TLD (The Last Days, LOTR mod) for M&B 1.011 Info

Which race are you playing most?

  • Good humans

    Votes: 776 42.9%
  • Evil humans

    Votes: 140 7.7%
  • Orcs

    Votes: 85 4.7%
  • Uruks/uruk-hai

    Votes: 209 11.6%
  • Elves

    Votes: 409 22.6%
  • Dwarves

    Votes: 190 10.5%

  • Total voters

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reward list long ? but the reward are only already existant item in shop but overpowered or skill bonus ? because i love as dunlanding being on the "giant isengard warg reward" with some "dunland item reward" and some rhun or other

i mean, there is no "new" items ? (i think theres is no new cause when i check brf files i already saw nearly all in shop)

and is there one reward per rank ? or sometime a rank doesnt unlock an item ?

==> i found a way to know all the reward  :mrgreen:

really great job ! i love the mod :grin: ("love" is a too small word !!!!)
whyareallthenamestaken said:
is there a suggestion like thread? i was just wondering cause i think i have one that would make things idk  more fluid
ps i love the game GO RIVENDELL!

Try the official TLD forums:
Pratolli said:
I know that this is the 3rd time that I say it, but...

What can I do to make my leader to siege a city?
Have a faction strength over 4000, lower enemy faction strength below 2000 (1000 for capital sieges). Kill a lot of enemy parties in a short time to lower enemy strength.
When ready, respond to the next marshall's call and stay close with a large party, and hope he'll decide to go for a siege.

Or you can aggresively patrol around enemy towns, constantly looking for a fight. The marshall is bound to go sieging at some point. When he does, make sure you camp or stay nearby, that will speed up the sieging process. If you wander off, the siege (=waiting for the actual battle) may take a lot longer.
Captain_Octavius said:
Bobthehero said:
Level 8, not 10.

Oh blast, and here I had trained my ass off for several hours in the barracks to try to get as big a headstart as possible before the war starts... While it's actually the other way around!

Hum, I'll try to minimize levelling on my next character, and try to prepare as much as possible in the money/troops department rather than levelling.
Turning off ite restrictions till the war starts should help.  I'll be doing that with my next character, believe me.  Even some of the "we need food" missions, I wind up spending almost half (if not more) of the reward I'll get.  And, you'll need a LOT of resources for a large, well-trained army.  Mine's not even 50 people, and my weekly cost is several hundred for my best troops.
There's a strange feeling of nostalgia and experiencing something new when I'm playing this. It's almost like playing TLD 2.4 for the first time again.

It was worth the wait. Every second of it. Thank you.
Need a refresher on party skills.  In TLD, do they stack?  For instance, if I have 3 party members with, say, level 2 ina skill that gives a 5% benefit for every level, do I get a 15% bonus, or 30%?(could never remember about party skills).
No. Counts only the highest skill. Only the trainer skill is useful for everyone.

Or did you ask about the +1/+2 an so on bonus?
I'm not even sure what that is, actually.  :lol:

Edit:  That would mean it's best to have "specialists" for skills that the player isn't using, right?
If more than one member of the party has a high skill, there will be a bonus to the highest. It is written in brackets. The exact formula is unknown to me. You probably didn't understand anything though.  :lol:

Tralfaz said:
That would mean it's best to have "specialists" for skills that the player isn't using, right?
Obviously. Companions are most useful for developing party skills and not waisting your skillpoints on it.

How come you don't know this, anyway? :grin:
Садко said:
If more than one member of the party has a high skill, there will be a bonus to the highest. It is written in brackets. The exact formula is unknown to me. You probably didn't understand anything though.  :lol:

You get a bonus from investing in party skills on the player character.

So, the highest party skill in the party counts, but if your character has also a certain amount of points in that skill, the BONUS gets added on top of the skill of the highest companion.

2 + 1
5 + 2
8 + 3
10 + 4

So if you have 5 Tactics, and a companion has 7 Tactics, your party's effective Tactics skill will be 7 + 2. The 7 from your companion, the +2 from the bonus because you yourself have 5 points in that.

Hence it's not a waste at all to invest in party skills on your own character, since that's the only way to get an effective skill of 14.
Conners said:
How does that +1/+2 bonus work, anyways?

If the player's character has the skill at a certain point, he gets a bonus.

She adds this bonus to the best skill in the party.

If the player's character has 5 surgery, and a companions has 6, the effective surgery of the party will be 8 (companion skill + player bonus).
If that said surgeion is knocked out, the party's surgery will be 7 (as the player character will keep the +2 bonus for herself).

This means the best possible skill for a party is 14 (if the player maxes out a skill).
This bonus is only there for the leader (player character), the companions don't have a bonus.

In my opinion for this alone, is it a good idea to develop all party skills to level 2, so that the specialist gets 1 bonus.

Party skills do not stack (like from 2 good surgeons, only the better one counts), except for training. (every character trains others who are lower level then her at midnight)

edit: ninja'd
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