....?
  • No gang playstyle: Except the gang playstyle TW just added in this patch?
  • No usurpers: Except there is a full rebellion mechanic implemented into the game?
There's much I'd like to see improved - but people really need to be honest with themselves and their requests. This list is just factually wrong.

As a final note - I personally much perfer the random companions as it adds another dynamism to the game. Set companions are fun for the first1-3 playe throughs; and then become just set stat bloks that you pick from.
This list is so strange to me...

  • No naval combat: A system that was not in the prior game - nor ever promised as part of this game.
  • RtR: A system that has quite clearly been replaced by the clan tier system. Your comments on become faction leader are untrue; because of this system. The only major difference between the two is Warbands RtR was a softcap, bannerlords a hard cap (and family based).
  • No Deserters: Except there are deserters as part of quest missions, there are rebel factions and military units can be found as part of bandit parties?
  • No Camping: As in the mechanic where you stand still and pass time....?
  • No gang playstyle: Except the gang playstyle TW just added in this patch?
  • No usurpers: Except there is a full rebellion mechanic implemented into the game?
There's much I'd like to see improved - but people really need to be honest with themselves and their requests. This list is just factually wrong.

As a final note - I personally much perfer the random companions as it adds another dynamism to the game. Set companions are fun for the first1-3 playe throughs; and then become just set stat bloks that you pick from.
But if we have to refer to what the developers have promised : nothing at all

there is no roadmap, no word of Armagan or a developer about this subject unless i missed one

the development is done blind, it was always like this before the game was released and even if I haven't been on the forum for a while in my opinion it hasn't changed now
Well, I suppose, they could've simply reveal the age of other characters then? Make it so the fog does not hide it from the player.
At a minimum yes. Age for a spouse hunt can´t be a secret. Usually i avoid spouses with charm. The complain about raiding. But that secret one can live with it. But not knowing or seeing the age is just horrible. Even with compainions age tell alittle of their level and skill. Higher age should mean higher level.
But i think a small patch will come soon.
Found 4 bugs so far.
Missing daughter quest don't offer a companion (only tried one quest so searching for a second to confirm). Could have been removed to avoid a dubble.
Renown seems bugged.
Something is up with marriage. I always pick Zuad as a spouse in my games. And the first courting was a success. When it was time for the second try she just rejected me. Thought it was a something new becuase she was in an army. So reloaded and waited for the war to end. Same reply. Wasent even offered to do the courting game. So this is new. Will make a new game and try again.
And wanderers teleport too quick.

"Lucon of the Northern Empire has been taken prisoner by the northern empire."

An odd message. I went and looked at the castle, he's currently under siege by the Khuzaits, sitting at 1% health. He remained at 1% health for the duration of the siege, which was about 5 days.

I wonder if this is siege sortie-related? Not that it's a serious issue.

Also, I didn't see this in patch notes (maybe I missed it), but good job to whoever at Taleworlds decided to distribute the new armour pieces to the troops!!
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Also, I didn't see this in patch notes (maybe I missed it), but good job to whoever at Taleworlds decided to distribute the new armour pieces to the troops!!
Love the new Faris and Mameluke Guards. Would be cool though if you could also use some of the newer shoulder parts for the Vlandians (although the Sergeant's Imperial Cloak got replaced by a Scale Shoulder piece).

Additionally it would be nice if the other Aserai high tier troops could get a visual upgrade to keep in line with the new brass look.
Missing daughter quest don't offer a companion (only tried one quest so searching for a second to confirm). Could have been removed to avoid a dubble.
Oh no.
I hope this is just some new bug, or oversight, and this feature is restored pronto.
Milking " The Missing Daughters " has lately become a most engaging part of the game for me.
Like a dating app.
All my companions are hand - picked, for looks, eventually, from a passing parade of applicants.

Thinking about it, I realise this Quest ( ie with its companion reward trick ) is, after 2 years and some 400 hours of BL already, the one side-show amusement that can still hold my interest ............ if there is a save - scumming, " companion roulette", exploit in there, it is indeed a game - enhancing one, making " Wants his daughter found " some sort of talent quest ( well, beauty contest ), even an echo of The Rift in Dragon's Dogma.

Please TW leave it be, for us Epicureans and fantasists who choose, are compelled even, to explore it.
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there is no roadmap, no word of Armagan or a developer about this subject unless i missed one
You must have missed them :smile: [current]

You can easily browse the many smaller blogs and updates here
Not a fan of fog of war to be honest because it doesn’t make sense lore wise. In Warband it would because you were an outsider who came to Calradia to look for his fortune but in Bannerlord you’re already a Calradian from birth so unless you lived under a rock for 22 years, you should have heard enough information about who is who, at least about nobles of the faction you’re a part of.

Nevertheless it’s a beefy patch and apparently result of a long time work. Well done.
I havent played it yet, but does the fog of war makes you seek EVERY town including your own faction? Maybe every town in your faction should be known to you and the big tier lords.

An option to ask Lords and Ladies about their family could help here, and an NPC in Warband told you who were marriageable in that kingdom, but it could be replaced by asking the taverner here. I also remember it was very cool fighting for the hand of someone and having conflicts inside a faction, I hope that gets more attention in the next patches.
This list is so strange to me...

  • No naval combat: A system that was not in the prior game - nor ever promised as part of this game.
  • RtR: A system that has quite clearly been replaced by the clan tier system. Your comments on become faction leader are untrue; because of this system. The only major difference between the two is Warbands RtR was a softcap, bannerlords a hard cap (and family based).
  • No Deserters: Except there are deserters as part of quest missions, there are rebel factions and military units can be found as part of bandit parties?
  • No Camping: As in the mechanic where you stand still and pass time....?
  • No gang playstyle: Except the gang playstyle TW just added in this patch?
  • No usurpers: Except there is a full rebellion mechanic implemented into the game?
There's much I'd like to see improved - but people really need to be honest with themselves and their requests. This list is just factually wrong.

As a final note - I personally much perfer the random companions as it adds another dynamism to the game. Set companions are fun for the first1-3 playe throughs; and then become just set stat bloks that you pick from.
the elephant in the room
I'm loving this patch, but the fog of war should be adjusted for the player's culture and background to make it more realistic (or optional). Being a character from a family of urban merchants should lift the fog for factions of your culture, while a nomad or a farmer should only have it partially lifted.

For example, it makes little sense for an Empire-culture character from a merchant background not to know the familial status of members of the Pethros and Nereztes clan when they were the ruling Imperial dynasties over the Empire for the past few decades. Historically, such info would be common knowledge; so-and-so is the ruler's brother, so-and-so is the ruler's nephew, so-and-so is the former ruler's son, and so on.

Likewise, suppose that you're a Khuzait-culture character from the parental background of a noyans kinsfolk. In that case, you should likewise know the family relationships and fiefs for the other Khuzait lords off the bat - after all, your parents probably feasted and fought with them on campaigns. That information would probably make its way to the player character by the time the game starts.

Caravans should also assist in information-gathering. Rulers historically employed merchants as spies along routes like the Silk Road, so if I'm a Vlandian lord and sending a caravan eastward, I should also be getting information back about who owns what fief and "discovering" the governors and notables of each town it stops in.

I wonder if TW is already planning this, but fog of war should also be placed to some extent over the map events. Even though rumors about battles and sieges still traveled through the medieval world (esp. in more centralized regions like the Byzantine Empire), you wouldn't know specifics like "XYZ lord got captured by ABC lord" .etc.

Since you're running around the place, there should still be details popping up like "Amprela is under siege", "four Vlandian lords got captured by the Sturgians, and one of them died in battle", or "a member of the Khergit clan has married a member of the Neretzes clan" but not to the extent that you get now. Still, fantastic job!
This beta is a total mess, sounds good on paper from the notes but it's not really playable. First thing is that about 1/3 of potential heroes have disappeared from the game in the first year. Second, and even worse, is that reported battle renown is not actually added to the total renown in the party tab. This is with a new game and no mods and no cheats, just default campaign mode.
Ogólnie dobre zmiany, ale nie widziałem tam zmiany koloru konia ani wyglądu brata/rodziny. Lub nawet samo tworzenie postaci wyświetla rzeczywisty wzrost twojego brata...:smutny:

Będę chciał rozpocząć nową grę dla tych zmian, ale przechodzenie przez długą serię restartów ze względu na moje szczególne preferencje estetyczne jest brutalne.
I want this to creating family members and even and wives.
Obervation on fog of war feature: I've noticed in YouTube videos that NPCs which the player has never met before have negative relations with the player from the onset (-3, for example). I assume it would be correct the set the default at 0, as it does not make sense for someone who you've never met before to dislike you. Such penalty should be applied only the moment you talk to them (taking in coount personal traits, political choices or events).
just found a new expression “heavy hit”in several weapon perks like in Hammer bolt perk for crossbow, could you explain what is a “heavy hit”?
Obervation on fog of war feature: I've noticed in YouTube videos that NPCs which the player has never met before have negative relations with the player from the onset (-3, for example). I assume it would be correct the set the default at 0, as it does not make sense for someone who you've never met before to dislike you. Such penalty should be applied only the moment you talk to them (taking in coount personal traits, political choices or events).
I'm assuming that this is due to the player and the NPCs having opposing traits, because some notables in villages would have negative relations with you at the start of the game depending on your character creation choices. You're right of course, any relationship bonus or malus should be applied after meeting that person. Although there's also an argument to be made about your traits reflecting your reputation, and in this case it does kinda make some sense to apply any relation modifier due to traits before meeting the person as a form of prejudice by the npcs (though then in that case we can argue that we need to at least be clan tier 1 to be somewhat reputable).
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