Stuck in Siege menu help D: i can't backout!!

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i had sallied out, and so, i retreated my party cuz they all died, doesnt give me the option to surrender now... zzz
and now, i went attacked backed out, and my character is under 16% hp so now i cant even attack and suicide. like does the game end here now ??? i cannot back away from this menu.

like i absolutely have no options. i cant back out of this menu i cant even suicide my character into the 500 army anymore, like i already saved and reloaded


i sallied out my 500 guys vs his 900 guys. they clearly were winning, so i retreated in attempt to get away. i had no option to retreat since i was down to 40ish men and they still had 537 which is shown.

so i sent the troops, all died, and i was still alive. i only had that option of attacking. i went in, took a few shots, and then retreated again to see if it'd be fixed. and now the character is under 20% hp, hes at 16% damaged hp so i lost that attack option to manually suicide the character and im like frozen.

theres no option in this menu to surrentder/turn myself in like come on

unfortunately i dont have an older save im on ironman

i've already tried to press 2 and 3 to make the game continue, it's frozen. and already fully shut it down and reloaded it and nothing.

please someone tell me theres a way to fix it, like i had so many hrs into this playthru D: D:

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