
  1. Estus

    Complete History of Battania! - Lore overview

    Took me a while to get this video done, but here it is :grin:
  2. Donnahal fen Drunbroch

    The High King: Aeril or Uthelhain?

    Right, so, let's begin. I'm a sucker for lore, and doubly so for anything Battanian related. So, I was going over the DLC's Travels in Calradia, specifically the Llyn Tywal chapter, in which Aeril (and his neice!) is mentioned by name, solidifying that Aeril is his first name. I've always been...
  3. Battania needs a buff

    After over 2 years of early access i thought someone would of said it by now but maybe there is not a lot of battania players, Battania needs some sort of buff, they are is the middle if 3 factions, they have one less clan than most factions. less cities and less castles and so they are usually...
  4. Resolved Battania bugged or is it something else.

    Summary: Battanian-lords is super poor, which kind of makes no sense with their major cities all being fairly prosporus. How to Reproduce: Start a game, dont interfere with the game. Have you used cheats and if so which: No Thist started awhile back in previous patch, maybe before 1.70 aswell...
  5. Battanian Veteran Falxman is a DOWNGRADE, it is completely outclassed by the normal Falxman

    EDIT: disabling ranged fire improved their performance a bit but they still get beaten by regular falxmen. I have noticed though that veterans have very strong openers (probably because of their long weapon) as in they will kill 10-30 men upon impact but then their performance drops...
  6. Ask

    Oathsworn vs Wildling?

    I haven't had a chance to play 1.7 yet, and I'm curious about the changes to these two troops. Wildlings have an axe, shield and two sets of javelins, while Oathsworns have an axe (I think?), a shield and a bracing spear (it can brace right?). So these guys are very similar but Wildlings seem...
  7. SP - General They should rework Marunath City again (too small)

    I know, is EA and everything is gonna be changed, but i think they should consider remake this city from scrap. Comparing to other cities, Marunath is... small? i think? In comparison Pen Cannoc is Gorgeous to see (man even if Edoras from lotr is a wooden city, Pen Cannoc at evening is giving me...
  8. TheFuriousFinn

    SP - General Buff Battanian mail shoulders

    First off, I love the new armour, helmet and shield options for the Battanians. The player is now able to achieve the look of a Gallic warrior of the La Tene period, which has clearly inspired the designers. And it looks great, fitting the general Celtic Battanian theme very well. (See below for...
  9. Need More Info Battanian Teleportation bug

    Hello, I Was playing bannerlord as the vlandians, we were at war with the battanians. Everything was going well until I kept being approached by a battanian party out of nowhere. I gave them money so as not to attack me, so I can observe what was happening. The battanian party was teleporting...
  10. Tulag

    Armor Variety for Khuzait

    The meme I posted below will explain everything.
  11. Neofd10

    Improve troop trees in vanilla (and some of the Architecture) + additional feature suggestions.

    My Suggestions (too many of them ha!) First off, this game is awesome and I think Taleworlds is a brilliant company and have done very well with this. However there are a couple of things that are very irritating to me in regards to the troop trees (which should be expanded) and some of the...
  12. Super Jew

    Clan Warrior Captain Glitch

    I have noticed since 1.5 has been released that clan warriors with improved armor have the highland shortsword instead of the highland longsword. This problem only seems to be in captain. It also seems that only the ai start with the shortsword and the player has the longsword. @AVRC
  13. Bartoneye

    Resolved Forcing a War as a Vassal Destroyed my Influence

    Summary: My influence went from 174 to -174 after declaring war on Battania. How to Reproduce: During a campaign of Bannerlord where I am a Vassal to the Western Empire, Battania has been mostly captured and they are down to only owning Nevyansk Castle under the rule of Caladog's clan. I am...
  14. FloppyZenith

    A No Commentary Gameplay

    Hi Guys, A while ago, I started This Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord campaign gameplay with no Commentary. The first couple of videos were bad until I figured out how to costumes my performance. So, If you like a calm gameplay without any talking or unnecessary comments, here's the perfect gameplay...
  15. Super Jew

    How to fix Captain balancing

    Currently in the captain landscape there are factions and units that are considerably worse than they should be. First of all, Battania is terrible when it come to well coordinated teams playing each other. Their current round win rate compiled by Brandis (in play) is only...
  16. Resolved Bug when playing as a battania mercenary.

    I was playing as a battania mercenary I was in a army of 600 men. We won against a 400 men army of the western empire, but when the game changed from battle view into the world view my entire army was taken prisoners by the western empire army. I have replicated the bug with the save game.
  17. Bug when playing as a battania mercenary.

    I was playing as a battania mercenary I was in a army of 600 men. We won against a 400 men army of the western empire, but when the game changed from battle view into the world view my entire army was taken prisoners by the western empire army. I have replicated the bug with the save game.
  18. Super Jew

    In Captain, are Savages better with the Rhomphaia or Improved Armor?

    I have been debating this questions with friends for awhile now. I personally believe that the savages are better with the Rhomphaia due to it's superior length. What are your thoughts?
  19. Ling*

    MP Battania is Extremely Underpowered in captains mode

    We took an opinion poll in our Captains Mode focused discord about who people thought was the worst faction in captains mode: In addition to the general perception of Battania we have match data from our captains mode June 6th tournament that supports this: The players who participated in...
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