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Question: I am a bandit - does this mean I am restricted to recruiting lowlifes from hotels unless I join a nation? Also, where do you recruit "lawman" faction troops? I can't seem to find it.
Eyeball said:
Question: I am a bandit - does this mean I am restricted to recruiting lowlifes from hotels unless I join a nation? Also, where do you recruit "lawman" faction troops? I can't seem to find it.
The lowlifes from hotels can be trained to be quite deadly lowlifes.

The minor factions are random in every game. Sometimes you will find only one Lawmen faction and sometimes you will find 4. Personally, I'd prefer it if they were fixed. If it makes enough difference to what you want to do with your new character, I'd simply start a new games until enough factions of the wanted kind come up in the lottery. But remember that if you want to play Lawmen, many bandits and outlaws is usually good thing to have - No demand for Lawmen if there are no bandits.

note that some factions have no hotel, so make sure that at least one Lawmen faction got a hotel (check in quests->factions) so you have some place to recruit. In any case, Lawmen are usually easy to find as released prisoners.
Ah, that explains it - In my current game, there don't seem to be any Lawman factions at all, not even in list of factions as "defeated." Maybe my game started without any law factions.

If the factions are indeed random, does that also explain the very un-Mexican names of the bandits way south of the Rio Grande in my game or is that intended? I was kind of expecting bandits named El Guapo or El Queso Grande rather than Jackson and Miller.
Dont look for companions in the saloon in mexican or indian town since they wont be there - you will only find them there in US towns. In mexican or indian towns you will have to look around the town to find them if they are in the town - example: I found Peyote in front of the church in a mexican town. they are in specific places of note like the church.

knowledge I gained by stumbling into Peyote while looking around after a hundred or so trips to saloons in indian or mexican saloons in search for compainons. Insomniac explained the problem behind it after i asked about it here in the 1866 treads, and that is why i know for certain that mexican and indian saloons dont work as they should yet.
O ho ho, I just found Tull. I had suspicions, but when I saw the line of bodies down the road, I knew what was up. Sent me straight down nostalgia street, man, Ka really does work in strange ways.
Companions spawn in the same spot for any particular town.
Once you see one, the rest will be in the same place. ( for indian and mexican towns)

My record is 5 ( yes, 5 ) companions pulled from the same location.
Tip: Aim upper than the target, while you are on a hill or any elevation and shooting downwards.

At least aim the head so that your shot may hit torso.  :wink:
mishaxhi said:
How do you use scopes? I bought a scoped rifle but it seems no different from the regular ones

There is no scope. They have enourmous amount of power. That's all.
In the new version, the sawn-off Winchester is actually very useful on horseback - it shoots and reloads fast and has a low horseback penalty
insomniac said:
tip: you can pick up a shotgun instead of a melee weapon. They don't miss even at point blank.
Not true (yet?). I missed at less than three metres with a shotgun more than once, sometimes even the same enemy even after firing five or six shots. There be bugs. Just says "0 damage".
Shrugging Khan said:
insomniac said:
tip: you can pick up a shotgun instead of a melee weapon. They don't miss even at point blank.
Not true (yet?). I missed at less than three metres with a shotgun more than once, sometimes even the same enemy even after firing five or six shots. There be bugs. Just says "0 damage".

I have often wondered about that "0 damage" and what it means.

A good example is when attacking the small hill top forts with dynamite. I throw a bundle into the massive AI defender clumps and the damage meter almost "breaks" cause it has so many 0 damage postings ( meter works again after it manages to "catch up"). When I pop my head over the top though I have certainly killed A LOT of defenders.

Same thing happens to a smaller scale with the shotty and large clumps I have noticed.

Is it just the computer registering hits against already dead targets or the mod simply not displaying damage properly for these modded weapons? ( I have no idea how the target mechanics work so please forgive my ignorance )
Nah, dynamite is broke in the current beta. Shotgun might be buggy too. But it's fixed for the next version.
With dynamite, buy the large bundle because the radius of the bundle is 2x of the stick.
Also, shotguns are wonderful for spawncamping sieges.
Brice2007 said:
With dynamite, buy the large bundle because the radius of the bundle is 2x of the stick.
Also, shotguns are wonderful for spawncamping sieges.

No really, the dynamite is Just Broken. It was doing some sort of strange thing where instead of doing it was doing less and less damage to each person in the blast radius, so it would kill 2 or 3 people and just deal 0 damage to everyone. Like I said, it's fixed for the next version.
I personally think that dynamite shouldn't kill more than 3 or 4 people. After all it is just nitroglycerin soaked into wood shavings. Its not like it blasts shrapnel in every direction like a hand grenade, so I think that the dynamite is fine the way it is.  :neutral:
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