Release Thy Kraken!

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Found by rotating the map upside down, going to the bottom left corner (bottom right when turned) to the very edge and then zooming in on maximum to see the outerworld mesh (its huge btw - - if you wish to see it).

Conversely, the kraken can be spotted over a group of islands which resemble those of the iron islands from a Song of Ice and Fire. Coincidence? I Greyjoy you not.
Bro, its not normal nor Human. Once you spot it -you have one week until it fully crawls outta your monitor and consumes you. Your fate is sealed. I am sorry.
Looks like a claw to me, especially if you zoom in. If it's a palm tree, then it's missing like half of its shape, same argument for a rock :smile:

Some landscape meshes like rocks are just half modeled to save triangles. I've already found and zoomed in and confirmed its a rock.
Bro, its not normal nor Human. Once you spot it -you have one week until it fully crawls outta your monitor and consumes you. Your fate is sealed. I am sorry.
Lovecraft would have a kick out of this!

Confirmed its the ruins of an old civilization
Probably the lost underwater civilization of the Aztecs that grew gills to subjugate the annoying Atlanteans as their vassals!

Good Spot! Still its weird that there is a small rock floating above the middle of the grand ocean. The Aliens have learned to disguise their UFO's :wink:
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