Beta Patch Notes v1.2.0-v1.2.6

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Stop harassing Dejan and Taleworlds! They have a small team. And Bannerlord is a great game and a unique one at the same time. Because of your impatience, they will not be able to make a patch faster, and the quality of the game will suffer.
how much they paying you to shill?
you simply dont get it. you go after dejan like he would be the boss and then act like it's a trophy that people simply turn it dowm because they dont have any of that bullsh*t. go on dreaming and imagine like you would be the big hitter because you are trying to set some fire on a fkn forum.
if you would be serious you would go other ways, but you decided to troll in a forum like a 12yo child and front on people which are simply not having any of your infant ****show. it has nothing to do with your -rather dumb- criticism. dealing with onionheads is just not worth any time or effort.
I think you are not that mature either to be fair. Neither am I! Realistically anyone engaged in an argument on this forum is not very grown up. Having said that, I don't care. I appreciate Dejan saying something but at the same time it all feels just a bit crappy. Ultimately, I am definitely not satisfied. I bought this game at end of June on console and assumed cheats would be available because I watched the youtube video about the update. I am a busy person like many others, I simply cannot play this game enough to get anywhere naturally, I bought the game because I need cheats in order to essentially play it. As in, I only bought this game because of the cheats I saw on youtube. That is highly unsatisfying and of course I will complain. You will defend TW because you think you are righteous and great, so all I can say is fair enough, but I am within my right to say things such as, 'when will the update go live?'. To be fair I haven't actually been mean on this thread.
Sorry for the Google translate. I'm talking in this case about the degree of perfection of the game. For example, about the perfection of artificial intelligence, economics and other mechanics.
not sure if serious..
I also wanted to know when the update is coming. I'm getting back into playing now to see how the game is, and if there's an upcoming update, I'd like to start playing it, even if it's just a hotfix for the beta version.
@Dejan, you are too much kind to the community. Do closed betas with really motivated people, YouTubers who follow the game for example, not profiteers who only complain without ever having coded in their life....

They will wait longer to have something new but at least you will be able to work in peace.
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Stop harassing Dejan and Taleworlds! They have a small team. And Bannerlord is a great game and a unique one at the same time. Because of your impatience, they will not be able to make a patch faster, and the quality of the game will suffer.
I don't think they break their game just to please the haters. But they can decide not to announce anything AT ALL and no longer offer Beta versions. It won't please anyone and we'll thank the haters.
I don't think they break their game just to please the haters. But they can decide not to announce anything AT ALL and no longer offer Beta versions. It won't please anyone and we'll thank the haters.
I hope you're not referring to me in your comment. I rarely comment on this forum. I bought the game and asked a simple question because it's not common for a patch to stay in beta for 3 months. Even if it's for a higher quality release, I've found the time it's taking to be strange. I wasn't playing the game, but I'm always keeping up with the releases. I think any company should motivate its consumers. Promoters like YouTubers and streamers are a tool to showcase the work, not to motivate. What ultimately motivates gamers is the quality of the work done. Conducting closed betas at this stage doesn't make any sense, especially since the game was released unfinished.
I don't think they break their game just to please the haters. But they can decide not to announce anything AT ALL and no longer offer Beta versions. It won't please anyone and we'll thank the haters.

To be fair, this is a forum on a website!!!! This isn't like we are firebombing TW HQ. This is literally as meaningless as it gets.
Oh right, you are just rude, fair enough.
man i was rude to a guy who is one of those quite frequently ****posting, as some seem see it like a cavalier offense. you dont have anything to do with it and you dont have anything to do with the context whatsoever so just leave it please.
what quality?
Valid criticism aside, this mentality just reveals how incredibly salty you are. Bannerlord is a quality game, but it still has plenty of flaws. Claiming the game lacks any quality begs the question why you are on this forum complaining in this thread. Valid criticism is fine, your constant whining is just tedious to get a notification of.
@Dejan will the "Red Tabard over Mail Hauberk" that the Vlandian Vanguard uses be color coded as well?

I really like this patch and all the armors that now follow the faction color. And color coding this armor would be a good thing as well. Thank you!
@Dejan are we likely to see patch 1.2.4 this week? Also, whenever you're releasing 1.2.4, could you please release it in a separate beta patch? Mods patched to beta 1.2 such as the Old Realms are likely to break otherwise.
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