Summary: You are kicked out settlements when mercenaries join or leave your faction.
How to Reproduce: Be in a siege while a mercenary switches allegiance to or from your faction.
Have you used cheats and if so which: No
Scene Name: N/A
Computer Specs: N/A
Save file: Google Drive
After loading the save, break into settlement and fast-forward.
Note: You have to load this save a few times for it to happen due to the RNG of how mercenaries are hired. Battania has lost many soldiers and will shortly hire some. The bug should have a high chance of happening here.
You can see below, I am under siege but get a message that a mercenary is no longer at war with us:
I get kicked out of the settlement and now have break into the settlement again, losing more men from my party:
Again, the save file might need to be loaded many times for it to happen because of the RNG element.
This happens with all mercenary groups: Hidden Hand, Jawwal, etc...
How to Reproduce: Be in a siege while a mercenary switches allegiance to or from your faction.
Have you used cheats and if so which: No
Scene Name: N/A
Computer Specs: N/A
Save file: Google Drive
After loading the save, break into settlement and fast-forward.
Note: You have to load this save a few times for it to happen due to the RNG of how mercenaries are hired. Battania has lost many soldiers and will shortly hire some. The bug should have a high chance of happening here.
You can see below, I am under siege but get a message that a mercenary is no longer at war with us:
I get kicked out of the settlement and now have break into the settlement again, losing more men from my party:
Again, the save file might need to be loaded many times for it to happen because of the RNG element.
This happens with all mercenary groups: Hidden Hand, Jawwal, etc...
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