D & D Pc games anyone?

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Lately i started to replay the all cool games like baldur's gate 2, icewind dale 2, neverwinter nights (with the cool module packs, like infinite dungeons, a cool random generated dungeon with cool quests).

So i was wondering does anybody wanna play the upper 3 games via hamachi?  :grin:

Skype could be a good way of communicating also.
The Mercenary said:
IRC does BG2. This belongs in the Other Games section of this board.

She lies! There is no BG2 IRC game, and we most certainly are NOT keeping it a secret from the rest of you!
I've still got the Temple of Elemental Evil on my computer. I've yet to get very far in it, since it always pisses me off. Why the hell does my Paladin of Heironeous "fall from grace" just because the dwarf got into a drinking game that Cuthbert's priests disapproved of? And why do they expect me to pay insane amounts of gold to recover my status? I swear, that game has more ways to gyp paladins than a freaking Ravenloft campaign! >.<
Sooo... anyone wanna go for any of the 3 games ? and what the heck is IRC?

If any of you feel like making a cool game add me on skype Tel_Wrath.
For those that their infinity games don't work online for some very weird and unhintable reasons, we can use hamachi as a mean to play.
But if we are going to play something like nwn or bg or iwd, we can use skype, cuz it's good for 5 people max lets say, and i doubt i'll ever find more than 2 players to play with ....
What's the matter with text chatting ingame? You people and your outmoded analog communication methods...
Ilex said:
Frost_Knight said:
For those that their infinity games don't work online for some very weird and unhintable reasons, we can use hamachi as a mean to play.
Like I haven't tried.  :???:

with hamachi?
didnt work, happens rarely, and if it does it either doesnt work for anyone... OR your settings are wrong... so how can I help?
Why play the old infinity engine games with the horribly broken 2ed ruleset when you've got the newer NWN engines with better multiplayer support and better graphics and support for the much more awesome 3.x ruleset?

I think the infinity engine games are definitely worthy of replay (better writing, better solo gameplay) but not as a multiplayer thing.
Text chatting while fine requires you to stop everything else you are doing to focus on typing. Although I have a friend who can type quickly with proper grammar and spelling, but he's the exception.

Also why the hell do I keep seeing things that make me want ot go back and replay (or perhaps actually finish?) BG2 :sad: I'm focused on a couple of other games and things right now.
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