Moderators of crpg servers allowing terms of service violations

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Racism/transphobism/homophobes/doxing/harassment/blackmail/scam have always been a part of the culture in warband as have server admins/owners going on a power trip, no clue what is going on here but like this is part of the M&B experience.
Pretty sure this is the same Bark that sent gore porn to multiple members of the NA discord back during the beta because you were beaten in the duel server
I sent gore to the people who were acting annoying on mic in the discord, and I'm glad the message stuck. they were such a nice bunch of gamers that their discord got banned for doxxing a year later.
To my knowledge hosting a private servers comes with the privilege of having a say on who gets to play on those servers. Which also means that if you treat your players badly they play somewhere else, that's pretty much what there is to say on the matter at hand.

So the screenshot you provided in OP would have to reach them, which it will not on this forum. You should bear in mind that the manner and type of source material you attempt to provide here is seriously lacking, as there is no indication on what server this message occured on, or when.

Reading further it appears to be some kind of retaliatory effort on your end, which again will remain fruitless on this forum.
cRPG is its own thing and as far as I know they mostly run things via their own discord server, so if this is an attempt to appeal an administrative action taken by the cRPG team on their own servers, you should take that to them.

Judging by the 20(!) posts you dropped in this thread, including those already deleted (by yourself, just for the record) indicate to me this is a tantrum thrown, because you were banned. I wouldn't have to read through everything to make some assumptions here, but will do so anyway to ensure that violations of the rules of this foum are properly taken care of.

There's nothing of use or atleast on topic to be expected of this thread, hence it'll be locked.
Sorry if someone already made pop corn.
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