Star Wars Saga Edition Play by post

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Oh ****. Sorry, forgot about this.

When the six of you finish signing the contract, she gives the datapad a quick once-over and nods, apparently finding everything done to satisfaction.

"Welcome aboard, gentlemen. It will be good to have you in the company."

"A speeder will be here to pick you up at 0900 tomorrow so please be present by then. If you have anything to do, I would suggest doing it before then as you will not be leaving Korlene for the duration of the contract."

Other: E.g. questions, purchases etc.
You could for example, ask your recruiter.

I'm going to assume you did.

"You will be issued standardized equipment; company uniform, comm-link, blaster pistol, glow rod and light security armour. Talk to Requsitions if you need anything else, look for a guy named Fenn Upari."
"And where can we find this Upari fellow, if I may ask? It wouldn't hurt to have a bit more range than this Blaster can give me. Blasters are fine and all for close-quarters, but they've got nothing on a good rifle."
I'm also looking for some technical equipment, such as security tunnelers and computer slicers.
After a quick search of the building management system, Reylan finds the Requisitions department and directs the group accordingly. As they enter the room, a human male stands from his desk.

"Hi, Fenn Upari, Requisitions, HR paged me that you'd be coming up. Looking for anything in particular?"

"I can't speak for the others, but a few spare power packs, and a concealable holster wouldn't go amiss. A tool kit would be good, too."

The others began to recite their orders in turn...
"I could make use of an Audio recorder and a Blaster rifle. A Standard targeting scope might be nice, as well. It'd be great if you could toss a small and concealable weapon my way if you have it lying around."
I think we have a slight case of miscommunication. You get assigned your equipment when you get to Korlene and need to ask the requisitions guy there for extra stuff.
I think we're all just eager for this RP to move a little faster :3
Yes well, if you don't have anything in particular an arms manufacturing company might not have, then we can just get to it.
Blaster rifle would seem too overtly militant for security work, but if **** hits the fan, you'll probably have one on hand.
The requisitions guy would probably give you medpacs if you told him you were trained to use it, but a medical kit weighs 20kg, so I suspect if anything they'll have it stowed in a compartment somewhere.
Asking for a security kit in a high security facility might give off the wrong impression.

Tell you what, scrap the glowrod and comlink, everyone gets a utility belt.
[...]three-day supply of food capsules, a medpac, a tool kit, a spare power pack, a spare energy cell, a glow rod, a comlink, a liquid cable dispenser with a small grappling hook, and a couple of empty pouches for whatever else the wearer wants to add (up to 0.5 kg per pouch).
Sounds like we'll get everything we need. Let's do this sith-spit.
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