Ranked fix

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Leaving in warmup
-minus 20 Elo penalty (to avoid strategic dodging for advantage)
-5 minute cooldown
-> match ends instantly

Leaving during match
-minus 20 Elo penalty (to avoid strategic leaving for advantage)
-counts as loss
-5 minute cooldown
->match will be played till the end and has to give full elo change for everyone (to avoid strategic leaving to minimize elo change for friends/enemys)

Stacking must be restricted

Surrender option
-100% acceptance only
Agree with everything except every1 should be able to DuoQ, and maybe penalty for leaving/dodging should be at least 50 points.

Edit: Also remove family sharing in MP, come on TW if you are going to let people smurf at least make money on it.
I think there should be no elo loss, but an incremental time for leaving before start. (5 min, 15 min, 30 min, 60 min, 1 day, 1 week)
The offenses are reset after a week each.

@MArdA TaleWorlds
Anway we need a hotfix for this, as well as the warmup running down the whole 5 minutes when a match with less then 6v6 is made.
I think there should be no elo loss, but an incremental time for leaving before start. (5 min, 15 min, 30 min, 60 min, 1 day, 1 week)
The offenses are reset after a week each.

@MArdA TaleWorlds
Anway we need a hotfix for this, as well as the warmup running down the whole 5 minutes when a match with less then 6v6 is made.
Just no. It would be possible to avoid several losses a day with that. Only players who abuse this will be at the top with way higher winrates than naturally possible.
I think TW should just come out with an update for crafting, so we can mine gold,silver & copper ore and create a general exchange while your at it. I would like to be able to add/customize different colors onto the teams in captain mode, it would be cool to make ur units armors different colors aside from the colors the factions already had. Especially for mirror matches, brown poop colored aserai vs brown poop colored aserai would be much cooler & enjoyable if we could set different colors. I could make my aserai black or green or yellow/orange vs brown etc etc.
Agree with all, with small differences:
* create a separate ranking for each queue, since the queues are already separate
* make "leaving game penalty" more dissuasive : minus 1 rank + 30 min without launching possibility

Additions suggested:
- add rank points decay (force upper ranks to play regularly to keep their rank, see the LoL decay system if not inspired)
- take overall account stats (including siege/TDM...) into account for placement (eg less than 1 K/D ratio = silver 3 max)
- make tiers exactly the same in each team (if there is a sergeant in a team, there has to be one in the other) and strictly compensate different ranks within a tier between teams (eg if there are 2 gold2 in a team, there should be either the same or 1 gold1 + 1 gold3 as equivalent in the other team)
- no leaving during warmup allowed : same penalty as leaving during game
- balance scoreboard (particularly if at some point you want to take score into account for points gained/loss at end of game): take damage dealt without speed bonus as score (to prevent cavs from topscoring at same level of skills), or take damage dealt divided by half as score when mounted. Find another similar way to diminish score by archers (projectile damage without speed? Dont really know how it works)
You should do this and take scoreboard into account for points gained at some point, otherwise you will end up with mostly cavs in top top ranks, because it's easier to carry games as cavs. If you let things as they are, high ranked matches will be "off meta" and weird to play, eg 4 cavs vs 4 cavs.
Also, if you take scoreboard into account, matches will naturally turn into "kill race" (we have already experienced it in pickups). To prevent this, you should also introduce extra points gained on specific actions (like extra points for assists, extra points for hitting multiple targets in a round, extra points for blocking and parrying, put back 100% points for hitting horses, extra points for gold left at end of round, extra points for caputuring/contesting points, extra points for killing an opposite MVP or topscorer... and many other things that make a strong skirmish player compared to a strong duellist)
- force choosing a class when queue (can chose multiple classes : inf / arc / cav, all three slected by default) : matchmaking tries to balance classes in each team (if 4 cavs in queue, 2 in each team).
This to balance matches (at same skills, 2 cavs vs 0 cavs is a game changer).
- balance factions : this one is tricky. The way around is to have a "match" be played on both sides (2 sets match in ranked).

Whatever the way, plz avoid us having to find 20 games with leavers to finally be able to play one.
Public skirmish is ruined right now.

So true.

Another important addition suggested : display rank of players in scoreboard or on top of screen icons (helps prevent fake names/avatars to hide real level).

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