Dev Blog 17/08/17

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[parsehtml]<p><img class="frame" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;" lang="en-GB" src="" alt="" width="575" height="300" /></p> <p>Greetings warriors of Calradia! Gamescom is around the corner, and as you may have imagined, we will be there showcasing Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. We can’t tell you exactly what we will show just yet, but we can at least confirm that it will be something slightly different from the demo that we took to E3.</p></br> [/parsehtml]Read more at:
Seriously : there is not the same chance to have a epidemic or a geological event like the one who set the K/T boundary than some simple others, like :
- Turkey is experiencing an economical crisis : governement wants to save money, videogames are evil because some stupid man decided to for X or Y reasons (i can see several) = no more money for TW.
- Devs go to US to present the game, they meet several people, they come back to their country, they are arrested because...because.

You laugh because you suppose Shaxx don't know the K/T and the geological history, but, do you even know, even a bit, what is currently happening in Turkey ?

(sorry for bad english)
In case it wasn't clear from my previous 2 posts, this thread is now back on-topic. We have plenty of political/news threads in the Off-Topic forum for those who want to discuss such things. We've all had a five minute chuckle, but this isn't the place for a prolonged discussion about the state of the world and the deadly effect of meteors.

Inarius said:
Seriously : there is not the same chance to have a epidemic or a geological event like the one who set the K/T boundary than some simple others, like :
- Turkey is experiencing an economical crisis : governement wants to save money, videogames are evil because some stupid man decided to for X or Y reasons (i can see several) = no more money for TW.
- Devs go to US to present the game, they meet several people, they come back to their country, they are arrested because...because.

You laugh because you suppose Shaxx don't know the K/T and the geological history, but, do you even know, even a bit, what is currently happening in Turkey ?

(sorry for bad english)

Well I would like to say you are exagerating plz we are not Iran
but unfortunately because of the things that I witnessed over a decade I can do nothing but agree with you
Foxhart said:
Are you guys **** Joking? What a bunch of bull****. Ive gone througb this thread and seen the people saying "oh thats ok, i understand." And all i can say is ARE you **** serious? Your game is abso-****-lutely in development hell. It wont be out this year, it wont be out next year. If your lucky it may come out in 2019. But dont hold your breath because a very good chance exists that this game will die. "Other companies put out release dates, but we dont work like that." Because your obviously bad at business... the reason companies put a release date on games is not to rush developement or give the devs a deadline so they can make money. Its for you the consumers, you get a release date so that you know when the game is coming out so you can save, trade and get hyped for it. So you can have reassurance that this game WILL come out. Its so you have faith that there will be a game. So far im seeing a nice pet project that has no faith behind it. It tells me this game is already a disappointment and that you may never release it. And if and when you do it will be like throwing a rain drop in the ocean. No one will **** care by that point and the majority of the player base and fans will have left. I love the mount and blade series, i have played them all multiple times and enjoyed them. It is because i like this series so much that this pisses me off to no end. Not because you wont give me my release date but because you've proven there is no faith behind the game and thus killed any remaining hype i had for bannerlord. I now wont buy the game on launch and i doubt ill notice if and when it does. Best of luck and hopefull you learn.

i think this guy definetly gonna buy bannerlord the day it comes out :fruity: :shifty: :grin:
and thanks for the weekly updates on thursday :wink:
I get mixed feelings from this announcement.

On one hand, I agree that the game shouldn't be rushed and it must be steadily developed in order to be at it's best.

On the other hand, I hope the devs realize that all this delay is filling the fans with expectations. I mean, come on, it's been 6 years since it was announced, and probably we will wait another 1-2 years to play it. So, personally, after 8 years of waiting and hearing stuff, I would expect to see a truly AMAZING game, and not just a "new game". After soooo much development, I would expect they have addressed all the issues of Warband, and on top of that, add TONS of content.

Delaying and building hype for too long can build unrealistic expectations. This happens with everything. Just saying... :smile:
MadVader said:
Good points.
Maybe we can hope they'll run out of money and a lender will make them commit to a release date. I'm sure the end product will be better and focused on the important features as well.

hmm can I still have a refund on steam with 3550 hours played? If yes I'll do my part!
Johan_Stormcloak said:
I am glad they clarified some things, but I would just like to leave this video for the TW devs. Just something they may want to consider.

Seen that video before. Having been in that situation, I kind of agree with it, even though it comes down to personal preference and how each person likes to work individually.
This is what I want a blog of at some point since we won't get Bannerlord related stuff anyway in them
Pharaoh X Llandy said:
First of all, this isn't 3D Realms. Saying 3D REALMS FOLDED SO TW WILL TOO is like saying HEY THERE'S A WAR IN THE CONGO SO THERE WILL BE A WAR HERE TOO! Just because it happened somewhere else doesn't mean it will happen here.

Second, I hope all you naysayers and complainers realise that when Bannerlord is released, you're all going to look like massive buttholes. Like, gaping. Predicting the doom and demise of the project just so you can have the satisfaction of stroking your delicate ego and gloating HAHA TOLD U SO in the unlikely event that something goes wrong and no game is ever released, is the height of dickery, and definitely not the sort of community-building mentality that a true game fan ought to engage in. Is some criticism of the previous communication (or lack thereof) and the length of time it's taken to get this far warranted? Sure, and several posters have already expressed their disappointment like actual human beings. If I was a Dev reading this thread (and they do) I would think, "Wow, some of our customers are tantrum-throwing children" and it would not fill me with enthusiasm for engaging with the community.

Now pick up your toys and grow up.
You know, if you're trying to make fun of someone by reducing their point to gibberish you should be sure to not miss the actual point, otherwise the only one you'll make fun of is yourself.

But let's break this down, shall we? First, I never said that Taleworlds and 3D Realms are the same thing, which should be really, really obvious because they're obviously not. Second, this has nothing to do with my point because several things can share the same or at least similar traits without being the same. You know, like your war in the congo likely broke out for similar reasons like other wars in our history. Future wars will most likely also be started for similar reasons. Your argument is more like this:

Jimmy hold a loaded gun to his head, pulled the trigger and blew his brains out. But since I am not Jimmy, it would be silly to assume that the same thing would happen to me if I did that. 3D Realms didn't fail because they were 3D Realms, they failed because of their attitude and certain things they did or didn't do. You can read it up here, if you want, it's quite an interesting read nonetheless:

And lastly, I don't want to be right. I'd like to play Bannerlord and would like nothing more than seeing it released, proving my suspicion wrong. But their current course of action reminds me of people who tried the same thing before and that never really turned out well.
Salmonsy said:
But let's break this down, shall we?

*puts on mod-hat*

No, let's not. I think this thread has had enough of off-topic spam. You don't think BL is going to be released because of past experiences with similar companies. Super fantastic for you. In the meantime, Dev Blogs will continue to be released here, and people will continue to comment on them. It will certainly be bad news if BL never gets released because that will pretty much be the end of TW, and that's people's jobs and livelihoods. But from my perspective, it's just a game. There are fifty billion other games out there I can play.

And lastly, I don't want to be right.

*takes off mod-hat*

Then act like it. Be supportive. "Hey, kinda disappointed about the content of the last two blogs, but super looking forward to seeing Armagan's interview and what you have planned for Gamescon." Instead of just ****ting all over everything with negativity. It's soul-destroying, and I don't even work for TW. I can only imagine how great it is for paid devs to come here and listen how much people don't care about the team making the game, or how this situation is exactly like some other company's situation.
Shaxx said:
(Text Wall removed because I'm not sure how to add spoiler thingy.

The above of which is why honestly, we should all actually care very little what happens with a game, there are clearly more important things in the world to concern oneself with then whether a specific game is released or not.
Indeed. Hell even if Bannerlord were to come out tomorrow you or I could could get killed in a car accident, then what would we care. Might as well enjoy life well we can.

Pharaoh X Llandy said:
In case it wasn't clear from my previous 2 posts, this thread is now back on-topic.
Ooooh he/she? used bold letters, must be serious now :shock:. If you want to be clear, be clear that things are off topic rather than trying to get the final say in an argument, or being sarcastic. Not that sarcasm is inherently bad or anything it's just doesn't convey a sense of importance in what you say.

Looter said:

This is what I want a blog of at some point since we won't get Bannerlord related stuff anyway in them

Five real that would be cool if they showed us stuff like that. Oh well I will just sit here and gobble up the info that is regurgitated at as over and over like a chick being fed by its mother.

sockmonz said:
Ooooh he/she? used bold letters, must be serious now :shock:

Bold letters are extremely serious. It goes, verbal warning --> bold letters --> actual warning --> mute. That's just how I roll.

I also offer sarcasm free of charge. Backseat moderation, however, comes at a heavy price.
Pharaoh X Llandy said:
*puts on mod-hat*
No, let's not. I think this thread has had enough of off-topic spam. You don't think BL is going to be released because of past experiences with similar companies. Super fantastic for you. In the meantime, Dev Blogs will continue to be released here, and people will continue to comment on them. It will certainly be bad news if BL never gets released because that will pretty much be the end of TW, and that's people's jobs and livelihoods. But from my perspective, it's just a game. There are fifty billion other games out there I can play.

I don't quite see how my posts are being off-topic since my first post in this thread was based on what was actually said in the dev-blog and my second (and now third) was responding to the things you've said to me. And I might add that to my understanding I have been very civil in this thread. Sure, not positive and heavily criticizing what Taleworlds is doing (or at least what I think they are doing) but I didn't call anyone a whiny child that should pick up his toys and grow up. Or attacked anyone personally, for that matter.
We have not disclosed a release date so far because it does not exist. We don’t work like that. We are not a company who sets a timeline to release a product and then works to meet that deadline. We are TaleWorlds Entertainment: we create games because we love making them, and we want them to be the best games that we can possibly make. We think that our fans don’t deserve less than our best efforts, our total commitment. We don’t believe in releasing a game before it is ready just because we might miss the hype.

“But all these companies give a release date – why don’t you?” We respect every approach, of course; we are not saying that if a company announces a release date then they are not trying their best to develop a great game. It’s just that every company has a different philosophy and a different set of circumstances. For example, some companies have publishers, shareholders, investors and owners who press for a release date, even if it means cutting content from a game.
I hate these paragraphs. All I see are lame excuses trying to make it sound like your working. This game is long over due and should have been released years ago. And if we keep waiting for you to release the best game you can possibly make, we will all die of old age and your great grandchildren will be releasing the game unless they learned from their parents, grand parents, and great grand parents who don't like to release games at all lol.

Like every other game ever made you will be releasing a patch after the first couple weeks anyway and probably a weekly patch because you forgot something. I get that... Id rather just have something playable now and give me the patches later. I want to buy this just to give a bad reviews, get a refund, and wait until it is on sale or pirate it somewhere online. Because to me this is no longer worth anything and you should be paying players to play it. Ill take my payment in US dollars. Thank you Tale Worlds!
I think this rage is not about "release the gameeee!" thing. In my opinion, most of the community pretty much agreed on that TW should get their time, and finish the game before release. It doesnt matter if the time we are talking about is 1 year, 3 years, 5 years etc.

But this rage is about not knowing when the game will be released.

TW should be able to give some date, in any form. Even "it will be released until 2020" would be enough to calm this rage. But we need one solid date. Right? It doesnt have to be "in 2017" or "in 2018"
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