[DM] Destiny Masters

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Oh Ciiges DOST how is warband going?Thanks for your comment.They call me i was a noob in warband in here..:unsure:
You sit on a throne my bro, don't listen to peasants like this.

Another no name, who are you Ciiges?
This shouldn't classify as bragging, because really, what does being one of the best in a game mean.
But to awnswer your question, arguably one of the top 4 alltime warband cav, nice to make your acquintance.
So who's that Ciiges? If he's turkish can we remove him from our thread?
<snip> Relaxen was one of the best cavs in 2017 and one of the most mechanically skilled cav I've come across in my years of warband.
Have u ever came across me? TomaszonPL2005 here I got ss when I was trashing ya on ft7 mate

Wait, why is this "Ciiges" guy even here, he's not even playing Bannerlord, so what's the point? Well it's pretty common for gReAt WaRbAnD PlAyErZ to come here and help each other out with realization that they are quite irrelevant rn
Cziges rn
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