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Leberecht Reinhold said:
Cuirassers have more health, so yeah, they are "harder"

That means nothing. Health =/= Armor.

The armor formula deflects glancing blows and makes it so users need to rely more on armor peircing attacks or aiming for the head. It would also allow curiassers to deflect body shrapnel.

M&B doesnt use some simple skyrim-esque "% reduction" system, its a fairly intuitive system based on damage done vs armor rating.

They could get rid of the health buff and instead give the curiass a body armor rating of 30-40. It also raises the question why do russian uanrmored heavy cavalry have the same advantage as a french curiassier? They both have the same health buff and the same armor rating even though one of them doesnt have a steel breastplate and pauldrons.
Well , when you steath the weapon instead of it covering the back , he put it on the shoulder , which would look more awesome.
I'd love to see a single player component with dedicated country building like the Sword of Damocles mod. I personally would love to carve out my own little empire.
I would love to see Shako covers for the units, possibly as an option? I understand why you would choose not to cover up the lovely and distinctive shako models you have done, but since we are seeing campaign clothing for the men I would like to see those oilskin covers too :smile:

Oh and in walking mode like mentioned above shouldered muskets, but also when turning left or right don't have the soldier drop his musket to the left if you swivel on the spot.

Oh and Prussian Fusiliers added as 'light infantry' although a bit redundant unit they made up 1/3rd of all Prussian Line Battalions and it would be nice if they were included. Uniforms as Line Infantry except black straps, straight bladed short sword and no shield on the cartridge box.
The background of the progress bars is back. Might be helpful to change it to white/light brown or any colour because the first inches of the progress bar is also black and sometimes when distracted when reloading artillery I'm not sure or or not if I am making progress.

A really minor issue but still one that could do with tweaking.

Make your commanderbattle guys be able to wheel left or right, or face where you're facing. ALSO SQUARE FORMATION HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE

nice game in all though
I thought it would be a really neat idea to add medics to the game that can bandage up players. The ways of doing this could be from a simple bandage kit, a battlefield style heath crate, regen buff. I reckon it would be great if it was implemented in such a way it could not be abused.

Also, speed up swords.  :grin: Loving the game.

Bennoman1 said:
An easier way to aim the cannons in first person and the ability to use the telescope while aiming the cannon would be awesomesaucem!
so you want unrealistic cannon warfare.

have the arty officer watching where the rounds land through his lense, and he corrects the gunners as needed. being able to see through a spyglass while you adjust the cannon and fire it would completely kill the immersion factor for being a Nappy era cannoneer.
in fact yeah I have a suggestion:

I suggest disregarding everyone asking for a change in arty that has to do with somehow making it "easier." Especially disregard any suggestion with these words in it:

"overhead view"
"bird's eye view"

that is all
Or what if you had a little gui piece on the top left in commander battle under the flags that said how many units you had left, how many units were dead, or just a simple fraction
1 Musician, 1 Sergeant, and 1 Colour Bearer/Ensign per unit in Commander mode for extra flavor.  This is by far my favorite way to play this now. :grin:
I, too, would like to see more hands-on control in commander battle. Particularly picking targets, choosing orientation, form line/column, and maybe more controls for movement than forward and backward (wheeling controls?) It's kind of like herding cats at the moment, but it's fun to play. The option to give more direction would open up some interesting tactical options. Also, it would be nice to throw in a standard and musician for each line unit.

Also, you need to look at siege maps. As it stands, they are extremely hard to win as an attacker: It takes a lot to smash in the walls, and then it's hard to overwhelm the defenders as by the time the attackers run from their spawn to the fort, the defenders have respawned. Some kind of advancing spawn point system would help here, where attackers can spawn closer to the fort after a breech is made, to keep the pressure on.
It will be cool to see the flags moving when you run your game on DIRECTX7 because actually it's moving only in DIRECTX9.So please fix it because a lot of people lag on DIRECTX9 and can only play on Directx7^^!
It would be really nice if you could make the bots not aim at enemies when: told to fire on command + moving.

Yes I know that you can make them use melee only when moving but still, it's really annoying to move from one spot to another in commander battle, and find out that only the half of your line is with you, because the other half is moving at slow speed because they're aiming :smile:
I know its a bit early for big suggestions - and i must say, i really love the DLC so far -  but i have noticed that while every current factions have different characteristics, there is no faction which really stands out from the others (maybe Russia a little), therefore - if you ever get the time/will to create a new faction, i'd suggest to choose one which historically did fight in different ways than the current factions (Ottomans, just as an example - i know you wont add them), at least with parts of its armies. Guerilla combat, melee focused, archery, could be some ideas.

Also. The conquest mode has fights which last only for a very brief period of time. It would be alot more enjoyable, tactical, and evolving battles if they were at least 700 points each team. I have heard others say the same on the servers, so i think you should really do this.
Thalamond said:
I know its a bit early for big suggestions - and i must say, i really love the DLC so far -  but i have noticed that while every current factions have different characteristics, there is no faction which really stands out from the others (maybe Russia a little), therefore - if you ever get the time/will to create a new faction, i'd suggest to choose one which historically did fight in different ways than the current factions (Ottomans, just as an example - i know you wont add them), at least with parts of its armies. Guerilla combat, melee focused, archery, could be some ideas.

Also. The conquest mode has fights which last only for a very brief period of time. It would be alot more enjoyable, tactical, and evolving battles if they were at least 700 points each team. I have heard others say the same on the servers, so i think you should really do this.

Would be interesting to face in Line battles
-I would like to be able to see a better layout for the score board. in command battles i often have trouble seeing people's full name because it flows into the number of troops they have remaining. It would also be nice to see which players command certain troops. it makes communication hard because you cannot see who is in command of each unit.

-Command mode could also use improved control over troops. an example would be choosing a direction for them to face, and also being able to select a specific enemy unit for them to focus their fire on.
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