
  1. In Progress Troops not gaining XP after multi stage battles

    Summary: after a battle if it requires a second stage to finish (ex.a dozen or so enemies routed) all the XP from the first battle is lost and you only gain XP from the units killed in the second battle. This makes leading a large army impossible. Say you take part in a 500v500 fight. you lose...
  2. huaweiboy

    How to use chatGPT to improve Bannerloard experience

    Any Ideas?:xf-smile:
  3. Adjusting the rate at which XP required to level increases?

    To elaborate on what I'm looking for and what I'm not looking for: I want to change how quickly the XP required to level up increases as your level increases, ideally only for the player and possibly heroes, but not troops. I'm aware of a couple of semi-related parameters, but these don't do...
  4. In Progress Lose Majority of Troop Experience When Helping Allies

    Summary: Battles that force you into a second stage wipes the troop experience from the first stage, but keep the renown and influence gain from the overall battle How to Reproduce: can be replicated by helping allies and winning in 1.0, roughly 50/50 chance after battle is won that a second...
  5. deuxhero

    SP - Quests Quests give skill XP

    Currently the only quests that increase skills are incidental (fighting bandits gives combat skill, relationship boosts increase charm etc.) and many skills lack enough options to raise them. An easy way to fix this would be to make quests give skill XP. This is particularly easier as most...
  6. Akka

    Location of formula

    Hello. Sorry if I the question has already been answered, but despite combing the forums I couldn't find what I'm looking so I ended up deciding to simply ask. I'm trying to tweak some formula in the game (thinking especially about the xp requirements, damage & armor and the price...
  7. Do caravans gain you Trade xp?

    Do caravans gain you Trade xp? Thank you
  8. Rulin

    SP - General Please remove Focus Points and change how Attribute Points work

    Never liked the character progression. Leveling up is way too slow, the perks often offer unsatisfying and conflicting bonuses, and it is overall too much busywork identifing the right ones for each different type of character/companion type. Just picking the bottom perks of a skill, for...
  9. XP gain rate in arena

    Hello, does anyone here know where exactly I can modify the XP gain rate in the arena (both for training and tournaments)? I would like to set it to 100% to make the game a bit less grindy (I'm a casual player). So far I couldn't find anything in the module files and being a noob at modding I...
  10. Warband - Tweaks to XP gain on ranged builds?

    I love playing ranged builds in Warband. But gaining XP by only playing range builds is impossible. There are two main reasons for this: 1 - It is so much harder and slower to kill as a ranged hero. (for an average player) 2 - You need to kill the enemy to gain XP, and most of the time, even...
  11. Resolved 1.6.2. Donated prisoner do not increase relations and one more bug

    Summary:I managed to capture around 10-11 lords and wanted to get that sweet charm xp so I went ahead and donated them to a nearby allied castle well turns out it doesnt give xp nor relation anymore also noticed that taking prisoners from your castle that was donated there by the ai can...
  12. Leveling - "Stronger Opponent Logic"

    Been playing Kenshi, game that is quit similar to MB. That game have something called "Stronger Opponent Logic". What that means is that you level faster if you fight opponents better then you. On the other hand fighting opponents far below your level won't make you learn anything. That made me...
  13. BANNERlord, the banner experience and importance!

    Hi everyone, Played this game the first month of early access and just came back to see the improvments recently, I am not disappointed. This game is a jewel. The only thing that annoyes me is the "Banner experience", for me one of the best thing was to put a lot of effort and time to design...
  14. SP - Economy suggestion to incoperate a relation between smithing and trading

    Hi I currently have a campaign focused on smithing because i wanted to explore this feature. the result is i function as a charcoal burner where i buy hardwood and sell charcoal for a gain. This logically suggests to me i would get experience in trading because its how most artisans work and it...
  15. Is this normal? Can Learning rate reach 0?

    Just look at the picture it will explain itself https://imgur.com/a/KcLWOIt Some more details: I'm lvl 27, the only thing I did is fight a group of bandits on first few levels then I ran straight into Seonon and haven't moved my character from there and I have been smithing 24/7 for 82 days I...
  16. SP - Player, NPCs & Troops An old loot mechanic to come back

    I remember back when I was playing Viking Conquest, there was a special loot mechanic - if you leave a lot of loot untouched, it automatically transferred to experience to your troops. In other words you leave the loot to your men, and they get better equipped, thanks to that. This was an...
  17. How can i change XP for arena fights in M&B Warband?

    Hello, how can i change XP gain for arena fights in Mount & Blade Warband? For example you get only 250xp for being last man standing, how can i change this to 2000xp :-)
  18. SP - Economy The price of player made weapon is TOO HIGH

    Now it is like a bad joke. Having got 10k starting capital and spent 2-3 hours to get 150-200 points in SMITHING you may create two-hand swords of 4-5 level components that would cost 110-115k gold. It is super imbalancing IMHO. In 4 hours from the start of campaign I've got 600k gold... and...
  19. Meaning481

    1.4.3 experience system still stalls character growth.

    Dear Taleworlds, I recently began a playthrough as a Khergit Mercenary. After maxing out my smithing skill at 275 for quick income, I began to level my other skills. Currently, at level 23, I have 275 smithing, 100 archery, and 100 riding with 5 focus points in each. I have at least two...
  20. SP - UI Report experience

    UI / Character develelopment: Ticking "Gameplay / Report experience" does not really report experience gain (like in Warband) but only skill level advancement. It would be good to see any experience gain detailed (similar to damage): base, modifiers, total etc. This would make a lot easier to...
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