
  1. BL Quel langage dois-je maîtriser pour créer des mods sur Mount and Blade II : Bannerlord ?

    Salutations à tous, J'ouvre ce sujet pour que l'on m'aiguille sur le langage qu'utilise le jeu, car je souhaiterais suivre des cours ciblés de langages informatiques pour créer des mods. En effet, j'ai vu qu'il existait les langages C ; C# ; C++, et je peux suivre des cours distincts (débutant)...
  2. How i can change the face expression on corpses ?

    I wanted to make a mod to make the corpses close their eyes, but I couldn't find any way to do this by messing with the native xmls or via code, any dev could tell if it's possible via xml or if i would have to replace some asset ?
  3. TeenBrunette

    Mesh moving during action

    Hello I'm uploadig some mesh models, but sometimes happens they're not fixed as the vanilla mesh, during the animation. What I'm doing wrong on Blender? Thx in advance xoxo
  4. modding toolkit support for the Microsoft store version of Bannerlord?

    So, I'm a half-life modder, and recently finished my first playthrough, So my modder brain turned on and wanted to mod the game(I own the Microsoft store version) but when I searched for the modding toolkit download it said it's on steam only. Is there a plan to bring it to Epic, and Microsoft...
  5. TeenBrunette

    Possible to have differents troops recruitable in differents kingdoms of the same culture?

    Hello, the question of today is: By xml and xslt is may possible to recruits different troops for 2 different kingdoms of the same culture. I explain myself better: suppose we have the western empire and the southern empire, they have they same culture, but I want to recruits a different troop...
  6. Ishapar

    Recovered MBRepository Files

    It's a real shame that the old mbrepository is now down. I was able to retrieve a couple of the files from the repository and reupload them onto moddb. OSP M&B Hair Models: OSP Helmets pack...
  7. Ishapar

    OSP Hair file

    I am not sure if this is the place to ask, so please correct me. With the closing of the mbrepository,, I cannot download the rar file for the OSP hairs. I have tried to use the Wayback machine, and while I was able to download some other older files, I could not access the page that...
  8. SP - General Future Modding Support

    Not necessarily just for singleplayer, but I think for future updates/versions of the game, active modders of popular mods on especially steam workshop but possibly also elsewhere, should be gived early access of the newer versions 1-2 weeks before release in order to have time to update their...
  9. froggyluv

    TaleWorlds Should Consider Paying Modders

    Seriously as a nod of good faith restored to the PC community. Arma 3 when first released (also in a shabby state) realized the value of their Modding community and created a contest called Make Arma not War -thereby offered up to a half million dollars in cash for: Best Overhaul Mod: Winner...
  10. Errayn

    Resolved General Problem related mpclassdivisions.xml - ConditionalEffects causes crash / xml merge error

    So, I was having difficulties with modding mpclassdivisions.xml since 1.8.0 and now I found the reason of the crash. <ConditionalEffect> has an XML merge issue and if you have mpclassdivisions.xml with perks that haves <ConditionalEffect> </ConditionalEffect> in a different module for your mod...
  11. mentalrob

    Admin Tools You Are Searching For. Chat Commands

    Usage While in the server you can open up the chat and type `!help` command to see what commands you can use. User Commands - `!help` shows the help message - `!login <password>` Logins as an administrator - `!me <message>` Me command that everyone knows... Admin Commands - `!ban` Bans a...
  12. Kingclonetrooper

    Need More Info Perhaps there is an error in creating a new kingdom with modding.

    Perhaps there is an error in creating a new kingdom with modding. In order to create a new kingdom, I worked on xml manually, HerosError seems to appear when add lords. Crash may or may not occur until "one" lord. However, if I create "two" lords, I get a HeroError error unconditionally...
  13. Bisoso1893

    What do I have to edit in the game files to change a Town?

    A mod called "Crusader: Deus Vult" put cities like Jerusalem, Antioch, Acre and others in their game, but all of these have the same scenes as the Native mod, Jerusalem have the same scene as Praven and I wanna know what do I have to edit to make Jerusalem have the same scene as Shariz or...
  14. how to edit viking conquests map

    Hello, im trying to make a new map for viking conquest that adds more of Europe but i dont know how.
  15. ClearanceClarence

    How to make a mod that adds more banners

    I have tried this on and off for a long time but I haven't figured it out yet. I really want to add some banners to the game. Any directions to documentation or tutorials would be awesome :)
  16. SP - General how to code a old mod?

    hello everyone. first of all, sorry for my bad english. So i want to make work the ZA WARUDO mod for 1.7.2 version. is there a way to do this? this is the link to the mod: I have never created a mod, but i can learn.
  17. mrj760

    How to replace (rather than add to) Equipment Rosters with XML ?

    As you may see below, I made the Equipment Roster for the Mameluke Axeman include some throwing daggers ... but in-game there are two other (default) Rosters that still remain and take up space in the Roster pool. How can I get my custom Roster to be the only one available to the troop? My...
  18. Deha

    Modding tool for epic games

    Hello i want to make a mod named Island Settlements adds settlements and a kingdom to islands but i dont have modding kit i bought on epic games anyone can help me or send me the tools?
  19. Ishapar

    Stuck on a Menu Screen (Mod Help)

    I have been trying to mod Warband using this mod as a base: I enjoy this mod as it adds various features to native without rehauling the game (especially making there be 12 factions with 2 extinct ones to use and the ability to execute lords). On...
  20. Resolved Cloth Editor Cloth Editor Crash on startup

    Summary: Out of the blue, my cloth editor stopped working. Clicking on the icon in the menu bar opens the cloth editor window but the viewport is completely black and the editor freezes instantly. The only way to close it is through the task manager. I must have tried about 100 times by now to...
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