Beta Patch Notes v1.2.0-v1.2.6

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Having a maximum amount of damage a weapon can block would bring some issues, like the player not being able to determine if they can block the incoming attack or not, thus turning it into a gamble, which is undesirable.
However, not being able to block with a dagger as much or as well as with other, let`s say more conventional weapons, makes sense, we`ll bring this up.
I don't think it's a problem if it follows common sense and is somehow generous. It could actually give an interesting gameplay balance to different weapons, like bladed weapons being more affected by armor, but being able to block more than non-bladed weapons, and smaller weapons being faster but being weaker on block.

The amount of damage blocked could be a base statistic of the weapon (calculated from weight, size and balance, just like the other values are calculated during blacksmithing), and would be increased by the skill in the weapon category, control and strength (with the final total being shown on the character sheet). I don't see how it's more of a gamble than the crush-through, which is already implemented while being weirder, much more obscure and less universal.
At least this mechanism would work for everything and would be easily exposed to the player, while being easily understandable.
When it's ready.

Beta v1.2.5 is undergoing fixes we identified during the tests - we'll be pushing it out once they have been resolved.
When it's ready in November? Sounds promising

When it's ready.
I do not really appreciate the tone of 'When it's ready.', but i will give you the benefit of the doubt as it is hard to convey feelings through text.

However, if that tone is on purpose, I suppose you might be quite frustrated at the lack of progress and the state the game is in, it is understandable. I assure you we all feel the same...
When it's ready in November? Sounds promising

I do not really appreciate the tone of 'When it's ready.', but i will give you the benefit of the doubt as it is hard to convey feelings through text.

However, if that tone is on purpose, I suppose you might be quite frustrated at the lack of progress and the state the game is in, it is understandable. I assure you we all feel the same...

November is November, and ready when ready is... when it's ready. Should be simple enough that.
I will never understand why TW cannot commit to actual deadlines. How are things ever managed over there? Do they not have any senior leadership telling them that specific progress goals must be met or is this how things are done in Turkey? I can say that if I ever told my boss my project or current job will be completed by "when its ready" I would be told to provide a date and be held accountable by it. But I guess when you are a gaming dev standards must be much lower
1) Obviously, non-developpers will have a problem with modding that requires developper knowledge. Who would have guessed.
2) The entire point is precisely that C# is simpler than C, while you promote C over C# on the grounds of complexity.
So your whole sarcasm is some sort of shooting yourself in the foot and you seem to have trouble not just with C# but with basic reading comprehension and logical thinking.
No, I pointing out that C# is complex language that average gamers would have difficulty learning, case in point, take 5 gamers, give them C# then ask them to create a mod by the end of day , how many would succeed ? Answer ZERO ! Show that same group SQL and how it works on a DB and how many would have added a new weapon / item or even a new faction ? Probably about 3 - 5 !

Saying procedural is simpler than OOP is pretty simplistic to begin with. Like many things in software development, it might be a bit more complex to start, but it ends up making work vastly simpler. I don't even want to imagine how coding Bannerlord in procedural C would be.
I'm sorry Mr. Wonderful, no, most gamers would not find OOP, C++ or C# simple. (unless they have a degree from a University)

Not to add that C# doesn't have to bother with memory management, pointers and other complex safety concerns that C had.

Yeah, because novice gamers won't have trouble with setting up a SQL server and dealing with SQL queries. That's just common novice gamer knowledge.

That's Piss weak argument right there, setting Up SQL server probably would have already been done by an admin etc "Dealing with SQL queries" ????? common text files ? really.

Mate, just be honest. You learned things in the past for which you got expertise and as such are simple for you, you can't be bothered to learn new things now and as such they are complex for you. That's fine. No problem here. I wouldn't be able nor willing to code anything in Assembly either.
But don't throw BS like "C# is too complex compared to C" or "XML is too complex compared to SQL" (like seriously ?) or implying that "novice gamers" would be able to deal with either modding in SQL or C. All that is just idiotically wrong.
I've already given examples were CIV uses SQL to simply mod the game. No programming degree needed.

Bannerlords has many faults, but the modding is not one of them, it's absolutely magnificent, and for the very reasons you complain about. Your preferences would make it ten times worse, no more accessible and vastly more limited.

For people like you ,who know C#, sure, but unfortunately not many gamers have these skills. For every Mr. Wonderful there are 50 gamers without programming skills.

In Bannerlord I can whip up Visual Studio, rewrite the code of any exposed method, make it a mod and change how the game is working.
In 20 mn I can change the damage formula to make armor count. In one hour, I can decide to give my Leadership skill the ability to give XP to my men each day.
Good luck doing this with SQL in a simpler manner.
Good for you, Mr Wonderful. Lets see a novice gamer do that ?
I will never understand why TW cannot commit to actual deadlines. How are things ever managed over there? Do they not have any senior leadership telling them that specific progress goals must be met or is this how things are done in Turkey? I can say that if I ever told my boss my project or current job will be completed by "when its ready" I would be told to provide a date and be held accountable by it. But I guess when you are a gaming dev standards must be much lower

Curious, what do you work with/as? Fixing code and hunting down bugs isn't as easy to just decide it's done Friday next week...

If they release it with glaring bugs and issues, you would be the first in line to throw shade at them for release when it's not ready right?
Enable exp earning on community servers, how am I supposed to play with 200 ping on the official servers to earn xp and coins?
We don't have any plans on this at the moment, unfortunately, due to the moddability of custom servers and Multiplayer in general. Changing various parameters could allow for easy loot to be gained.
I do not really appreciate the tone of 'When it's ready.', but i will give you the benefit of the doubt as it is hard to convey feelings through text.
Oh sorry we have been annoying you with that, my lord.
Not at all, just don't have much else to share at this point.
Do we know what changes we can expect going from 1.2.4 (Beta) to 1.2.5 (Beta)?

Is it just bug fixing or some bigger changes coming as well?
Other changes as well, we've shared some in the Community Tales #3.
No, I pointing out that C# is complex language that average gamers would have difficulty learning, case in point, take 5 gamers, give them C# then ask them to create a mod by the end of day , how many would succeed ? Answer ZERO ! Show that same group SQL and how it works on a DB and how many would have added a new weapon / item or even a new faction ? Probably about 3 - 5 !
So, first off, saying "case in point" then not providing a case but a made up situation... yeah okay.
"Create a mod" is such a broad definition but lets run with what you said after - adding a weapon or faction. You do not need to know C# to do either. It's all XML, which, as a markup language, is simpler than SQL, even if you personally disagree for whatever laughable reason.

I'm sorry Mr. Wonderful, no, most gamers would not find OOP, C++ or C# simple. (unless they have a degree from a University)
OOP and the basics of C# are fairly simple. It's more to learn than writing a SQL query, sure, but it's also far more powerful. As the guy above already pointed out, not having to deal with manual memory management, pointers etc. does make C# easier to get into than C, even if you personally disagree for whatever laughable reason.

That's Piss weak argument right there, setting Up SQL server probably would have already been done by an admin etc "Dealing with SQL queries" ????? common text files ? really.
"An admin" helping you to mod? 🤔
For the sake of completeness though - I agree that "you have to set up a SQL server" is a bad argument as the game will most likely ship its own.

Now as for "common text files"... So you write your queries in a text file, fine. How does the game (lets say CIV) go to read them? I'm assuming you have to tell it somewhere... in a config file perhaps? Sounds like that oh-so-dangerous XML creeping up again... Or maybe place it in a special folder? That's pretty unintuitive, too, no? Man SQL modding is so hard!

I've already given examples were CIV uses SQL to simply mod the game. No programming degree needed.
Yeah, CIV is not Bannerlord and if you think Bannerlord could run purely on SQL then that's the end of this conversation for me because that's just ridiculous. The game is not just an overworld map, hint hint.

There are also plenty of people that have figured out how to use C# or other programming languages without a uni degree. Stop making this sound harder than it is. It's not 1990 anymore.

For people like you ,who know C#, sure, but unfortunately not many gamers have these skills. For every Mr. Wonderful there are 50 gamers without programming skills.

Good for you, Mr Wonderful. Lets see a novice gamer do that ?
Ok? So what? Not everyone wants to make their own mods anyway? Most people will have to learn something to get into modding the game. Be that just how the game works internally or a "full" programming language.

At that point, you might as well learn a good, powerful tool rather than something that stops at letting you add weapons and factions.

I've met a lot of ridiculous people on this forum, but you might genuinely be #1.
So, first off, saying "case in point" then not providing a case but a made up situation... yeah okay.
"Create a mod" is such a broad definition but lets run with what you said after - adding a weapon or faction. You do not need to know C# to do either. It's all XML, which, as a markup language, is simpler than SQL, even if you personally disagree for whatever laughable reason.
The point being a newbie could get alot of work done in game design and adding new data rather than wasting time learning to code !
OOP and the basics of C# are fairly simple.
A lie, but ok, we have Mr Wonderful 2.
It's more to learn than writing a SQL query, sure, but it's also far more powerful.
Stating the obvious but ignoring the issue.
As the guy above already pointed out, not having to deal with manual memory management, pointers etc. does make C# easier to get into than C, even if you personally disagree for whatever laughable reason.
I never said Bannerlord should be coded in "C", i just said it's a procedural language and easier than C++ / C#
"An admin" helping you to mod? 🤔
For the sake of completeness though - I agree that "you have to set up a SQL server" is a bad argument as the game will most likely ship its own.

Now as for "common text files"... So you write your queries in a text file, fine. How does the game (lets say CIV) go to read them? I'm assuming you have to tell it somewhere... in a config file perhaps? Sounds like that oh-so-dangerous XML creeping up again... Or maybe place it in a special folder? That's pretty unintuitive, too, no? Man SQL modding is so hard!
Stupid joke accepted.
Yeah, CIV is not Bannerlord and if you think Bannerlord could run purely on SQL then that's the end of this conversation for me because that's just ridiculous. The game is not just an overworld map, hint hint.
it all depends how you DESIGN your code. You obviously don't understand.
There are also plenty of people that have figured out how to use C# or other programming languages without a uni degree. Stop making this sound harder than it is. It's not 1990 anymore.
Wow! This is so simple, so obvious.
- Exception
Exception information
Type: System.NullReferenceException
Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Source: TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem

at bool Helpers.FactionHelper.CanPlayerOfferVassalage(Kingdom offerKingdom, out List playerWars, out List warsOfFactionToJoin)
at bool TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignBehaviors.VassalAndMercenaryOfferCampaignBehavior.VassalKingdomSelectionConditionsHold(Kingdom kingdom)
at T TaleWorlds.Core.Extensions.GetRandomElementWithPredicate(MBReadOnlyList e, Func predicate)
at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignBehaviors.VassalAndMercenaryOfferCampaignBehavior.DailyTick()
at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.MbEvent.InvokeList(EventHandlerRec list)
at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignEvents.DailyTick()
at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignEventDispatcher.DailyTick()
at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Campaign.DailyTick(MBCampaignEvent campaignEvent, object[] delegateParams)
at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.MBCampaignEvent.RunHandlers(params object[] delegateParams)
at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.MBCampaignEvent.CheckUpdate()
at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignPeriodicEventManager.SignalPeriodicEvents()
at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Campaign.Tick()
at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.GameState.MapState.OnMapModeTick(float dt)
at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.GameState.MapState.OnTick(float dt)
at void TaleWorlds.Core.GameStateManager.OnTick(float dt)
at void TaleWorlds.Core.Game.OnTick(float dt)
at void TaleWorlds.Core.GameManagerBase.OnTick(float dt)
at void TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Module.OnApplicationTick_Patch2(Module this, float dt)

Ok? So what? Not everyone wants to make their own mods anyway? Most people will have to learn something to get into modding the game. Be that just how the game works internally or a "full" programming language.

At that point, you might as well learn a good, powerful tool rather than something that stops at letting you add weapons and factions.
Once again, it all depends how you design the code, something you don't understand.
I've met a lot of ridiculous people on this forum, but you might genuinely be #1.
You're obviously a righteous programmer who thinks he knows better but obviously you don't.
Minor factions should represent alternative gameplay options
Minor Factions, as they are right now, are solo independent clans, much like the player`s clan. They are not on the same plane as Major Factions, which have multiple clans as part of their structure.
Having that in mind, and the fact that joining, exiting or switching clans isn`t a current feature, do you have any suggestions on how you would like to interact with them, within the existing framework?
Sigh. There's no way this isn't bait at this point...

The point being a newbie could get alot of work done in game design and adding new data rather than wasting time learning to code !
Cool, you can add data. You can't add functionality though. And hey, nothing against adding data - we can already do that with XML and lots of people make cool mods that way.

XML is a markup language. It is easier than SQL. If you are having trouble understanding XML, you will not have more success with SQL.

A lie, but ok, we have Mr Wonderful 2.
ok boomer
Stating the obvious but ignoring the issue.
What issue? Not being able to add data easily without C#? No such issue exists. XML is used for that. It works, especially for people new to modding and with no prior experience.

I never said Bannerlord should be coded in "C", i just said it's a procedural language and easier than C++ / C#
I never said anything about C and Bannerlord, either. And again, C is not easier than C#. I already outlined some of the reasons for that.

Stupid joke accepted.
Cool, don't respond then.

it all depends how you DESIGN your code. You obviously don't understand.
This is just such a nothingburger of a response, again.

Wow! This is so simple, so obvious.
<Exception w/ call stack>
Yeah? It literally tells you where things went wrong. Go grab your debugger, place a breakpoint where it tells you and see what happens? You claim to have worked on code 30 years ago, how is this complex to you?

Once again, it all depends how you design the code, something you don't understand.

You're obviously a righteous programmer who thinks he knows better but obviously you don't.


To recap this all: You effectively claim that SQL would allow for easier modding of games, including Bannerlord. Because it works for CIV. You completly ignore that you cannot add new functionality to the game that way, and instead focus on "oh yeah but people can add new data (items, factions, ...) so much more easily!". That is not a problem we have here. People can already do that, using XML. Which, as a markup language, is really easy to learn.

Claiming C# to be too complex to be understood without a degree (and C to be easier than C#) is also beyond laughable. Again, I already gave reasons above, and for examples of people learning C# with little or no prior experience coding, you can just look around the modding scene yourself.

You claimed to have worked with C in the 90s and it seems like you've been stuck there ever since.

Don't think I'll be feeding this troll any further.
When you take a factions last fief, they implode and their clans go independent, and short after they vanish unless they join some other faction. During this time we are not able to recruit any of these ourselves. Would be nice if you make them recruitable for the player during this time window.

Make it possible to recruit rebel clans would been nice as well.
When you take a factions last fief, they implode and their clans go independent, and short after they vanish unless they join some other faction. During this time we are not able to recruit any of these ourselves. Would be nice if you make them recruitable for the player during this time window.

Make it possible to recruit rebel clans would been nice as well.
I agree. Clans of a defeated faction, as well as successful rebel clans should be possible to recruit into the player kingdom. It doesnt make sense to need to pray that some other faction recruits them so that I may steal the clan from the clan. If I am unlucky, the clan implodes before any faction recruits them.
I agree. Clans of a defeated faction, as well as successful rebel clans should be possible to recruit into the player kingdom. It doesnt make sense to need to pray that some other faction recruits them so that I may steal the clan from the clan. If I am unlucky, the clan implodes before any faction recruits them.

Factions such as Battania is prone to implode quite fast due to constant wars with Vlandia, Sturgia and Western Empire.
Yeah $39.99 for incomplete multiplayer experience, I would have known before that there would be no servers for South America.
Thanks for the reply Dejan,
Minor Factions, as they are right now, are solo independent clans, much like the player`s clan. They are not on the same plane as Major Factions, which have multiple clans as part of their structure.
Having that in mind, and the fact that joining, exiting or switching clans isn`t a current feature, do you have any suggestions on how you would like to interact with them, within the existing framework?
If I can give a suggestion to this.

I know a while back there was a bug allowing you to recruit minor factions to your kingdom and make them vassals. I think this should be a feature. I believe in my opinion that currently it isn’t easy to find clans to join your kingdom. Having to ability to recruit minor clans to your kingdom would be nice. I think there should be a factor to keep culture in account and clan level for the minor faction. When a minor faction is recruit to the kingdom another minor clan is created randomly to replace the one that was recruited.
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