SP Native Release: Alternative four ways inn

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Yeah that's true, but did inns really have double or triple walls back 'then'? I thought just a single one or something.. still looks good though, like the layout and the relief.
Ok, the whole reason it sthe four ways inn is that its one of the only places that has open land which can be modded without consequences. I'll probably make another inn with the four ways implementet somehow.

But that inn will also have a wall :wink:
I am probably doing something stupid, so could someone tell me what I should do to get it to work. I get this message when I am on the entering four ways inn screen.
After a search of the forums, it seems to be (kinda obviously) to be with the amount of items in the scene, but that doesn't really help.
Also, how do you paste small pictures straight onto the forum without using a link. This is the only way I know :oops:
With regard to posting images:

If you're picture is only small, and you want to directly display it in the forum,
instead of putting the http link in , brackets, put it inside


Or, if the image is larger, you can display a thumbnail of the image in the thread, which people can click on to view the full image. To do that, copy the Thumbnail for Forums (1) box when you post your image, and paste the text into your post on the forum [the * are there only so that you can see the code]:

No sorry, I don't, but if I had to make a guess, from the error message, it looks like there wasn't enough memory to display all the walls and buildings, etc in the new four ways inn.

But that's just a guess.
Thanks Gandalf, the problem is solved. All this needs is some NPCs and it would be totally awesome. As it is, it is only awesome.
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