v1.2.4-v1.2.5 Balance Changes

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Hello everyone, thank you for your feedback on Beta v1.2.4 MP changes - we’ve done a number of changes based on it. These changes are being included with the most recent Beta Patch v1.2.5 which is already accessible on Steam. The lobby and servers are open so feel free to test it all out!

We increased penalties for horse riding of non-cavalry classes. All the previous penalties, which were set at around 20%, were increased to 30%. We also increased the weapon inaccuracy multiplier from 40% to 1500%, to make it sensible in-game.

  • Introduced further ranged weapon penalties to non-mounted classes when riding. If a class has 0 riding skill, the below penalties will apply. These are then reduced and eventually removed when a class reaches 100 or above riding skill.
    • Increased reload speed penalty and weapon readying speed penalty from 20% to 30%
    • Increased the time needed to achieve maximum accuracy by increasing the penalty from 20% to 30%
    • Increased the weapon inaccuracy multiplier from 40% to 1500% which will significantly widen the crosshair

We also heard your concerns about the dismounting feature and fine tuned it into a more viable and functional state.

We tweaked the get-up animation, which is used right after dismounting. From now on, players will get up faster and can use their block ability while trying to get up. With this change, we are trying to give dismounted players an opportunity to protect themselves, and not getting one-shot killed everytime they get dismounted.

  • Increased the animation speed of getting up after being dismounted. You can now also start blocking at an earlier point while getting up.

Many of you stated that cavalry classes became hard to play and a lot weaker with the recent changes. Both because of the lower dismount resistances and dismounting weapons being hard to notice. That’s why we increased the dismount resistance values of cavalry classes to a point where they have a distinct advantage in comparison to their non-cavalry counterparts.

To make the readability of dismounting weapons a lot more clear, we’ve changed the perk-based dismounting system (where players have the ability to dismount by choosing specific perks) to a more weapon based system. From now on, all of the two-handed axes and maces have the dismounting ability. So if you see someone wielding a huge two handed weapon, you need to watch out for them. There are only 2 extra weapons that are excluded from this rule, Glaives and Longer Menavlions. Both of them being huge weapons, it will be hard for you to miss them!

  • Increased dismount resistances of cavalry classes:
    • Light Cavalry: Increased from 50 to 75
    • Heavy Cavalry: Increased from 70 to 85
    • Horse Archers: Increased from 70 to 80
  • Only the following weapons now have the ability to dismount players:
    • All two-handed axes (including alternative usage axes)
    • All two-handed maces
    • Glaive (heavy and normal) and Longer Menavlion

To make things balanced with the newly adjusted dismounting feature and make cavalry have different tanky options, we changed the “Long Axe and Shield” perk of Druzhinnik to a more defensive perk named “Unbreakable“.
  • Swapped the Sturgia Heavy Cavalry (Druzhinnik) "Long Axe and Shield" perk with "Unbreakable". The new perk features are:
    • Stronger shield
    • 15% Melee and Ranged damage reduction

With the latest axe adjustments, Imperial Heavy Axe was also buffed with v1.2.4. Because it made an already good weapon a lot stronger, we reverted the latest buff to it and instead gave it a bit of weakening touch to make things balanced between the weapon options.
  • Imperial Heavy Axe:
    • Decreased damage from 88 to 82
    • Decreased length from 82 to 69 (reverted v1.2.4 change)

Other Multiplayer changes/fixes that were also included with the v1.2.5 patch:

  • Fixed a server crash that occurred at the end of the match.
  • Fixed a client crash that occurred after failing to connect to a custom server.

  • Fixed a bug that allowed you to cancel the reload animation for bows and throwing weapons.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented damage speed bonuses from being correctly calculated.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some perk effects from being applied.
  • Fixed the incorrect reload speed value of "Replenished" and weapon damage bonus of "Strong Arm" perks according to their descriptions.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the map version on the Map Downloader popup from being correctly displayed, leading to false warnings.
  • Fixed a bug that corrupted the terrain visuals when re-downloading a scene with the Map Downloader.
  • Fixed a bug that caused spectators to be listed as team members on the HUD.

  • Updated the matchmaking rules to support populating existing games to full capacity during the warmup phase.
  • Added the ability to mark custom servers as favorites.
  • Added the ability to set tickrate for dedicated custom servers using the "/tickrate" command line argument or the "set_server_tickrate" console command.
  • Players now need to download all missing maps being played on the server via the Map Downloader before joining.
Hey, because its a highly preferred weapon already before the 1.2.4 changes, decided to rollback the changes and make it a bit more balanced by decreasing its length and damage. In current situation it's more in a balanced state alongside with other axes.
Of course if it feels like too much, let us know and we will take a look at it again to find a suitable spot.
Hey, because its a highly preferred weapon already before the 1.2.4 changes, decided to rollback the changes and make it a bit more balanced by decreasing its length and damage. In current situation it's more in a balanced state alongside with other axes.
Of course if it feels like too much, let us know and we will take a look at it again to find a suitable spot.
Dont really understand the focus on the axe. Feel like the issue isnt that the axe is strong its that alot of other weapons are bad and dont have have any use case. Weapons should be more like the axe not the other way around.
Also I really want to know - Alright you guys are explaining new patch changes, but why you guys don't telling us to when this patch will released? When this patch is going to released sir?
Yeah, good change with throwing weapons.

Also considered slowing down crossbow readying time? Trying to stagger them often results in getting kickshot because they ready and shoot so damn fast.
Maybe consider removing stagger all together but speed up shield bash so it becomes more viable against held attacks/shots and fully steps into the gap that chambers have left.
That would've been phenomenal honestly. A good solution would have been to have a longer "get bashed" animation than usual if you get hit while you have a ranged weapon out.
Toda vez que vejo uma alteração nesse jogo se trata de uma beta que vai somente para PC os consoles foram totalmente deixados de lado mesmo com o preço de um jogo sendo alto. Outra coisa seria a quantidade de correções feias para o multiplayer enquanto nós estamos mesmo esperando pra ter uma experiência incrível no single player assim como tivemos em warband.
make chambers/counterattacks actually usable or at least moddable so modders can make it work. It was a great part of warband combat, but in Bannerlord it's nothing more than a forgotten bunch of code

A shame that I had to ask for this for years now to be fixed but I'm not giving up aswell 🤪
Hey, because its a highly preferred weapon already before the 1.2.4 changes, decided to rollback the changes and make it a bit more balanced by decreasing its length and damage. In current situation it's more in a balanced state alongside with other axes.
Of course if it feels like too much, let us know and we will take a look at it again to find a suitable spot.
Its the best 1h axe across the board. Even after the balancing, I still find it a little bit OP, mostly because of the speed. You may have lowered its damage but speedbonus have a big impact, you know... :wink:

I feel Sturgia should be the ones with the best axes. Id prefer a Vlandian axe (length) over a Sturgian axe if Im honest.

I disregard the Aserai axe because its a recruit axe, shouldnt compare tier 1 gear with tier 4.

I feel the Batt axe is in a good place, if I have to give a critique, I think its damage is a tiny bit too high. This is problematic since the tier 1 Batt have a damage bonus perk. Could give the Batt recruit a different axe and nerf the tier 4 a little bit.
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Hey, because its a highly preferred weapon already before the 1.2.4 changes, decided to rollback the changes and make it a bit more balanced by decreasing its length and damage. In current situation it's more in a balanced state alongside with other axes.
Of course if it feels like too much, let us know and we will take a look at it again to find a suitable spot.
Axes in skirmish are absolutely useless, the only proper one is the empire's which for some 300 iq reasons is the one you are nerfing.
You want to have good axes in game? Don't make them as long so they don't soft hit as much (sturgian and vlandian axe) and consequently also increase their speed. If you actually use the empire axe as the basis of a proper axe and not as the one that needs to be nerfed you can actually give infantry class something fun.
And once again, i do firmly believe sturgia heavy infantry sucks so bad because you can't do damage with those useless long sticks.

Dont really understand the focus on the axe. Feel like the issue isnt that the axe is strong its that alot of other weapons are bad and dont have have any use case. Weapons should be more like the axe not the other way around.
This man is speaking facts.
Hey all, fixed the speed damage bug with v1.2.6 but also added the admin panel!
Fixed a bug that caused perks that provide a speed bonus to attacks to scale the final damage too high.
Implemented the in-game admin panel & admin features for dedicated servers.
  • The in-game admin panel provides an easy way to organize and moderate events. It comes with the following options:
    • Require mission restart: Game Type, Map, Attacker & Defender Culture, Minimum Score to Win Duel, Number of Rounds, Map Time Limit, Round Time Limit, Warmup Time Limit, Maximum Number of Players
    • Have immediate effect: Welcome Message, Team Balance Threshold, Friendly Damages, Class Limits (Allow, Disallow)
    • Others: End Warmup, Mute/Unmute Player, Kick Player, Ban Player
  • The admin features are only available to those who enter the server as an admin by providing the admin password (right-click on the server and then "Join as Admin"). You can then access the admin panel via the Escape menu.
    • The "AdminPassword" can be set from the server config.
  • Added an admin announcements system that pushes out text to everyone on the server. Admins can utilize it by typing the following into chat:
    • /ab [text] - Admin Broadcast - Displays the announcement in the middle of the screen as well as in chat alongside a sound notification.
    • /ac [text] - Admin Chat - Displays the announcement in chat.
  • Implemented a new configuration option to support the admin panel. The "add_map_to_usable_maps [MapName] [GameType],[GameType]" allows you to specify which maps should be made available in the admin panel for which game types.
    • For example: "add_map_to_usable_maps mp_siege_map_005 Siege,Skirmish"
  • Visit the updated Hosting a Custom Server modding documentation page to learn more.
Captain mode is improved by the Shield Strength Multiplier tweak, full stop.
Captain mode is improved by javelins doing extra damage to shields, full stop.
Captain mode is improved by Throwing Axe changes, and Brigands are now actually very playable for the first time in the history of this game!!!!!

All of these changes are great, well done.

At least in my playthrough, the throwing AI tweaks are mostly good (though still far from perfect.) They do seem to be able to put missiles on a target more often. Throwing missiles at a fleeing enemy or an enemy uphill is still vastly more accurate, though.
The Friendly Fire problem with throwing troops is still very much in effect. If an AI ever tries to back out of a throw for whatever reason, if they are too far into the throwing ready they will just release the missile in a seemingly random direction as they pivot to their new task. Results in massive intra-unit friendly fire if you are using Hold Fire and Retreat commands, WHICH YOU NEED TO IF YOU ARE GOING TO PLAY SKIRMISHERS.

I have yet to see anyone get unhorsed by one of the unhorsing weapons in this game. I suspect we moved the threshold back too high. The Berserker sledge for example either doesn't actually unhorse anyone, or any hit that would have unhorsed them just kills the horse and rider anyway (at least anecdotally in a few hours of playing since the update.) I've done some 68 damage hits that didn't unhorse anyone.

Unfortunately, even all of this great stuff doesn't seem to have had too much of an impact on the Blunt Heavy Infantry Monoclass meta.
  • If a team has "perfect play" (i.e., full send and engage properly) with 5+ Heavy Infantry, there's still very little anyone can do about it.
    • Skirmishers could now destroy their shields to get some advantage, but the Heavy Infantry meta is to just rush. Destroying shields is actually possible now, even Varyag shields, but takes longer to start having any impact than it does to reach the Skirmishers at a full charge.
    • The game still very much favors the aggressive attacker in almost every situation.
I dont think unhorsing works at all in game right now, never seen it
Also new throwing axe feels kinda lame, at least for me... i loved it more when it was short-ranged one-shot grenade instead of plastic NERF version of javelin it is now.
I have unhorsed players using Long Menavlion, so it is working.

As far as Friendly Fire in the official servers, is it going to be reimplemented at any point? It has been mentioned that FF was enabled as a test,
and that you are looking into doing it again (hopefully permanently).
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