
  1. Spicy courtship

    My last post made me wonder... Why don't M&B games have more life to the relationships, indeed? I mean, we could have full on romance novel action going on here. Imagine this: A player, or NPC, can notice how impossibly beautiful another man's wife is. This, quite charmed, fellow then goes on...
  2. Apocal

    Are initial relations between nobles and notables set yet?

    This is from a long time back and I tried to see what if it was ever implemented but I'm not that good. Does anyone have any idea? @mexxico @Duh_TaleWorlds @Dejan quickedit: Also something else I've been trying to prove/disprove for awhile: While mexxico says there are negative relations...
  3. My consistent gripe - Lord behavior

    I bought into EA at release and I have played about 15 campaigns of decent length at this point, and I decided I finally wanted to bring this up. While many things have improved in my eyes since release, and I really enjoy the moment to moment gameplay, this is the aspect of the game that...
  4. Calabanar

    SP - General Recruiting companions from mercenary companies.

    Hi all. Losing a good companion can be a pain because of how hard (and long) to train they are. So what if maintaining good relations with mercenary companies (30-45+) allowed the player to recruit companions from said companies? These companions would have a higher average level and skills...
  5. Apocal

    Relations with notables are heritable.

    I know a lot of people get mad when the game resets your progress in gaining relations from the early- and mid-game because notables can die. But they get replaced by a family member who inherits the same relations. I know I've posted this before and people said they didn't believe it, so I...
  6. Closed lords considers villages as theirs when raiding

    1.5.4 beta simply when the enemy lords raiding a village which player owns , if player comes near to rescue the village .lords considers the village as their own and the relation drops with their clan how am I going to post images and videos. i have some edit: I uploaded the images , by the way...
  7. Drakun - Ironhammer

    Closed Bugs - 1.5.4 (Beta)

    - After successfully carrying out missions (needs seed grains, extortion by deserters, etc) for notables in villages (in the Empire in this case) my character doesn't improve relations with them at all. - Locations previously under siege (towns usually) are stuck with the siege icon after an...
  8. Bannerman Man

    Closed When creating an army, npcs use the player's relations with the summoned lords to determine total influence cost rather than their own.

    Summary: When npc lords create an army, the game calculates the influence cost of summoning each faction lord to join the army. The relations value between the army leader's clan and the summoned lord's clan affects the total influence cost. However, the game incorrectly uses the player's...
  9. Apocal

    If you're gonna ding me for my companion parties' raids...

    ...let me tell those ****ers to stop raiding. It used to be like this in 1.4.1: But with the new patch, 1.4.2 / 1.4.3, I've started eating a relations hit for it. OK, fine, I knew it was cheese to drag around three or four clan parties then cut them loose in the enemy heartland, knowing...
  10. Resolved Voting causes -100 relation to the player

    When voting against another lord or king for a fief or for a decision to be made, their disposition, as well as their clans disposition instantly becomes -100 toward the player. I'm not sure if this is meant to be an actual feature but it's so extreme it seems to be a bug.
  11. Resolved War with clan that's part of the kingdom

    Summary: Sturgia declared war on Lake Rats. Then I joined Sturgia and after building relations with Rats I convinced them to join us. They became our vassals and were given fiefs, but the war is still going on - it's visible in Diplomacy tab How to Reproduce: Wait until any kingdom start a war...
  12. SP - Economy Money sink Megathread

    Hello there, I've seen a lot of different posts concerning how the amount of money the player can currently make in this game is apparently a problem, when by all means it's not. We're playing early medieval nobles here, and should by all means be swimming in cash. The real issue is rather that...
  13. Kingdom Vassals of Mine don't suffer relations penalty

    I run my kingdom and I notice that no matter what decision I make when passing policies or voting on settlements, I can't piss off and reduce my Vassals relations of me, to go down. No matter what I do, my relation score to them remains the same. I'd like this to work properly so I can feel the...
  14. Lord Irontoe

    SP - General For executions: a new metric, "Grievance", to measure the right to execute

    So it seems to me that the execution mechanic is pretty limited right now. The penalties are very harsh and seem arbitrary. What's needed is some kind of system of justification for putting someone to death. Situations where the average Calradian would look at it and think, "Well, he had it...
  15. Ackdam

    SP - General [Economy] Wealth Management

    Issue: Currently, the player runs everywhere happily carrying around all of the denar they have managed to hoard at any given time. After a certain point, one begins to wonder how they are still able to move at all? Suggestions: A long list with a number of ideas that I attempted to present in...
  16. GG Cannon

    SP - General Please, stop making clans quit the kingdom at random. It is infuriating.

    The current mechanic where clans in the player created empire suddenly quit the kingdom at random is really, REALLY infuriating and ruins the fun completely. It makes literally no sense why the Dey Arromanc would suddenly just up and quit my kingdom and rejoin with the Vladians when they have a...
  17. wherearewee

    SP - General Abandoning an outnumbered allied army should cause negative relations

    As far as I can tell, there's no consequence for just abandoning an army that comes under attack by an overwhelming force. There should definitely be a relations penalty for abandoning an outmatched allied army just to save your own skin (and your hard won clan of veteran troops).
  18. SP - Player, NPCs & Troops Suggestion: When you get more reputation (morale, relations, influence, renown) it gradually adds on (not all at once) to increase immersion

    I really like the multi-layered reputation system (how it goes from micro to macro: morale, relations, influence, renown). It would really add to the immersion if when you get reputation points it is added to your total slightly gradually (not too slowly but not just not all once in one magical...
  19. Legoshi

    Rediculous relation losses from my allies and other nobles almost overnight?

    So I took several cities and forts for our kingdom (Vlandia) from the Battarians who we were at war with and recieved none of them, the king took them every time even when i had 70%+ support from other lords. So it turned out i have -100 relations with almost all other faction members including...
  20. LordKay

    SP - General Cockfights, Sheepfighting, and Hunting

    It feels like such a waste for animals to only serve as walking pieces of meat. Since Taleworlds went to the effort of animating them, why not take it a bit further and use them a bit more? Chickens, ducks, and sheep could be used in animal fighting matches with betting. Dogs could be used as...
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