we have a tourney ongoing,and this kind of changes im speaking behalf myself, i dont want this type of "variety"
all i could ask is nerfing archers mounting cavs, and stab damage (preferably pierce, its already done tho)
I can understand that your opinion on adding "variety" and its like a personal opinion i can accept, but some of the concerns you are having is not accurate because you are just talking in regards of the numbers/explanations that are given.
I'm ok with your opinion and feedbacks on dismount, cause it's, well, pretty explanatory with its name only :p but for example, about knockdowns, the actual changes are soo little that even if i didn't mention them on the changelog, you may probably missed it in the actual gameplay.
So that's why i'm asking you guys to test it out before making any decisions.
Other than that, i'm completely open for feedbacks and changing the problematic parts in regards of players' concerns, no problem
Update for siege player.
Useless for competitive play.
Add double spam
Make the chambers work
Improve the shots to balance the game. The shots are the enemies of the cavs. This will make the cav less strong. The projectiles must go faster. The shoots need to be slower. When we aim we have to be able to change the target without our viewfinder becoming as big as our ****.
Removing this crappy shield system, we can't change sides quickly enough, so when we're in 2vs1. We can't block right then left (which is what they wanted us to do). We have to block direction down to mid and that doesn't protect well.
The sound of the game bug we can't hear the cavs well
Weapon switches are too slow (especially in archer)
You have to do only battle 1 life in competitive mode
Make sure we can choose our equipment or do good perks because it's not as much **** as before but it's still ****.
The reverse animation system creates a lot of problems.
You have to put back bumps because the cavs can't teamplay like on warband. And it slides under the horse
In a cav duel you can't do a feint. Feints are slower than the guy spamming.
This is due to a general problem with the game. The Hold mechanic is useless. Having your move already ready compared to someone who is spamming doesn't give you a big enough advantage in terms of speed. The guy in front can spam and outrun you. It is not normal. Holder a shot should give the advantage to the one who has his ready shot.
Bottom hits do too much damage between 70 and 90 in the head. It's way too much.
Kicks with a shield should be longer, it's too easy to kick slash a guy.
The inverted anim system gives strange visual renderings in competitive.
The ² key is too long when you release it to return the camera. So you can't see behind as well as on warband. So difficult to block the cavs.
A poke should stop the opponent's move even if it does little damage, because it punishes the player who has the best timing. In a competitive game, the player who has the best timing should not be punished because of the game's RNG. In a duel cav, it can make you die and it's totally random. If I hit before I poke and the opponent doesn't. I die when I just got better and the game punishes me for it. In a competitive game this is not possible.
There must only be one faction that has javelins like on Warband. Today all factions except Vlandia have javelins. It's overused, it causes too much damage and it's uninteresting to have people throwing things at each other rather than fighting.
The shield should better protect the feet of the infs. Already because if we improve the shots to counter the overpowering cav, it will be too easy to kill an inf just by aiming at its feet. On warband the shield protected better and doing leg shots had to be good and it was rare (I used it often but here it's abused as it's simple).
The ranked system sucks. We would have to put back random skirmish without ranked and for ranked make a captain system which picks the players according to the stats he sees from them (like on the warband matchmaking). Captains are appointed from among the players with the highest ELO. There are not enough players in the game for an algorithm that makes teams according to MMR, and there are too many parameters to take into account. There are versatile players who are good in all classes and others who are terrible outside of a class. The simplest thing is to let humans decide based on what they know about the players and the stats they can see on them.
You have to put the perfect blocks back
There are major hit box issues (sometimes you pass through an enemy without doing him any damage, sometimes you hit an ally behind him. This probably comes from the inverted animation). People slip under horses. There are elements of the decor that have too large a hit box, which blocks arrows or horses on invisible things.
There is an aimoffset problem. It's too slow, or it makes the animations buggy (aimoffset abuser).
The spearmans are too slow with their spear against the cavs. They also don't have much more range, which means that a pikeman facing two cavs can't do anything. Or in an inf fight we often poke. It's too random.
The damage on the horses of infantry and archers is too much. It's because TW wanted to nerf the cav, but in the end it doesn't work. It's just ridiculous, you can be dismounted in one hit by a guy who isn't even aiming at you.
If we improve the archers, the cavs will be much less effective in the inf fight to do damage and we should deal less damage to the horses.
Currently even with a paper horse you can arrive at full speed, one shoot a guy. Leave and come back in one shot one. It's lousy gameplay, because it's almost just luck. You can make a massacre in one round and the next round be an instant dismount. In addition there is no skill to go around the map at full speed.
Whereas if we made the bumps more useful like on warband to help our infs (if we take less damage on the horses it will be interesting to teamplay with his inf to make a bump which will help him), the stronger shoots ( you should put your shield on like on warband and be careful not to get headshot). This will emphasize decision-making and not going all out and spamming moves.
There are some cool feedbacks to look up, even they are not related with the current changes
So i'll note them up to investigate furthermore.
Some points i disagree with tho, firstly, most of these changes are actually gathered from competitive scene feedbacks. So regardless some of the newly introduced things are hard to "get used to" , most of them actually will fix unbalanced situations that especially causing problems on the competitive events. ( khuzait being underpowered, abusing stab animations, head&neck pierce damage multiplier etc. )
Secondly, i can understand that you could having hard time with some systems, like shields, kick slashes, shields not protecting feets etc. But these are some of the things that defines the games "feel" Like they are not altered or anything, this is how it is in the core gameplay
Not all shields should cover the feet, cause well, then infantry will be invincible or you should get kicked and damaged *if* you are not paying enough attention. These are the things that adding dimensions and flavor to the game basically. So i'm not sure if all of the things you mentioned are fixable when it comes to that
Thanks for all the comments, i'll take notes from problematic situations you've mentioned.