Another bug detected.
In 1.1.0 (unlike 1.0.3) when I smith weapons with active Experienced smith and Master smith perks, which adds with 5% chance to crafted weapons properties some extra values like +2 to swing speed, +3 to swing damage, +1 to handling etc. These enhancements persist only till next save/load game. Once I save game and load again there no more +2 to swing speed, +3 to swing damage, +1 to handling on my crafted weapons. I believe that the same is true for the crafted weapons penalties that happen when you craft a weapon without meeting its difficulty requirements. So any noob smith can craft weapon of any difficulty then just save and load game again, and there are no penalties on the crafted weapon properties, they disappear. Its like in Kazakhstan bazars, when I buy 1 kg nuts and come home and check weight there are less than 1 kg. maybe 800 g, same feeling with this game's Smithing feature. :\
Also I crafted Two-handed Axe with length 142, after saving/loading game it length increased to 145, of course with degradation its swing speed.
It looks like the OverrideData for crafted weapons is not saving properly.
It seems to me that you don't have unit-tests for your projects.
Why not to cover all critical features of the game with unit-tests so next time when you fix one bug you don't produce another one, at least for those features that worked fine.