Seriously when is the next update?

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I don't understand how it takes close to 5 months to pump out an update for this game? I mean, every other studio from EA, Paradox, Activsion, Arrowhead, Ubisoft, Offworld, you name it, can produce updates at twice this speed and i dont understand why. There have over 100+ employees so they aren't a small studio as compared to most others. They can make a AAA game but their updates are that of an indie studio waiting on more people to buy the game to pump out more updates because of financial issues. Bannerlord can be so much better if they worked a deal with modders to help, because let's be honest, they do need help. Within a month of the mods being live there was already a detailed diplomacy mod that outshines anything Teleworld has ever done.

The worst part is that we don't even have some sort of roadmap. Now, I've heard from people saying that this is impossible. Well, that's a lie because almost every other studio can make one and stick to a defined schedule. Does TW not have any project managers or a detailed Action Plan that outlines specific goals with dates to meet? What is the deal? Please TW, please give us something.....anything!
Basically Roadmap and goals havent exactly been TW trademark in my experience.

They seem to be very anti-date.
I'm thinking its a "culture thing" perhaps?

I personally think that the core-problem is that when they made Warband it was in the very first version 3 ppl involved makeing it.
Not sure if the 2nd variant was more staff.

The thing I think is maybe something the head of studio fail to get though, is that maybe he isnt suited for manageing big groups like this.
Perhaps he's better at other aspects.
There is a huge difference between manageing 3 or 30 ppl to manage 100+(I've managed about 200 ppl split on 3 shifts 24/7 call-centre).
And it was a huge step-up from manageing just my own team first (4 pp) to then be daytime shift wtih about 125 and co-ordinate it with the other leaders etc.

I also think that perhaps they fear that there is more "disappointment" if they give us dates, and they cant manage it.

Then you have overall during the whole process from Beta and beyond that their skill at communication is horrible.

While its great they post on other platforms etc, it still needs to be up front and center on this forums primarily, not everyone uses other platforms etc.

Sometimes you find some tid bit of a nugget of gold information on a bug report on page 4.. which when you see it - why isnt this frontpage news..

But overall the adventure of compareing this games development vs BG3 by Larian was nite and day.
Larian is great at communicating, giveing feedback on our questions.
Sometimes saying wow thats a great idea, we'll try to do that, or we dont like that so you'll need to mod it in for yourself, or it will cost to much money/effort.
In the time since this patch we're on now in Bannerlord vs BG3.. Larian have published atleast 2 could be 3 mayor updates, with several qol improvements(not just bugfixes) they've also added in several patches to fix bugs etc(performance aswell).

I'm speculating though, but I wonder if there is any lights on at this studio though? beside a skeleton crew.
The economic situation in Turkey isnt ideal ehem. Inflation is heavy 68% last I checked so that could mess things up good aswell for running any type of business.
Basically Roadmap and goals havent exactly been TW trademark in my experience.

They seem to be very anti-date.
I'm thinking its a "culture thing" perhaps?

I personally think that the core-problem is that when they made Warband it was in the very first version 3 ppl involved makeing it.
Not sure if the 2nd variant was more staff.

The thing I think is maybe something the head of studio fail to get though, is that maybe he isnt suited for manageing big groups like this.
Perhaps he's better at other aspects.
There is a huge difference between manageing 3 or 30 ppl to manage 100+(I've managed about 200 ppl split on 3 shifts 24/7 call-centre).
And it was a huge step-up from manageing just my own team first (4 pp) to then be daytime shift wtih about 125 and co-ordinate it with the other leaders etc.

I also think that perhaps they fear that there is more "disappointment" if they give us dates, and they cant manage it.

Then you have overall during the whole process from Beta and beyond that their skill at communication is horrible.

While its great they post on other platforms etc, it still needs to be up front and center on this forums primarily, not everyone uses other platforms etc.

Sometimes you find some tid bit of a nugget of gold information on a bug report on page 4.. which when you see it - why isnt this frontpage news..

But overall the adventure of compareing this games development vs BG3 by Larian was nite and day.
Larian is great at communicating, giveing feedback on our questions.
Sometimes saying wow thats a great idea, we'll try to do that, or we dont like that so you'll need to mod it in for yourself, or it will cost to much money/effort.
In the time since this patch we're on now in Bannerlord vs BG3.. Larian have published atleast 2 could be 3 mayor updates, with several qol improvements(not just bugfixes) they've also added in several patches to fix bugs etc(performance aswell).

I'm speculating though, but I wonder if there is any lights on at this studio though? beside a skeleton crew.
The economic situation in Turkey isnt ideal ehem. Inflation is heavy 68% last I checked so that could mess things up good aswell for running any type of business.
While i agree with what you are saying its almost impossible to compare studios to Larian because frankly they've set the bar so high practically no one can compete with them. Their love of making quality games with the best characters and stories is second to none. But yes the comms situation at TW is without a doubt one of the worst I've ever seen from a gaming company
I don't understand how it takes close to 5 months to pump out an update for this game? I mean, every other studio from EA, Paradox, Activsion, Arrowhead, Ubisoft, Offworld, you name it, can produce updates at twice this speed and i dont understand why. There have over 100+ employees so they aren't a small studio as compared to most others. They can make a AAA game but their updates are that of an indie studio waiting on more people to buy the game to pump out more updates because of financial issues. Bannerlord can be so much better if they worked a deal with modders to help, because let's be honest, they do need help. Within a month of the mods being live there was already a detailed diplomacy mod that outshines anything Teleworld has ever done.

The worst part is that we don't even have some sort of roadmap. Now, I've heard from people saying that this is impossible. Well, that's a lie because almost every other studio can make one and stick to a defined schedule. Does TW not have any project managers or a detailed Action Plan that outlines specific goals with dates to meet? What is the deal? Please TW, please give us something.....anything!
No the worst part is, console players have no access to the mods. Which means we are stuck with a half finished game that still kicks us to the dashboard and freezes/doesn't always load. Pc players have it easy compared to us, we paid £50 for a basic game thats so far from living up to its potential that uts heartbreaking.
No the worst part is, console players have no access to the mods. Which means we are stuck with a half finished game that still kicks us to the dashboard and freezes/doesn't always load. Pc players have it easy compared to us, we paid £50 for a basic game thats so far from living up to its potential that uts heartbreaking.
Yah I def have sympathy for those who picked it up on console.
I found another great mod now and it tweaked the game to be even more enjoyable.
The only thing I now have an issue with is the warmongering of the AI - they will always declare war when they can, which is still annoying.
I just miss the rng-madness you had in Warband.
Yah I def have sympathy for those who picked it up on console.
I found another great mod now and it tweaked the game to be even more enjoyable.
The only thing I now have an issue with is the warmongering of the AI - they will always declare war when they can, which is still annoying.
I just miss the rng-madness you had in Warband.
Yeah, they need to do something about the AI being so aggressive. Im playing Bannerlord right now. My heir is only 7 and ive almost wiped out Battania, The Western empire and the Aeseri because they just refuse to stop war mongering
Yeah, they need to do something about the AI being so aggressive. Im playing Bannerlord right now. My heir is only 7 and ive almost wiped out Battania, The Western empire and the Aeseri because they just refuse to stop war mongering
Doubt any larger changes to the game are gonna happen
Yeah, they need to do something about the AI being so aggressive. Im playing Bannerlord right now. My heir is only 7 and ive almost wiped out Battania, The Western empire and the Aeseri because they just refuse to stop war mongering
The problem is that the game devs "are clueless" to what their actions end up doing.
This was basically introduced as an anti-snowball effect, but the problem is player agency just means we end up being the snowball.

Since I play with mods I put the peacetime to be 125 days instead of the vanilla 30 days.
This do cool down the war abit.
The other thing they should or could have done is to limit the ganking that is going on, most of the time there is 2-3+ wars vs 1, which isnt really fun unless you are a specific type of gamer though.

Just feels like if you played Civ5 I liked to play on Immortal, but if you go up to Deity, it was crazy how much warmongering that was even vs Immortal which is heavy aswell.

So for abit less if you are on pc - try Diplomacy one of the best mods out there.
The problem is that the game devs "are clueless" to what their actions end up doing.
This was basically introduced as an anti-snowball effect, but the problem is player agency just means we end up being the snowball.

Since I play with mods I put the peacetime to be 125 days instead of the vanilla 30 days.
This do cool down the war abit.
The other thing they should or could have done is to limit the ganking that is going on, most of the time there is 2-3+ wars vs 1, which isnt really fun unless you are a specific type of gamer though.

Just feels like if you played Civ5 I liked to play on Immortal, but if you go up to Deity, it was crazy how much warmongering that was even vs Immortal which is heavy aswell.

So for abit less if you are on pc - try Diplomacy one of the best mods out there.
Unfortunately im on Xbox, so i dont have access to the mods.

A lot of this bull**** coukd be easily solved if the devs just made it so the fans tested the game updates before they where released. They would save time and money that way, instead of making constant fixes because they didn't test the updates first.
Unfortunately im on Xbox, so i dont have access to the mods.

A lot of this bull**** coukd be easily solved if the devs just made it so the fans tested the game updates before they where released. They would save time and money that way, instead of making constant fixes because they didn't test the updates first.
That was what the first 3+ years of the early access was supposed to be about. But they fumbled the **** out of that development progress, rushed the release, pushed it to include all the current/new console versions (that can't mod), and we're now 1.5 years since then. Still wondering if issues they brought about during EA/betas are going to be completed (let alone fleshed out).
That was what the first 3+ years of the early access was supposed to be about. But they fumbled the **** out of that development progress, rushed the release, pushed it to include all the current/new console versions (that can't mod), and we're now 1.5 years since then. Still wondering if issues they brought about during EA/betas are going to be completed (let alone fleshed out).
Well then all we can do is hope they get bought out by a more competent company that actually listens to its fans. Because if their not goingvto listen, and not going to finish their games theyjust go bankrupt anyway, because no one will want to pay for broken and half finished products if they insist on making a reputation for themselves that calls them lazy and entitled. People like microsoft will look at the reviews, assess wether theres a demand for the game, then just buy them out. Tale worlds needs to realise that companys like Microsoft didnt make it big by selling half finished broken products or being too lazyvto finish them. They made it big by offering quality products at low cost, and recognising the needs of its customers.
Well then all we can do is hope they get bought out by a more competent company that actually listens to its fans. Because if their not goingvto listen, and not going to finish their games theyjust go bankrupt anyway, because no one will want to pay for broken and half finished products if they insist on making a reputation for themselves that calls them lazy and entitled. People like microsoft will look at the reviews, assess wether theres a demand for the game, then just buy them out. Tale worlds needs to realise that companys like Microsoft didnt make it big by selling half finished broken products or being too lazyvto finish them. They made it big by offering quality products at low cost, and recognising the needs of its customers.
I'm done with TW after this. I'm sure many are as well. I paid for BL, but it's not yet close to what many (and even TW) wanted/expected it to be during the first 3+ years early access. If they had kept it EA, I have absolutely no issue what happens with the game's progress. The fact they pushed/rushed it through and jammed it to release on all platforms regardless is where they lost me.
Whatever this magical 1.3 patch contains (as it'll be in beta version and buggy/crashy/untested af), that better be it. Just end the development, fix balance/crashes, and let the mods actually flourish; since that's really the only element propping up this facade.
I'm done with TW after this. I'm sure many are as well. I paid for BL, but it's not yet close to what many (and even TW) wanted/expected it to be during the first 3+ years early access. If they had kept it EA, I have absolutely no issue what happens with the game's progress. The fact they pushed/rushed it through and jammed it to release on all platforms regardless is where they lost me.
Whatever this magical 1.3 patch contains (as it'll be in beta version and buggy/crashy/untested af), that better be it. Just end the development, fix balance/crashes, and let the mods actually flourish; since that's really the only element propping up this facade.
I'm not "done done" but I will not pre-order or play beta etc for them.
I will wait for their next title when its in the dicsount bin and when the forums looks abit better than this.

I dont want them to stop on adding in content that was promised, not as much as I cant get it from mods as I already do, but for those poor fools(no offense) who got duped into buying this for console and the awful experience alot of the sadly is experienceing and well no mods for you..
I'm not "done done" but I will not pre-order or play beta etc for them.
I will wait for their next title when its in the dicsount bin and when the forums looks abit better than this.

I dont want them to stop on adding in content that was promised, not as much as I cant get it from mods as I already do, but for those poor fools(no offense) who got duped into buying this for console and the awful experience alot of the sadly is experienceing and well no mods for you..
It's not even about the lengthy early access/beta; I haven't been 'duped' with Star Citizen, but to their fair point, they still label themselves in that beta phase. So those that bought into it, it is what it is - long development.
It's pushing it to release (sorry console guys), in spite of the issues and the 3 years prior of feedback still unaddressed that really irks me.
Games that don't really have lengthy betas (few months prior) and release unfinished (most nowadays), stupid.

TW, with the ridiculously lengthy open-beta (on full sale price), if kept as beta to-date, whatever. But they deemed whatever hot mess that Oct 2022 release as 'official' shows either their ignorance or their incompetence, or both.

Wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle. Bit more than they can chew. Ate their cake and want to have it too.
It's not even about the lengthy early access/beta; I haven't been 'duped' with Star Citizen, but to their fair point, they still label themselves in that beta phase. So those that bought into it, it is what it is - long development.
It's pushing it to release (sorry console guys), in spite of the issues and the 3 years prior of feedback still unaddressed that really irks me.
Games that don't really have lengthy betas (few months prior) and release unfinished (most nowadays), stupid.

TW, with the ridiculously lengthy open-beta (on full sale price), if kept as beta to-date, whatever. But they deemed whatever hot mess that Oct 2022 release as 'official' shows either their ignorance or their incompetence, or both.

Wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle. Bit more than they can chew. Ate their cake and want to have it too.
Yeah i agree, if it wasn't finished, it should never have been released to begin with. They should have kept it in a bata stage untill it had been completed and all bugs fixed.

One thing that gets on my nerves about game developers these days, is their lack of respect for..well everything the games the make, the platforms they create them for, their customers, It takes the p#ss.

Something that most people dont think about whenbthey make excuses for lazy developers is the effect broken games hafe on our hardware. When a game crashes or freezes as much as Bannerlord has, what do you think that does to your computer. PC players probably dontvthink about it, because defragging is second nature and performance diagnostics is standard practice for people who know what their doing. So they probably dont think about it, because they have the knowledge to fix it. People not in the know, wouldn't think because they dont know any better. Console players are the most at risk from lazy development, PC gamers can do the above, and download fan made fixes. What would constant crashes do to a console though, you cant defragg to fix damaged data that might cause or contribute to the problem. You cant dowload fan made patches to solve it, and you cant reblace broken hardware like your motherboard or processor should the issue persist and break your hardware due to excessive strain. So our consoles are being forced to download broken data, that puts strain on our hardware every time we use them, with no options available to limit the starin and stop it effecting the performance of our consoles. Companies like tale worlds need to be made to stop releasing broken games, especially if they dont have the drive to persevere until its finished and fixed.
Yeah i agree, if it wasn't finished, it should never have been released to begin with. They should have kept it in a bata stage untill it had been completed and all bugs fixed.

One thing that gets on my nerves about game developers these days, is their lack of respect for..well everything the games the make, the platforms they create them for, their customers, It takes the p#ss.
It's partly because in recent years, for some reason, the script changed and devs were all put on this blameless pedestal with all game failures due solely because of management/board members. It's both their faults/issues to fix.
It's partly because in recent years, for some reason, the script changed and devs were all put on this blameless pedestal with all game failures due solely because of management/board members. It's both their faults/issues to fix.
It still doesn't change the fact that their incompetence causes us to have to replace our hardwire without being compensated for it.

Devs call the fan entitled brats, and a lot of the tike its true. People take liberties and abuse their rights. The term "the customer is always right" has been abused so baddly in receipt years, people take it to mean "you have to do what i tell you" when its meant to mean " your suggestions are welcome because you keep us in business". Game devs are so busy feeling sorry for themselves that they fail to see that they are just as guilty as the fans for abusing rights and taking liberties. The gaming industry has gone to hell in a hand basket.
Yeah i agree, if it wasn't finished, it should never have been released to begin with. They should have kept it in a bata stage untill it had been completed and all bugs fixed.

One thing that gets on my nerves about game developers these days, is their lack of respect for..well everything the games the make, the platforms they create them for, their customers, It takes the p#ss.

Something that most people dont think about whenbthey make excuses for lazy developers is the effect broken games hafe on our hardware. When a game crashes or freezes as much as Bannerlord has, what do you think that does to your computer. PC players probably dontvthink about it, because defragging is second nature and performance diagnostics is standard practice for people who know what their doing. So they probably dont think about it, because they have the knowledge to fix it. People not in the know, wouldn't think because they dont know any better. Console players are the most at risk from lazy development, PC gamers can do the above, and download fan made fixes. What would constant crashes do to a console though, you cant defragg to fix damaged data that might cause or contribute to the problem. You cant dowload fan made patches to solve it, and you cant reblace broken hardware like your motherboard or processor should the issue persist and break your hardware due to excessive strain. So our consoles are being forced to download broken data, that puts strain on our hardware every time we use them, with no options available to limit the starin and stop it effecting the performance of our consoles. Companies like tale worlds need to be made to stop releasing broken games, especially if they dont have the drive to persevere until its finished and fixed.

Do you know that both the Xbox Series X and the PS5 have SSD storage, and so literally cannot be defragmented; I imagine a large chunk of the PC user base also has it loaded on an SSD. Other than the possible effect on storage fragmentation, what effect do you think these crashes are likely to have on your hardware?
It still doesn't change the fact that their incompetence causes us to have to replace our hardwire without being compensated for it.

Devs call the fan entitled brats, and a lot of the tike its true. People take liberties and abuse their rights. The term "the customer is always right" has been abused so baddly in receipt years, people take it to mean "you have to do what i tell you" when its meant to mean " your suggestions are welcome because you keep us in business". Game devs are so busy feeling sorry for themselves that they fail to see that they are just as guilty as the fans for abusing rights and taking liberties. The gaming industry has gone to hell in a hand basket.
I mean, just look at the recent landscape within this forum alone; they don't even deign it an issue to communicate any sort of update. Leave that haughty attitude for those that have earned it being able to use it, TW certainly hasn't.
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