Mexxico, I'd value and appreciate your opinion on implementing Casus Belli in Bannerlord

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You can still blame me for campaign ai mistakes or slow development at snowballing problem:smile: Anyway good night all, it was nice to discuss these...
I still don't understand why the need for achieving perfect balance between factions prevents so many potential interesting war reasons.

I understand that development focuses on all factions to perform similarly powerwise. So, all war declarations should be controlled centrally.

Hovewer adding incidents such as a bad charactered lord raiding a village and causing a war would only add more flavor to the game, even at the expense of disturbing the general faction balance. It is fine if a specific faction is left behind at the faction balance table because of this problematic lord. It will bring more life to the game. Then, the faction leader would either have a reason to kick this clan, or take its fiefs etc. Moreover, if these are made visible to the player by some kind of logs or notifications, the world would feel a lot more interactive.
No disrespect to the Dev but that decision to not add those cohesive war reasons are again why “accessibility “ is a terrible trend for the die hard loyal fans to a genre . The people who supported and praised the game launching it to its rightful place as an all time great - are now the red headed stepchild as compared to gaining the newer “YouTubed” type who “don’t like complex things”
“We’ll leave it to the modders is now the official byline for these sorts of company shortcuts and IMO its a foul barnyard odor decision

I applaud Mexico trying his best to in a very real sense be our representative as these decisions are weighed at corporate but alas stronger youtubbien forces have prevailed . A shame
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Any chance to implement something slightly better? At least random excuses from a pool of excuses based on the rulers' relationship with each other?

If Sturgian Ruler has -20 or lower relationship with Vlandian Ruler, he can pick a reason from the pool and a solid strategic reason like you already added into game. Pool issues can be more neutral or unprovable things. Such as
- "{faction_ruler_name_here} insulted our people in a speech, with his disgusting words - which is only a fit for his people"
- "{faction_name_here} is treating poorly to its own people! We should end this cruelty and do the righteous thing to do"
- "Mocks with our way of life. He hates us to his guts and shows that in every way. We shouldn't tolerate such behaviour!"

This can be turned into something richer - and faction to faction sensitive to increase depth. For example, these are all examples of Casus Belli of Ceaser to Gauls, which I changed into something Battania to Empire.
- Those savages, barbarians threatened our lands. Because of this threat, the Barbarians had to be pacified and became a vassal or part of our Empire after the war.
- We should preventing a coalition against the Empire from being formed.

So once these causes randomly picked, it can be combined with normal reasons in the game.
"{faction_ruler_name_here} insulted our people in a speech, with his disgusting words - which is only a fit for his people. We should declare war against {faction_name_here} because we have stronger armies compared to them and we can enlarge our territories"

I think this would bring more depth into the game. And it's not against to idea of "keeping game simple". I think, It's just cosmetic - ( textmetic, so to speak, since it's not graphical ) This gives the feeling that NPCs are not bots, but some type of living entities in the game with honour, feelings etc.

Unfortunately, we kinda lowered our expectations not only with this feature but with the entire game :smile:
This idea would be a start, at least developers should pave the way for mods to develop.
Ouch. Reading mexxicos response broke my heart, I was really looking forward to having a complex and immersive casus belli system in the game it would make it feel so much more alive, to think that such a great idea that he brought up in the meetings got shut down is just... What's going on over there in the dev team? Who decides if an Idea is rejected or accepted? Is it one person? or the collective team that gets to make these decisions? All the best ideas I have seen simply get shut down in the meeting room due to being "too complex" and its utterly baffling to me considering these suggestions are accurate reflections of what the playerbase wants in the game. Who is it that you are trying to please with this game, yourselves?(people who reject or accept ideas) or the players?
Ouch. Reading mexxicos response broke my heart, I was really looking forward to having a complex and immersive casus belli system in the game it would make it feel so much more alive, to think that such a great idea that he brought up in the meetings got shut down is just... What's going on over there in the dev team? Who decides if an Idea is rejected or accepted? Is it one person? or the collective team that gets to make these decisions? All the best ideas I have seen simply get shut down in the meeting room due to being "too complex" and its utterly baffling to me considering these suggestions are accurate reflections of what the playerbase wants in the game. Who is it that you are trying to please with this game, yourselves?(people who reject or accept ideas) or the players?

Bro im telling you ive been watching these gaming companies make this shift for years -games that used to have a lot of nuance and the need to master -once popular it gets decided that if they can swing that popularity over to the general masses that want things spoon served for them -so in a sense its now "Warband Console lite". They know some of the diehard real gamers will be offended but they're willing to take that gamble that yes they'll lose a bunch of us -buts that easily offset by the f and forget it style gamer who'll enjoy it a few runs and then move on. They've made their profits and expanded their selling base.
Bro im telling you ive been watching these gaming companies make this shift for years -games that used to have a lot of nuance and the need to master -once popular it gets decided that if they can swing that popularity over to the general masses that want things spoon served for them -so in a sense its now "Warband Console lite". They know some of the diehard real gamers will be offended but they're willing to take that gamble that yes they'll lose a bunch of us -buts that easily offset by the f and forget it style gamer who'll enjoy it a few runs and then move on. They've made their profits and expanded their selling base.

I didn't agree with this sentiment at first, but everything I've seen over the last 9 months has reinforced this idea so much that I find it difficult to ignore any longer. The straw that broke the camels back was the changing of the order/command menu to make it work for consoles. This is when I realized that pushing sales on a new platform was more important than the games integrity and more important than satisfying already existing customers. It seems to me now that as long as people continue to buy the game and they sell more and more copies that they just don't care about the quality of the product. If it sells it sells. What a terrible time we live in.

Edit: That's not to say that there aren't dedicated and passionate developers that work within the TaleWorlds team because there most certainly are @mexxico is a great example of these dedicated devs, however it seems that whoever is making the actual decisions doesn't seem to care at all about what we want.
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It appears even a basic diplomacy option is too much for the TW counsel. This game is mediocre, an emissary? What is that? Are you serious? There are 10 mods with better scripts than this lackluster lazy amateur stuff. They have gone for console simplicity.

What is so hard about making a good in depth feature?

Emissaries and barbers? Okay TW, that's bland and un interesting and all of you know it.

Castle building-- nope
Ambush- nope
open tavern/interactive town scenes that don't multiple require loading screens- nope

What is groundbreaking about this game? The smithy feature? Nova Aetas mod's is better....

This whole game reminds me of Creative Assembly's bare minimum feature edict.

"prisons breaks" yeah guys, we had that 10 years ago TW, seriously, this sucks.

Get back to me when you produce an actual feature.
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It appears even a basic diplomacy option is too much for the TW counsel. This game is mediocre, an emissary? What is that? Are you serious? There are 10 mods with better scripts than this lackluster lazy amateur stuff. They have gone for console simplicity.

What is so hard about making a good in depth feature?

Emissaries and barbers? Okay TW, that's bland and un interesting and all of you know it.

Castle building-- nope
Ambush- nope
open tavern/interactive town scenes that don't multiple require loading screens- nope

What is groundbreaking about this game? Nothing.....

Let me add to your list:

Dynamic world events-- nope
Unique and different colored banners-- nope (all colors must match for uniformity)
Split skirmish and captain balance -- nope
Focus fire command for archers --nope
Additional formations -- nope
Command to order troops to switch weapons -- nope
Back-Story and lore building for players selected faction when they start a new game --nope (Everyone must start at the training field near Poros)

The backstory one really irks me because they have the audacity to justify not including a similar system that Total War games have when you start a new game as a different faction, by claiming the game is a sandbox and therefor it would only make sense in story mode, and yet they have a main quest and the same rescue my siblings storyline in every playthrough which completely contradicts their sandbox claims.
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How long did the "deep" emissary script take TW? One month, Good God. This is pathetic. I am going to call it what it is.

Here's actual real depth/content, a custom troop mod made by ONE GUY TW.
TW: your counsel that makes these games decisions is dreadful.

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Thanks for all your comments @mexxico, much appreciated as always.

I agree with others in the thread, it is really disappointing that Taleworlds leads have decided to chase simplicity for the sake of consoles/casual players. To be honest I really hope it bites them in the butt at some point (I know it's highly unlikely but one can hope). Devs should be leading the direction of the game and not these corporate morons. Same with every company but it's just as frustrating regardless. There was a really fantastic opportunity to expand on warband as the perfect base for Bannerlord and deepen the series' complexity, hopefully another developer will come along and try to take up the mantle of this now niche genre.
If any head of Bannerlord read this, please acknowledge that complex games can be, and in fact are as popular. People learn to play games, of course complex games can draw someone out of the game but it can make it so interesting people just want to know what its about. I mean, games like darkest dungeons, Kenshi, CK games, they're all very popular series that drawn people for it's difficulty and the fact that people have to use their brains to play them. I mean, even Dark Souls can be considered complex, do you imagine if that game said, hey, no let's make it a simple coward game just so "everyone" can play it? People of course would have played it but it would have been forgotten once something more interesting came into their hands, actually I argue that those games' complexity IS what made them popular. An spanish youtube recently talked about "what is the definitive game" and it started talking about several games, mentioning what game let you do so much stuff and had so much opportunities and complexities the players would have to deal with and it talked about Bannerlord, saying "it's almost the definitive game, but it's not" to then praise Kenshi instead, and we all know how complex Kenshi is. Of course, I'm not saying Bannerlord should be Kenshi, but it's should be as dynamic, difficult, thought provoking as Kenshi is, instead we have a half baked game that is good, but not perfect, not definitive, just an experience that feels short and it CAN be so much more. I've seen many mods trying to approach the "definitive" status but of course, they can't because they don't have the funds to do so, TW has, stop being cowards and make a good game, not a game that aims to complacent a public that doesn't exist
They have not listened to one thing in this forum concerning depth and immersion out of hundreds of posts over the years. As I said before, when the stash button is another menu page that takes 5 seconds to make that told me all I needed to know. They actually touted that as a feature? LOL.... I have a love hate relationship with this tittle, but honestly it's turning to apathy. Who asked for the blandest marriage system I have ever seen in a game? It's an XLM spreadsheet marriage, there's zero connectivity for the player. Where the hell is the smithy? It's been 10 months and not a single file has changed regarding the javelins. The campaign map is an empty shell, there's nothing on it. There's very little in this game, I am not fooled.

BL a template for modding for PC; and a console game for teens with fruit fly attention spans. Take some pride in your work TW.
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