Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Old Discussion Thread

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YourStepDad said:
Early Middle Ages rather; Normans, Saxons, Vikings...

The warrior's shield and helmet definitely agree.

Generic Middle Ages (that includes Dark Ages/Early/Viking Age) rather imo, as it has been before. I.e. you have viking swords/helmets (as in the trailer, Gjermundbu, the only preserved find), crossbows, coat of plates, brigadines and plate armour all in one game. Not very specific, except it can all be called medieval in some way. But, whatever it is, I like it for native. Mods will do their own thing :smile:.
It's never too early for fanart.    ...Right? D:

So uh.. I saw the trailer and this happened. I'm pretty hyped.

I hope it's ok to use the logo there! Let me know if it isn't.
Jarvisimo said:
I have total faith in Taleworlds to create a great game.
They did it with Mount&Blade, they did it with the Warband expansion and I'm sure they'll do it once more with the next installment.
Taleworlds, you have so much Gangnam Style, and I will always support such a great producer of my favourite games.
Keep rollin' TW.

sry for double post ^^
Awesome....  Of course we're all hoping for GREAT combat, THAT IS #1 !  

I would just like to point out that the MOD comunity had solved many problems and added great possibilities to M&B already.

If I had a choice, including ALL THE COOL IDEAS (ALA INCREASED PLAYABILITY) that people have done in MOD's is far more important that putting out a game with prettier graphics but still you can't do the things you want to do.

We shouldn't have to add all the Custom Commanders, Diplomacy, Freelancer, TweakMB ect ect ect stuff to MOD the game....those options should already be there.  By far, that is more important than graphics. 

But in addition what I'd love to see or keep:

1) Please keep the open ended or open world playability. 

2) Siege equipment would be nice or maybe Tunnel engineers to colapse walls... but may be too much to ask for.

- At least make what is already in M&B better.  For example, being able to set up multiple ladders at random locations. Likewise enable droping, chopping or burning of ladders during siege defense.  Let us at least be able to chop down doors,  Multiplayer has this so why not Single player.

3) More control of that my troops do. 
For example,
-during siege defense, I'd love to be able to issue a command to my archers to "Only Shoot at Enemy Archers".

-Enable better control of a rally points.  For example, set archers to rally to a tower of my choosing (even after respawn)
3) Good characters to interact with in meaningfull way are far MORE Important to me than a better graphics engine. Better pics, does not make a better game to play... only a prettier one that leaves the same feel as before.  Older PC players who used to play MUDs would have to agree with me on this.  Writing trumps graphics.

IMO,  An interesting story line (if possible),  If anyone has played the "Stronghold" series (Castle building sims) they would agree that what made that very 1st Stronghold game so fun and playable was the cool storyline.

For example in the mod ( Native Expansion) There is a very 'tiny' story line about  "Lady Larktin" and the Dark Knights Invasion.  Even a special Potrait painting of her is in game.  I remember the 1st time I played that  mod, the anticipation of the impending Dark Knight Invasion was so intense that I lost allot of sleep for many nights playing it.

Ha :razz: thanks Outlawed

Captain Lust said:
It's fine to use the logo but it would be good if you wrote "fan art" or something on it just for clarity.

In any case, here's a proper logo so you don't have to use that nasty cutout :smile:.


Nice picture as well.

Done!  And thanks a lot for the logo, looks much nicer :razz:

I checked my email and there was a response for this thread. I check it out.

7 new pages since I posted last night.

I go back to my email.

A new email about a response.

Pretty exciting to hear about it officially. Though I will say that video was like...why is this a video? Youtube blocked up at work here so I had to wait till my lunch break to go home and look and it was just words. Fail!

Still, I like the picture, looking forward to what could possibly happen with a team behind it now. I know I shouldn't get overly excited about potential, but hell, got to enjoy the few times things can get you psyched up in this world!
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