Beta Patch Notes v1.2.0-v1.2.6

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One at a time, buy the other workshops of the type you want to make money from and convert them to something else (ideally something that won't bankrupt the NPC too quickly) so that you eventually become the sole producer and seller of the good you've cornered.

It's important to note that you'll have to shut down new competition over time, but it's at a fairly slow rate in my current playing and, according to an old video of Strat Gaming's, is based on how long it takes for the NPC to go bankrupt.

It requires touring the continent and noting what is where but the end result is ludicrous amounts of money not just passively earned but actively earned by selling held-onto production for you to pick up at the warehouse. Oil, which I broke into after Velvet, went from producing the typical nothing per day to ~1000 while holding 25% of its product and ~700 while holding 50% of its product once I bought out every other Olive Press and shut them down. It had costed me, I'd guesstimate, 200,000 denars but I made that money back within a single season and have become a millionaire by the end of the following year. I'm thinking of doing it again with Pottery should I keep this going and not enter politics (kinda hard to run a global monopoly as a warlord lol) in the near future.

Caravans have also worked well for me and I suspect they increase Workshop profits by driving up demand since they're participating as consumers in the economy.
Capitalism at its best, this post made me laugh 😃
Capitalism at its best, this post made me laugh 😃
What can I say? Other than I really enjoy seeing the numbers go up and being able to casually afford Tier 6 armor and ride a high-end luxury-brand horse while touring the continent and seeing how rich I can get with as little risk to my own person as possible... :razz:
What can I say? Other than I really enjoy seeing the numbers go up and being able to casually afford Tier 6 armor and ride a high-end luxury-brand horse while touring the continent and seeing how rich I can get with as little risk to my own person as possible... :razz:
😆 thats funny, me, im the opposite, i like to make my money and collect my gear and horses from tournaments, Wader Hotbloods for the win. I like to travel all over competing in tournaments, especially when they offer rear horses as prizes. I win then, get all my clan members to learn breeder then i breed the rear mounts to equip and sell.
😆 thats funny, me, im the opposite, i like to make my money and collect my gear and horses from tournaments, Wader Hotbloods for the win. I like to travel all over competing in tournaments, especially when they offer rear horses as prizes. I win then, get all my clan members to learn breeder then i breed the rear mounts to equip and sell.
Why not both? Winning Lambos and Mercedes horses is a great way to get the mercantile grindset going and is just good money and character practice on top of that. :razz:

Mercantilism is only mutually exclusive with being a mercenary or a politician (prior to having a large enough country to have a semi-okay-ish self-contained economy).

I didn't know that was a thing--thanks for telling me. Definitely something to consider since my next character will probably be less of a wannabe merchant prince and more of an old school warlord homie lol.
Why not both? Winning Lambos and Mercedes horses is a great way to get the mercantile grindset going and is just good money and character practice on top of that. :razz:

Mercantilism is only mutually exclusive with being a mercenary or a politician (prior to having a large enough country to have a semi-okay-ish self-contained economy).

I didn't know that was a thing--thanks for telling me. Definitely something to consider since my next character will probably be less of a wannabe merchant prince and more of an old school warlord homie lol.
If you're going to try the life of a warmongering Horse lord 😆 you'll need at least 3xclan members with breeder to get them breeding regularly. 5+ for increased frequency. 5 clan members with breeder tends to give a high chance of the rare horses breeding more often. Its only 1% chance for 1 perk, but it stacks. Even though it says 1% chance they do still breed, but its usually the low level horses like the sumpter horse at first. The scout perk to tame wild horses is also good to have if you're goong to play as a horse lord
So TW are you serious? A peasant with a blacksmith hammer can block a heavy attack from an executioner axe on horseback? /sigh
So TW are you serious? A peasant with a blacksmith hammer can block a heavy attack from an executioner axe on horseback? /sigh
I mean, this was the case since 10+ years ago; not really a surprising misconception.

4 attack patterns, 4 block patterns (RIP spears); that's how it is, and too complex for them to do it en masse otherwise without it also being too OP to abuse or lose against.
If you're going to try the life of a warmongering Horse lord 😆 you'll need at least 3xclan members with breeder to get them breeding regularly. 5+ for increased frequency. 5 clan members with breeder tends to give a high chance of the rare horses breeding more often. Its only 1% chance for 1 perk, but it stacks. Even though it says 1% chance they do still breed, but its usually the low level horses like the sumpter horse at first. The scout perk to tame wild horses is also good to have if you're goong to play as a horse lord
Sounds like a "second generation" build, then, since it's pretty much just my original character and maybe a wife at best to lord the horses lol.
I don't know if this was reported before but parties not in an army keep going back and forth between two settlements, but not reaching neither as they change mind halfway. This started after the latest patch. I hope you guys are aware of this and fixing asap.

The save file we got and the video were unrelated. So we were not able to reproduce the issue as you described on the save file you provided. It would be great if you can send us a new video and a save file that has both got the bug?
Also could you open a new thread on the technical support board so that we can communicate through there more effectively?
The save file we got and the video were unrelated. So we were not able to reproduce the issue as you described on the save file you provided. It would be great if you can send us a new video and a save file that has both got the bug?
Also could you open a new thread on the technical support board so that we can communicate through there more effectively?
I didn't have a save file from the moment of video recorded. In save file, you can follow Caladog's party and see he's also going between two locations continously for some time.
I'll open a separate thread if I encounter the bug again on a bigger scale.
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