Knight at Arms

Currently, the game is same for all early, middle and late game intervals. Only the number of enemy groups are changing. Those suggestions are intended to make the game world a little more dynamic.
1. Almost everyone can solo every enemy group after around lvl 25. First of all, we need completely new elite enemies. Those enemy types should be introduced to game later one by one (one type is after lvl 25-30 other one after lvl 35-40 etc.). They can be tied to some events in the story (assuming a simple story, that will give a reason for a specific new enemy to appear in Caladria, will be introduced). And we must see the regiments or even the main armies of Swadians or Vaegirs commanded by great generals after some point in game.
2. Similarly, some uber equipment (no need for completely new weapon model for each one, just a label of "mastercrafted" etc. is enough for me) should me made available in late game only. Maybe you are allowed to access royal armory of Swadians or Vaegirs after you rise in their rank to some point.
3. Weak enemy groups (River pirates or mountain bandits etc.) are wondering around everywhere. They should be confined to some regions. After lvl 20, I just don't want to fight with them anymore (its so easy that its boring). Im tired of avoiding those weaklings constantly (and they threaten me shamelessly!!). Paying those idiots to leave me alone is just unacceptable for me. There must be different parts of map that offer specific degrees of difficulty. For example in one region, there must be only Black Khergits (its their tribes' land) and weak groups such as mountain bandits should be afraid to go there normally. Only very powerful legal forces (royal war parties etc.) may go those dangerous regions. In Black Knights region (close to their base of operations, assuming it will be included in the game), there must be black knight groups only. Attacking bases of poweful outlaw factions must be possible but extremely difficult.
4. There can be more than one type of specific enemy group to prevent it from becoming boring (special powerful elite dark knight armies with uber level commanders for example, like in Mag7). Same for Black Khergits and some others. By the way does anyone know why the name "Black Khergit raiders" is in yellow in world map?. Shouldn't be red as other hostiles?
1. Almost everyone can solo every enemy group after around lvl 25. First of all, we need completely new elite enemies. Those enemy types should be introduced to game later one by one (one type is after lvl 25-30 other one after lvl 35-40 etc.). They can be tied to some events in the story (assuming a simple story, that will give a reason for a specific new enemy to appear in Caladria, will be introduced). And we must see the regiments or even the main armies of Swadians or Vaegirs commanded by great generals after some point in game.
2. Similarly, some uber equipment (no need for completely new weapon model for each one, just a label of "mastercrafted" etc. is enough for me) should me made available in late game only. Maybe you are allowed to access royal armory of Swadians or Vaegirs after you rise in their rank to some point.
3. Weak enemy groups (River pirates or mountain bandits etc.) are wondering around everywhere. They should be confined to some regions. After lvl 20, I just don't want to fight with them anymore (its so easy that its boring). Im tired of avoiding those weaklings constantly (and they threaten me shamelessly!!). Paying those idiots to leave me alone is just unacceptable for me. There must be different parts of map that offer specific degrees of difficulty. For example in one region, there must be only Black Khergits (its their tribes' land) and weak groups such as mountain bandits should be afraid to go there normally. Only very powerful legal forces (royal war parties etc.) may go those dangerous regions. In Black Knights region (close to their base of operations, assuming it will be included in the game), there must be black knight groups only. Attacking bases of poweful outlaw factions must be possible but extremely difficult.
4. There can be more than one type of specific enemy group to prevent it from becoming boring (special powerful elite dark knight armies with uber level commanders for example, like in Mag7). Same for Black Khergits and some others. By the way does anyone know why the name "Black Khergit raiders" is in yellow in world map?. Shouldn't be red as other hostiles?