In Progress Captains are randomised when joining ongoing battles (with save file)

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No, I didn't use any mods.
Summary: When joining battles, captains are randomised. Joining ongoing battles will ignore the default pre-battle setup that the user has made. This affects helping lords, caravans, village raids, villagers, etc.
How to Reproduce: Join an ongoing battle and then compare it against starting your own battle.
Have you used cheats and if so which: No
Scene Name: N/A

Computer Specs: N/A

This bug was marked as resolved for the last patch/hotfix, but unfortunately, it is not fixed.

Save file: Google Drive

In this save file you can choose to join the nearby ongoing battle or choose to attack the 125-man party.

When you reload and join the other battle you can see that the captain setups have changed. The pre-deployment setup is not applied and your units lose captain bonuses and banner bonuses when joining ongoing battles.

The game also always makes the player the captain of mounted troops, even though I never spec my character for captain perks because that's what the wanderers are there for.

Infantry Captains: 'The Boar, 'The Wanderer'
Mounted Captain: 'The Ill-Starred'
Archer Captain: 'The Healer'

But when joining the battle they are all messed up. Example: My infantry captain 'The Boar' is made an archer captain (you can even see this in the group icons because there will be one infantry icon). Then my governor specced wanderer is made infantry captain, etc...

Try assigning different helmets or taking them off to make it easier to distinguish between the wanderers.
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Hey, i have forwaded the issue to the QA team for further inspection. Thank you for your time and sorry for the inconvenience.
This issue persists in the 1.2.4 patch.

Your troops lose banner and captain perk bonuses when joining ongoing battles of any kind because the captains are randomised.
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The issue unfortunately persists in the 1.2.5 patch.

I've not played Bannerlord since I reported this bug as it really kills the enjoyment of leveling and building your wanderers. The player's party is massively weakened due to this issue whenever you join an ongoing battle.
Hey, sorry for the inconvenience. Can you please let me know if the issue is persistent on the latest live version v1.2.8? If the issue is persistent, please let me know.
Hey, sorry for the inconvenience. Can you please let me know if the issue is persistent on the latest live version v1.2.8? If the issue is persistent, please let me know.
Still ongoing. Consider smacking the QA people next time you see them, it's been almost half a year, it's unforgivable
I do not get this issue on console or p.c. I've been joining army v army battles trying to force it, do you have more than the 5 formations it usually defaults to? (1infantry, 1 archer, 2 cavalry and 1 horse archer)
The same bug occurred in a party with 129 members (6 companions). The game version is 1.2.9.
After loading and verifying the my save data, it seems that the number of parties and the number of companions are affected.
When I reduced the number of parties and then did the battle myself and then joined other battles nearby, the captain's settings changed even more.
I hope they will fix this bug soon.
@Carramod Hey, can you please share your save file before the battle so we can further inspect the issue? To send us a ticket, please visit the site and login to your forum account from the top right. Click to "My Account" and then click to "My Open Tickets". You can create a ticket there and include the save file and as well as the forum link of this thread. You can find more info about how to upload files to us with the new ticketing system here. Thanks for reporting and sorry for any inconvenience!
Hey, i got your ticket and forwarded the attachments to the QA team for further inspection. Thank you for your time and sorry for the inconvenience.
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