
  1. StaceMcGate

    SP - General Devastating Settlements

    Here's my thoughts on Devastating Settlement option after occupation 1) Will not lead to occupation, the invading army will sack the settlement and leave. This rewards (10-15k for army leader, 5-7k for army members) are wholly not worth it for the Player to consider occupying afterwards. The...
  2. StaceMcGate

    SP - General StaceMcGate's suggestion list (large thread)

    Been active playing this game during break, and instead of continuing to create small threads about minor mechanics of the game, I'd figured I'd compile a mega-thread of things of what I think the base game needs to succeed. I'll update as patches roll out, but please reply if I do not. Also...
  3. StaceMcGate

    Tribute and Mysterious Wars

    Let's be blunt, Wars are near-constant and meaningless. From what I can tell, Wars are mainly declared in order to obtain tribute or break out of tribute deals. Once a certain amount of tribute is obtained, Vassals will want to broker peace despite having the upper-hand. I say this as we have...
  4. StaceMcGate

    How should Kingdoms end?

    I'm sure by now everyone has encountered that one Kingdom that refuses to quit no matter what. They refuse to submit without tribute, and despite having no fiefs, still manage to maintain the loyalty of a few clans. Sure, you could just execute them but for some reason executing enemy combatants...
  5. StaceMcGate

    Let's talk about Rebellions

    To be frank, Rebellions lack oomph. They are a nuisance rather than a tangible threat in their current implementation. They are also always spurred forth from clashing cultures and lack of food, which is brought forth because AI Kingdoms would gladly sacrifice loyalty gains so the ruler can...
  6. Re-Installation Criteria

    I've uninstalled Bannerlord (disk space is precious and Bannerlord is over 60 GB), and am waiting for something to catch my attention in development to give it another download (data is also precious since I've only got so much of it per month). I'm curious about others in the same position...
  7. CapnScrub

    Things We Need in the Game For Real, No BS (maybe some BS) That taleWorlds need to Impliment.

    Hey guys, Just Been thinking about/ Procrasturbating on ideas in the game that I really want implimented. 1. Realistic Battlefield Toilet usage. In real war soldiers would need to go to the toilet, and its a real it shame wasnt implimented on release (if you'll pardon the pun). A Good example...
  8. Leader144

    Age of Arthur 5.0

    Hi Guys wanted to make a platform for people to share their opinion and experience about this awesome mod? How do you start? Did you try out as a knight and saved your mother? How did you do that? Where is your favorite spot to build a city and fort? Let's share our experience. Sincerely
  9. vonbalt

    Shall we talk about the paper armors?

    One thing that greatly affects the enjoyability of the game to me is how armors seem to not protect you at all, at first ok you have a tunic and one or two hits kill you, then you grind and level and wage war across an entire continent until you can save up enough to get some high end armor (or...
  10. StaceMcGate

    Family do not gain charm or act as an emissary

    I've asked several people about this, and seem to be the only one having this issue. However, throughout two full playthroughs within the last month, my family members have not improved relations or gained any charm experience whatsoever while assigned as governors or left in towns. Multiple...
  11. NLCRich

    What are the best and worst aspects of BL right now? Share your thoughts on the current state of game.

    Hi all, So I had an idea for a thread that I thought might be fun, and also highlight the best and worst of bannerlord and the current state of the game. The idea is: - Best: Post your favorite part of bannerlord in its current state. This can be anything, from a feature or mechanic to...
  12. Rice.Chrissy

    An idea to make Bannerlord sieges more immersive and unique

    So this idea can be implemented with the condition that the player is trying to join an ongoing siege battle by two parties and the player is helping the defending castle. The feature will have 3 stages: The player can only break into the castle when no battle is ongoing, if there is one...
  13. Mordred-A1

    MP Spear review and spear mechanic proposal/suggestion

    My review of spear: After playing 80 hours of using only spear in Bannerlord, I think I have the right to say that it sucks. You will have a better time using any weapon other than 2 handed spear or a spear and shield. Playing as a spearman requires you to learn mechanics that other weapons...
  14. Theotian

    Fun Variety! Videos , Interviews and Raw Competitive Skirmish Vdeos

    Hello everyone!:smile: So this is something i wanted to do for some time. I am making a genuine effort to start up my channel again and along with other game play types i will also be posting bannerlord skirmish footage on a regular basis.I also started a series in which i want to...
  15. AxiosXiphos

    Block Delay Discussion: Realistic Blocking, Flat Delay & Other Concerns

    Introduction Now let me start by saying I love Mount & Blade, love TW and have had a lot of fun on Bannerlord already - however I have been meaning to talk about this subject for awhile now; block delay or precisely the various mechanics that this forums throws under the same category of 'block...
  16. How does sturgian cultural work.

    Is the cultural bonus. 20% less speed penalty from snow purly campaign map because its the only one that doesn't say campaign map. I want to make a character thats best strongest fighter around. if he gets 20% less penalty in snow while in combat i would prefer that instead of any other since...
  17. Vland troops are extremely good.

    You may know vland has very good heavy cav but they also seem to have some of the best units all around i have seen. the recruit has spears. they use them to great affect a spear wall lvl 1 stops cav and shreads infantry. then level 2 with swords better after the first spear wall has weakened...
  18. Kral olduğunda fethedilen şehirlere aday gösterilmeme

    Evet dediğim gibi kral olmama rağmen kendime veremiyorum şehri oylamalarda bir türlü çıkmıyorum bunu nasıl çözebilirim
  19. ZydrateTheSmoothCriminal

    What do you want Bannerlord to be?

    I've seen in almost all discussions but in particular those on balancing issues that the people's expectations, what they've expected and wanted the game to be, are causing some major misunderstandings and pointless arguments, chaos. For example, there are idiots people who are happy with...
  20. Evolution of Equipment Idea

    I was just thinking... Considering the fact you can now play as your children and continue a dynasty that could last possibly hundreds of years, wouldn't it be interesting to see an evolution of equipment and places? I.e, horse armor, shields, swords, armors, even castles, and cities. I...
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