
Hello, New to the forums and have a few thing's to get off my chest.
First off, I love this game. It's brilliant and under-rated!
Any rant made I believe justified as we all know nothing is perfect and everyone is different, not doing it to complain for the sake of it, merely to place forward potential food for thought to help better the game.
1. OMG... how annoying is it when you spend down time from war to set up your parties (trying to keep some defence parties to stop raids for the alliance), then when war starts, they take all your hard earnt troop's right to a small castle, just to be obliterated by a defending army while they sit there helplessly as the army approches, or the army wait's until they are weak enough to obliterate them. All your planning and work gone instantly, due to goof balls that always feel immortal and sticking their fingers in my pockets, I feel I'd have to constantly get around with them in a private army for them to be any use. PLEASE, can we make it so parties have an option to be hireable or not to allied armie's? would be nice to keep some raid defence, this is what I find most annoying in the game.
2. Currently I have done many play through's and want to change thing's up a bit, an idea that has been building up in my mind for a long time and involve's making use of companion's ALOT more... So, I am looking to hire very specific NPC's (e.g... Hawk, Shieldmaiden...), While doing this I would LOVE just one NPC with near perfect stat's, So I have been going all through character creation, starting the game, tracking down the hawk, and checking his stat's (every play through the stat's are randomised)... If they are not optimal enough, I delete the save and start again... I have come to realise, RNG follow's me to even simple thing's in single player game's... I mean can you blame me for wanting to find "the hawk" with +30% ranged accuracy. +15% ranged accuracy, +30% headshot dmg, +8% dmg, +5hp etc... over "the hawk" that lacks all these... I mean they are both classed as "the hawk" but in my opinion there is only one real hawk and the rest are imposters! I mean look how great the real hawk is with a bow! With this said, Making a save appearance in character creation would be nice? I know its RNG based, but having to get unlucky so many time's to get what someone may get on their first run isn't ideal! I mean I been at this for days now LOL.
3. For this, IDK, just something I would personally see as a nice little distraction to spicen thing's up, A legendary smith appearing rarely, and for a short period of time in the retreat that can upgrade one item to the next status for a pretty penny! E.G Iron spatha > Balanced Iron spatha, or Lordly scale boots > Legendary scale boots.
I seen earlier in the forum's the dev's are talking of making armour better? I guess it would be used in this manner too... I mean how hard is it to get the best armour with a good status. But personally I think armour as is, is good enough! It does me wonders even in banner mode... Personally I have no complaint's for armour and this is just food for thought.
(EDIT) 4. I forgot to mention in one of my play through's that I had a wanderer I gave a noble bow, arrows, sword and shield to.
I then made her a clan leader by giving her a fief, She then went off and traded her sword in for a second bow (noble long bow).
I now see her getting around in battles after using her arrows with 2 bows on her back, and weilding a shield on horse back punching people.
Keep up the great work Taleworld's, looking forward to seeing more from the team!
Peace out!
First off, I love this game. It's brilliant and under-rated!
Any rant made I believe justified as we all know nothing is perfect and everyone is different, not doing it to complain for the sake of it, merely to place forward potential food for thought to help better the game.
1. OMG... how annoying is it when you spend down time from war to set up your parties (trying to keep some defence parties to stop raids for the alliance), then when war starts, they take all your hard earnt troop's right to a small castle, just to be obliterated by a defending army while they sit there helplessly as the army approches, or the army wait's until they are weak enough to obliterate them. All your planning and work gone instantly, due to goof balls that always feel immortal and sticking their fingers in my pockets, I feel I'd have to constantly get around with them in a private army for them to be any use. PLEASE, can we make it so parties have an option to be hireable or not to allied armie's? would be nice to keep some raid defence, this is what I find most annoying in the game.
2. Currently I have done many play through's and want to change thing's up a bit, an idea that has been building up in my mind for a long time and involve's making use of companion's ALOT more... So, I am looking to hire very specific NPC's (e.g... Hawk, Shieldmaiden...), While doing this I would LOVE just one NPC with near perfect stat's, So I have been going all through character creation, starting the game, tracking down the hawk, and checking his stat's (every play through the stat's are randomised)... If they are not optimal enough, I delete the save and start again... I have come to realise, RNG follow's me to even simple thing's in single player game's... I mean can you blame me for wanting to find "the hawk" with +30% ranged accuracy. +15% ranged accuracy, +30% headshot dmg, +8% dmg, +5hp etc... over "the hawk" that lacks all these... I mean they are both classed as "the hawk" but in my opinion there is only one real hawk and the rest are imposters! I mean look how great the real hawk is with a bow! With this said, Making a save appearance in character creation would be nice? I know its RNG based, but having to get unlucky so many time's to get what someone may get on their first run isn't ideal! I mean I been at this for days now LOL.
3. For this, IDK, just something I would personally see as a nice little distraction to spicen thing's up, A legendary smith appearing rarely, and for a short period of time in the retreat that can upgrade one item to the next status for a pretty penny! E.G Iron spatha > Balanced Iron spatha, or Lordly scale boots > Legendary scale boots.
I seen earlier in the forum's the dev's are talking of making armour better? I guess it would be used in this manner too... I mean how hard is it to get the best armour with a good status. But personally I think armour as is, is good enough! It does me wonders even in banner mode... Personally I have no complaint's for armour and this is just food for thought.
(EDIT) 4. I forgot to mention in one of my play through's that I had a wanderer I gave a noble bow, arrows, sword and shield to.
I then made her a clan leader by giving her a fief, She then went off and traded her sword in for a second bow (noble long bow).
I now see her getting around in battles after using her arrows with 2 bows on her back, and weilding a shield on horse back punching people.
Keep up the great work Taleworld's, looking forward to seeing more from the team!
Peace out!
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