SP - General Persuading Lord Barter shouldn´t scale with own wealth

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I successfully persuaded a lord, then he wanted money. 90% of my 1.1 Mio.
If it is expensive its ok, but 900k denares is too much. So i suspect that its scaling with my own wealth and this is not right in my opinion.
i dont think it scales to your wealth because theres been a lot of times i simply didnt have enough money to convince them to leave me alone and funny enough when i ask for peace between the factions is a ridiculously low number one time even being a mere 72 denars.
i dont think it scales to your wealth because theres been a lot of times i simply didnt have enough money to convince them to leave me alone and funny enough when i ask for peace between the factions is a ridiculously low number one time even being a mere 72 denars.
Im not talking about getting away from combat. Im talking about converting them to my fraction
And until now, i had 5 times with the barter option and every time they wanted nearly 90%
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