Evolution is wrong,Development is right

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Not that it matters much, but proving that science isnt always right isnt the same as proving god exists... in fact science is pretty open about NOT always being true, its as true as we can prove right now with our current stand of knowledge. Always distrust a scientiest, or for that matter anyone, who claims he knows the truth :wink:
I personally don't believe in macro evolution, micro-evolution is proven, so idk how you would debate against a proof on that one; this is just stupid. Why talk about this here? when the term at play "evolution" is not referring to Darwinism version. lol
I personally don't believe in macro evolution, micro-evolution is proven, so idk how you would debate against a proof on that one; this is just stupid. Why talk about this here? when the term at play "evolution" is not referring to Darwinism version. lol
Well, this is technically 'general discussion.' ...and somewhere Bannerlord was probably advertised as an 'evolution' of the series. So here we are, with rants about evolution relating to Bannerlord...

^ proof of evolution
I personally don't believe in macro evolution, micro-evolution is proven, so idk how you would debate against a proof on that one; this is just stupid. Why talk about this here? when the term at play "evolution" is not referring to Darwinism version. lol
What micro evolution?When people grew in jungles,like Tarzan,their hand,foot muscles grew for more comfortable life in jungles,like climbing,running,and more...One girl grew in jungles,her hands,when grew,became adapted for climbing trees,she now wins tournaments-sky climbing.Against that i not say anything,But for your great grandfather was monkey....
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