Admin Tools You Are Searching For. Chat Commands

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While in the server you can open up the chat and type `!help` command to see what commands you can use.

User Commands
- `!help` shows the help message
- `!login <password>` Logins as an administrator
- `!me <message>` Me command that everyone knows...

Admin Commands
- `!ban` Bans a player. Caution ! First user that contains the provided input will be banned. Usage `!ban <Player Name>`
- `!fade` Evaporate a player. Usage `!fade <Player name>`
- `!godmode` Ascend yourself. Be something selestial
- `!gold` Set gold to a player. Usage `!gold <Player Name> <amount>`
- `!kick` Kicks a player. Caution ! First user that contains the provided input will be kicked. Usage `!kick <Player Name>`
- `!kill` Kills a provided username. Usage `!kill <Player Name>`
- `!tp` Teleport yourself to another. Usage `!tp <Target User>`
- `!unban` Unbans a player. Usage `!unban <Player Name>`

Login password is randomly generated, you can find the password under `bin/Win64_ServerShipping/chatCommands.json` and banlist is also in the same folder.

Please refer to the github page:
  • !maps Lists available maps for the current, or a different, game type. !maps <game type>
  • !changemap Changes the map. Use !maps to see available map IDs. !chagemap <map id>
  • !mapfacs Changes the map and the team factions. !mapfacs <map id> <team1 faction> <team2 faction>
  • !mission Changes the game type, map, and factions. !mission <game type> <map id> <team1 faction> <team2 faction>
  • !bots Changes the number of bots for each factions. !bots <team1 bots> <team2 bots>
  • !id Returns your unique ID !id
These commands have also been added, but I don't think a release has been made with them. Adding more commands as I have need of them.
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