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  • Users: barbaros
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  1. again another suggestion for spear + shield combo

    Okey, another suggestion to make spears a bit more competitive against another weapon combinations. One important disadvantage (besides the low damage and a bit slow animation) of spear + shield combination is that it's very easy to block. As soon as I ready my attack, 2 hander opponents...
  2. attack direction control

    I just cant decide. Which attack direction control do you use and why? by mouse movement by inverse mouse movement relative enemy position movement keys
  3. Replacing the flying arrow model

    Hi, I want to make a small request. The flying arrow model is bothering me a lot. It's an extremely ugly "blurry brown stick". I don't want to use bows just because of this. So please can someone replace the flying arrow and bolt models with the stationary ones?. And give me a file or something...
  4. 0.805 manual activation is broken

    0.805 fresh install When I press "manual activation", it gives the error "The icon could not be loaded". A few seconds later M&B crashes.
  5. overhead swing on horse

    I'm sure most of you is aware of this swing type (from the movies for example). Actually it is available in the game if you look with the unofficial editor (attack types section). But none of the weapons use this in vanilla game. I've enabled it for some weapons. It works only when your horse is...
  6. They should fly!

    I hit an enemy with couched lance when my horse is at full speed, I kill them with 200-300 damage. They just fall dead. I think they should fly a few meters (distance should be proportional to damage I dealt) with a very loud scream preferably and fall to ground dead. I guess such a powerful...
  7. Ideas about progress in the game

    Currently, the game is same for all early, middle and late game intervals. Only the number of enemy groups are changing. Those suggestions are intended to make the game world a little more dynamic. 1. Almost everyone can solo every enemy group after around lvl 25. First of all, we need...
  8. About arrows

    I guess everyone has noticed the game uses two arrow models. Stationary arrow is fine but when you shoot an arrow, its just a long brown stick. No metal head or no tail, absolutely no detail. It looks very bad if you're a person who cares about such details (its very difficult not to notice if...
  9. Two simple suggestions

    1. I have observed the behaviours of mounted opponents in the arena and they tend to swing their swords too early (most of the time) even if I am stationary. Then they're easy prey. I suggest improving their timing. 2. Horses rear even if I touch an obstacle while going very slow. It would be...
  10. Aiming from horseback

    Well, I may be wrong because I didn'perform horse archery in real life but here is my suggestion. When aiming a bow from horseback, targeting reticule should make small periodic vertical movements in synchronisation with the horse's steps. Those movements can reduce to a minimum when a character...
  11. Reset problem (0.704)

    When I close the game, my computer restarted. This known bug was not happening to me in any of the previous versions. In Turkish (to Armagan) Windows tekrar başlatılırken disk gözden geçirme sırasında options.txt ve rgl_log.txt dosyalarında sorun buldu. "ilk bağlantı hatalı (bu kısımdan emin...
  12. 0.704 kidnapped girl bug

    When I rescue the kidnapped girl, she said "you don't have room in your party" and didn't join me. But there was an empty slot in my party.
  13. Horse archer AI

    I have been observing the behaviours of horse archers for very long time in arena. They make obvious mistakes such as; 1. They just wander around without firing. They sometimes go to a far corner and stay there doing nothing. I see they are programmed to stay away from everything but they don't...
  14. horse head hitbox?

    Im mot sure but I strongly suspect that you can not hit the head of a horse with a ranged weapon. In arena, I was aiming to head of the horse and I think arrows just pass through it like its a ghost. Anyone have solid info?. I suggest to change it if its intentional.
  15. paypal için yardım

    Arkadaşlar selam, Burada birkaç arkadaşı oyunla tanıştırdım (zehirledim) :twisted: ve satın almak istiyorlar. İş bankası kredi kartını kabul etmediğinden paypal ile alacağız. Şimdi durum şu, arkadaşın paypal account'u var. Kredi kartı da Account'a kayıtlı durumda. Send money diyip parayı...
  16. payment with paypal

    A friend of mine is trying to buy the game via paypal with his credit card. But we couldn't figure out how. I myself bought via paypal, but I just forgot how :oops: Before sending money to armagan, he must have 15$ in his paypal account, right?. The problem is how will we add this money to...
  17. About the tournament

    As a tournament maniac, I couldn't see any improvements to tournaments in 0.700 except the better horse. :( Ok, you devs can't do everything at the same time but can we, at least, have 5-5 or 6-6 matches at the same configuration (in 0.701)?. After hundreds of matches, it became a bit boring...
  18. We are still too rich

    Well, there was a similar thread some time ago, but I couln't find it. We all know although M&B offers greet gameplay, it lacks a detailed story or interesting quests. So, besides the fun of killing enemies in various ways, we must have some purpose to make us occupied, something to work for...
  19. Permanent horses

    I think an adventurer must have certain attachment to his horse. But we are changing them too much. Crippling of horses should be removed from the game completely. But prices of horses must be increased significantly to compensate this. We will have to think carefully before buying a horse and...
  20. Okçu üniteleri kullanýyorsanýz...

    Okçu ünitelerinizin düþman birazcýk yaklaþsa veya siz 3'e basýp saldýr dediðinizde hemen yakýn dövüþ silahlarýný çýkardýðýný farkettiniz mi?. Çok rahatsýz edici ve okçu kullanmayý anlamsýz hale getiriyor. Unofficial editor ile kullandýðýnýz menzilli ünitelerin inventory'sinden yakýn dövüþ...
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