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  1. jisiting2960


    我希望在部队和人物移动时,在地面形成脚印等痕迹,至少要5秒以后慢慢消失。 衣服装备最好有动态污渍,比如灰尘等在衣服上慢慢累积,使每个NPC的衣服都有一些不一样, 在战斗时候刀剑等让衣服出现划痕, 破损(通过遮罩系统,使衣服有划痕或者破损效果),还有头盔可以打开放下遮住脸和漏出脸的动画系统,另外脚步(包括人和马)、城镇里声音等还是太单调,尤其是混合音,衣服甲片等声音基本没有应该同时和人们说话、喘粗气、或者咒骂、嘀咕、脚步轻重等声音混合在一起,另外火焰,水体等物理效果还没有,比如火焰在衣服上烧着,焚烧房屋,...
  2. jisiting2960

    Some improvement suggestions

    There are too many and disorderly grasslands inside many towns, especially on the main road and on both sides of the city gate, which are too high and cover the gatekeepers, which is not in line with the actual situation of people coming and going. It should be removed. In addition, when the...
  3. jisiting2960

    How dare you release this semi-finished weather system? That's disgusting!

    On rainy days, I went to various villages and towns to see, but I didn't show it to me. I vomited, made various errors, and made various graphical errors. Apart from nausea, I also had a chill. Do you update the weather system in 5 months and it looks like this? Have you guys tested yet? What do...
  4. jisiting2960


    我买了13600KF,2K分辨率时候在自定义2000人大战时候(两边都是500匹马)帧数有时候会低于80帧, 我是32G内存 ,1T固态硬盘, 4070TI显卡,我发现似乎是CPU能力不够,所以我想让版主帮我问一下, 是不是大小核心并不适用于骑砍2呢, 需要用AMD的大核心才更好一些? 这样我好把主板和CPU给卖了换成AMD的全大核心X3D的CPU,我看线程好像都沾满了,但是核心是不是少了, 6个大核心顶不住吧?在这个游戏里是不是13700KF要比13600KF表现好很多? 另外骑砍2现在的优化有问题, 我32G内存有好多都空闲了, 我的内存现在是DDR4 4133HZ (16G X...
  5. jisiting2960

    What about the excessive performance of my computer configuration? Can we add the wet effect, day and night circulation and dynamic weather?

    13600KF,32G DRM, 4070TI,1TSSD,I am the computer for this game alone. There is no pressure. I hope to make rainy days more precise. There is also dynamic weather, day and night cycle, and wet body with rain. I hope to see these technologies appear in the game as soon as possible. In addition, I...
  6. jisiting2960

    Is there any new technology added or optimized after the 1.4 version of the engine。When can the moon and stars at night be good?

    Since the 1.4 version of the engine, we have nothing new. Where has it been updated? Are there any new changes? Can we make real-time global illumination? Let's introduce another version of the engine. We are all curious I also want the clouds at night to cover the moon, and then dim, sometimes...
  7. jisiting2960

    For a game with a price of only ¥178 , BL 2 is worth more. But what we are not satisfied with is that the content of the game is not rich en

    Just like my title, I love this game very much. I also know that the price is worth more than this game, but I am still not satisfied, because for its potential, this game can become an epic masterpiece, but it has not been achieved. You have been worried that you pay so much effort, but the...
  8. jisiting2960


    我逛了所有的城镇和城堡, 发下有很多城镇没有做全局光照,只有阴影, 有个别城镇做了全局光照, 这个有神那么说法么? 我看很多后期做的城镇都没有做全局光,是不是官方要加入光线追踪或者动态全局光照做准备呢? 还是偷懒就是不做了? 这个我觉得挺重要的, 挂房能给个准确的解释么?
  9. jisiting2960


    官网在STEAM直播时候我就呼吁要昼夜循环,动态天气, 下雨湿身效果,晚上的月亮和星星也要实体的, 现在都正式版了, 优化的也很好了,啥时候才能正式安装上啊,我这两天翻了以前的开发日志, 咱们的技术美工之前是做CG动画的, 现在要一秒60帧,他在2017年的时候就说在做昼夜循环呢,而且更早期的开发日志一张图片立 应该是巴达尼亚的夜晚, 也是有月亮的, 怎么正式版反而没有呢? 我严重期盼官方事项给我一个大惊喜啊, 是不是已经做完了,就等着优化好了以后就实装啊? 最好再来个实时全局光照, 可以选择的, 玩家也可以用静态的光照, 配置好的用实时的光照,就更完美了。
  10. jisiting2960

    When can the moon at night become a solid, not a texture, I want moonlight

    How long will there be dynamic weather, light snow, moderate snow, heavy snow, light rain, strong wind and rainstorm, wet body effect, moonlight at night, and day and night circulation after the official version? In addition, there is light leak in the stables in Valandia Town.It's the stable...
  11. jisiting2960

    Why do I feel that 1.70 is better than 1.72 and loads faster? Are there any other friends who feel the same way with me?

    Do you really feel that the illumination and particles of 1.70 picture are better than those of 1.72? Is it my illusion? In addition, I use mechanical hard disk to load 1.70 faster than 1.72, and the sound of CPU operation is also lower. Is it really an illusion?
  12. jisiting2960

    The overall tone of stekia kingdom is not correct and does not show the overall tone that colorists want to show

    The overall tone and color of stekia town is not correct. I hope the official will continue to adjust it. Although it is close to the coast, there should be fog, but the color is definitely wrong. Can we continue to adjust it?
  13. jisiting2960


    我来回安装1.70和1.72 , 去瓦兰迪亚的城镇旅游, 空气中少了一层薄薄的雾气, 城墙和空气中也少了一种光泽感, 没有了中世纪的那种神秘感。要命了,虽然画面清晰了, 但是也没有了中世纪的感觉。 TW肯定在光照上或者例子上改动了什么,尤其是石头城墙, 说不出少了什么, 就是缺少一层薄薄的雾气, 空气中也没有了光泽, 和1.70的城墙比光照差远了, 这是一种感觉,技术上我不会描述, 请一定要重视起来。 麻烦版主把我的建议提交给TW, 拜托了。
  14. jisiting2960

    HELP ME, 1.72

    I just played games. I mainly went to various towns. What's going on? Before, there was a kind of light and shadow in the town that was very beautiful. After the update, the picture was clear, but that kind of light and shadow, similar to double shadow, was gone. There was no such feeling. I...
  15. jisiting2960

    The actual effects of upgrades to buildings such as barns are not visible

    Why do barns, manors, barracks and other buildings not get physical upgrades, only walls do? Is it because you haven't done it yet, or because you just didn't do it? Will the full version be made later? I care about these details and like to see the upgraded buildings. I hope I can see them in...
  16. jisiting2960

    Haven't you updated it today?

    It's been so long, isn't it time for a major update? Can you fix rainy days? I thought the night wasn't ready. It's ready now. Will the circadian cycle and dynamic weather be added? Will RPG content be added? How much more can the town make up for with new scenes and equipment
  17. jisiting2960

    I have a good idea

    I came up with a good idea, if simplify the MOD editor and use it as a MOD. Here's an example: 1. To edit castles, what if we use C# to edit a script, find a village, and edit the code to allow castles to be built there, and then the code calls the editor, then there are resource editors and...
  18. jisiting2960

    没有体积云, 昼夜循环, 动态天气 , 我还可以期望么?

    . 所以我的问题实际上很简单,但显然我想在问这个问题时深入了解更多信息。因此,当我们尝试根据任务中每个刻度的增量时间来更改太阳的位置时,我们面临着巨大的 fps 下降,这很可能是由于光照贴图中发生的重新计算。有人问“理论上,有没有办法实现不依赖增量时间/帧率和预渲染闪电的太阳变化位置?” 我的回答是“是的,也不是。理论上,无论如何你总是在重绘框架。对于动画、非静态对象、阴影层等。但是,从我玩过的情况来看,目前的霸主 RGL 真的很擅长处理这个我很惊讶。让我也举一个例子,目前,在 RGL 中,只有重要的像素区域在闪电感上得到更新。这意味着,假设您的分辨率为...
  19. jisiting2960


    1. 在骑马按住X键时候,骑枪方向无法做出改变,这实际是不对的, 无论是在现实中还是竞技大会上,X键只是架枪,但是骑枪的方向应该随着鼠标左右晃动而产生轻微的改变, 如果鼠标向左,那么骑枪头也应该向左(这个时候可以设置一个慢动作案件,比如CTRL键,让玩家有控制骑枪方向的缓冲时间,能够进行微调从而更精确的扎到敌人。如果是在竞技大会上,应该制定规则爆头属于100分,扎在身上80分,扎在盾牌上不得分等等),鼠标向右/上/下等以此相似。 2. 目前的游戏画面已经达到预期,但是在动画上过于粗糙(非战斗场景中),同时没有将制作的动画充分利用起来,造成城镇城堡乡村死气沉沉。 我看了动画设计师的问答,...
  20. jisiting2960

    SP Native Amazing Work《Life in Calradia》 ,nice! Welcome to Life in Calradia. This mod is currently in working progress and require a new campaign start in version 1.7.0. It should be put at the end of the modules/mods list. I really encourage those who want to test it out, give...
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