Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Old Discussion Thread

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I shall have no ruffians escaping my dungeons.

*My guards knock you both out and lock you up in Uxkhal's dungeons*


Let this thread sleep for a while indeed, remember we will get news before June as Lust confirmed + TW's will be there during the E3

Relax  :cool:
Skipped through the last 10 pages, roughly I gathered: One blog before E3, big reveal at E3, hopefully in our hands in some form by the end of the year?

Didn't think it was that far away!
Stan546 said:
Skipped through the last 10 pages, roughly I gathered: One blog before E3, big reveal at E3, hopefully in our hands in some form by the end of the year?

Didn't think it was that far away!

There's rumor that we get some information before E3 happens but in which form wasn't said. Might be a blog, might not be a blog. We also only know that Taleworlds will be at E3 but what they'll show there is something currently only Taleworlds knows.
Salmonsy said:
Stan546 said:
Skipped through the last 10 pages, roughly I gathered: One blog before E3, big reveal at E3, hopefully in our hands in some form by the end of the year?

Didn't think it was that far away!

There's rumor that we get some information before E3 happens but in which form wasn't said. Might be a blog, might not be a blog. We also only know that Taleworlds will be at E3 but what they'll show there is something currently only Taleworlds knows.
Q: are we going to see anything related to bannerlord until e3 or gamescom 2017

A: Before then, yes

He said this 11 days ago

Edit: I misread some of your post, but there it is anyways.
Stan546 said:
Skipped through the last 10 pages, roughly I gathered: One blog before E3, big reveal at E3, hopefully in our hands in some form by the end of the year?

Didn't think it was that far away!

Hopefully? In some form? By the end of the Year of our Lord Two Thousand and ****ing Seventeen?

*audible sigh*
Salmonsy said:
Stan546 said:
Skipped through the last 10 pages, roughly I gathered: One blog before E3, big reveal at E3, hopefully in our hands in some form by the end of the year?

Didn't think it was that far away!

There's rumor that we get some information before E3 happens but in which form wasn't said. Might be a blog, might not be a blog. We also only know that Taleworlds will be at E3 but what they'll show there is something currently only Taleworlds knows.

It'll will be a blog announcing they'll be at E3.

And uhhhh uhhhh ummm uhh THEY DON'T OWE YOU INFORMATION. How dare you speculate.
What is the most frustrating is reading Frank saying "a little while", "a little too early", "soon", "just needs some more polishing" when it's obviously far from finished. I was expecting something by the end of last year, and now, by the beggining of this year, but it's more and more obvious that they still have a lot of work to do, and it's not "soon" at all.

Hell, for me "a little more polishing" means  a month or 2 working on the animations and graphics, balancing stats, not core gameplay features left to be implemented.

I had money saved just for this game for more than 6 month now. I'm not really a rich guy, and I'm starting in life, preparing to have to pay the house, pay bills, pay the car, etc... all after I finish my studies. So 60€ takes some time for me to put on the side.
I decided I won't save the money anymore for this game, I'll buy something else in the meantime, and I'll buy bannerlord when I'd get enough saved money after it releases. It's sad, but this misleading words used during the hype train is really annoying, and I'm tired of waiting for this "soon" to happen, when it's obviously not going to happen soon :/

Not ranting, not whinning saying I won't buy the game (because I obviously will). I know it won't change a damn thing for them, but had to say it. The bright side is, I'm starting to save money on salt now.
Yah forget belatedlord... Checkout "Verdun" another indieish game.  I just bought it and it has more than quenched the need for bannerlord news.... Atleast for a couple of months
SgtButters said:
They have previously been asked on twitter whether they would have collectors editions and it was definitely something they'd like to do but not likely to happen. :sad:

Bannerlord now/sooner, extra stuff later. A map or other thing would be cool though.
SgtButters said:
I wish they would show us more concept art and let our minds imagine how awesome this game will be once it comes out.

At this point I guess they would refrain from showing pics or artwork of stuff they already know only our grandchildren will be able to play.
VictorF said:
SgtButters said:
I wish they would show us more concept art and let our minds imagine how awesome this game will be once it comes out.

At this point I guess they would refrain from showing pics or artwork of stuff they already know only our grandchildren will be able to play.

Artwork isn't finished yet. Still too early to tell which concept art will inspire the final product.  :iamamoron:. <---- this is joke, yes.
Plovercrest said:
Salmonsy said:
Stan546 said:
Skipped through the last 10 pages, roughly I gathered: One blog before E3, big reveal at E3, hopefully in our hands in some form by the end of the year?

Didn't think it was that far away!

There's rumor that we get some information before E3 happens but in which form wasn't said. Might be a blog, might not be a blog. We also only know that Taleworlds will be at E3 but what they'll show there is something currently only Taleworlds knows.

It'll will be a blog announcing they'll be at E3.

And uhhhh uhhhh ummm uhh THEY DON'T OWE YOU INFORMATION. How dare you speculate.

Why, don't you know, they will show warband for VR. There will be a blog in June followed by a short q&a on the forum stating that it is too soon to bring anything new about bannerlord.
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