SP Fantasy [WB] A Game of Thrones

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Female armor is bull**** in my opinion. Non-historically, non-books related, non-nothing. A complete waste of time, which could be spent on far more important things that this mere cosmetic feature.
wildyracing said:
Female armor is bull**** in my opinion. Non-historically, non-books related, non-nothing. A complete waste of time, which could be spent on far more important things that this mere cosmetic feature.

I for one find that insulting, History is not a factor because its fantasy, there are female warriors in the books, and it wouldn't be a waste of time, to say so, is very sexist, its the same thing as saying male armors are a waste of time, what makes it different? the answer is nothing to very little, i don't exactly care if they are added at this point, because there doesn't need to be HUNDREDS like everyone keeps asking about.

There only needs to be a very few, 1-5 and they dont even have to be faction related..and honestly if i could do this i would. but it's not a year long request, i don't ask that it be in beta, and i don't even care if its in the first release, just that they make there way there, and i will defend the idea until then.
Lord Arick Bren said:
There only needs to be a very few, 1-5 and they dont even have to be faction related..and honestly if i could do this i would. but it's not a year long request, i don't ask that it be in beta, and i don't even care if its in the first release, just that they make there way there, and i will defend the idea until then.

Then you can stop defending it now. Thay said there will be ccustom armors for Maege Mormont and Asha, and you can win NPC's armors in tournaments (maybe other methods since Northerners and Ironborn aren't very fond of tournaments). So you will be able to have your female character properly armored.




Shimmler said:
Nightowl said:
I never played as a female, but I assume native has female armours? Would there be any issues with using the native female armours in the mod? Sure, they won't look as good as the hand crafted male armours you've been making but it would be more satisfactory for those wishing to play as a female character than having to wear men's equipment.
Every piece of armor has only one model. So I guess you understand how much would it take to create a female equivalent of EVERY armor out there as somebody suggested.

I realize that, I fully understand your reasoning for not wanting to double your workload by making female armours. I was simply wondering whether or not the female armours from native could be used in the mod.
@ Matmohair1

I know of Matilda of Tuscany because my brother goes on about how she kicks ass in Crusader Kings II. He played as her and was very happy when he got pregnant, lol.
hi guys im new but i just wanted to say how good your mod is going to be :wink:
sorry if this has already bin posted but is it going to be out soon i mean the beta

sorry for bad english btw
Owen Wulfson said:
@ Matmohair1

I know of Matilda of Tuscany because my brother goes on about how she kicks  @#!*%  in Crusader Kings II. He played as her and was very happy when he got pregnant, lol.
lol, lots of people (well all the lame players) just try to marry her off the bat to get a free duchy early in the game (although I think it's now harder to get a regular marriage with her). Anyways, I tried a game as her back in the demo for CKII... I believe I went to war with the pope and tried to assassinate him after his horde of mercenaries (the dude's loaded) massacred my levies, but was assassinated myself instead, had no heirs and boom game over. XD Just goes to show, don't screw with the pope until you've at least popped out a few young'uns... gods I love CKII, and the GoT mod is awesome so far as well. I divulge, sorry everyone for the off-topic rambling. :razz:

Anyways, Matmohair's post proves my point very well, all those ladies are clearly making do with male armour.
How do you guys intend to make the Wights and Others? Like how they look, how they behave, act and react? Also are they gonna be more endurant/dangerous than the normal enemies?
Dragunoff said:
How do you guys intend to make the Wights and Others? Like how they look, how they behave, act and react? Also are they gonna be more endurant/dangerous than the normal enemies?

There will be White Walkers, and they will be weak to Valyrian Steel and Obsidian "Dragon Glass". Wights will also be included and it is a given that we will as of now only find them beyond the Wall.

Here is a Wight as the team envisioned them below:

As for the Others, the White Walkers, the team plans to make them look less demonic than as depicted in the tv series.

Also, could you please change your avatar? Its really a tad galling.

PS: Try this one!

Stevon said:
About women fighting in the middle ages... sure some did, but it's not like anyone was making female armour... they'd have to make do with men's armour. Just look at Jeanne d'Arc, nobody made her special armour because she was a woman.

Brienne is the perfect example of this as far as ASoIaF goes... if you want to participate in the male dominated martial scene of Westeros, you're gonna have to put up with wearing the same stuff as all those guys. :razz:

EDIT: I suppose Lady Mormont would get her own unique armour, but then again she's not described as the most feminine of women in Westeros, so I wouldn't expect anything that looks explicitly female.
Maybe making them their own special armor is more sexist than just leaving it the same :shock: mind=blown
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