What made you laugh today - Fifth Edition

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How long ago was the DMT trip and how much did you take?

Seriously though, how long has it been like this and have you talked to anyone about this? Besides a bunch of weirdos on the internet of course.
RoboSenshi said:
You do?? Are being serious?

I don't have a diagnosis because back when I was a kid only extreme cases really got referred, but after 3 years in a job where I have to know every last thing about every developmental disorder and have to attend regular courses, I'm 99% certain I am autistic. But like most people with mild developmental disorders I developed coping mechanics in my teens and now only Densetsu (who has nuclear autism) notices.

No kidding. I had suspected maybe you were autistic sometime ago. Perhaps you should see a specialist to confirm your suspicions? In case there's medication or therapy that would be beneficial to you.
Yeah that actually kind of sounds like what people are striving for with mindfulness practice. Are you generally quite chill? Do you struggle with making plans and things that involve thinking about the future \past?
I think it's poetry.
Or sanity stitching together thoughts in coherent patterns.

One early morning, not a sound.
The wind so calm that nothing moved, like walking in a photograph.
The world on pause, as if waiting for me to start it up, to set it in motion.
Such a frightening responsibility, waking time from its slumber.

But imagery is all there is, little moments that follow each other.

When time doesn't move, in silence, past, present and future meet, and it's overwhelming.
I see I'm no longer the person I was when I was 8 years old, or 15 years old.
I've changed into something else, a stranger to former selves.

The day begins. Onwards in pictures.

NUQAR'S Kentucky "Nuqar" James XXL said:
RoboSenshi said:
You do?? Are being serious?

I don't have a diagnosis because back when I was a kid only extreme cases really got referred, but after 3 years in a job where I have to know every last thing about every developmental disorder and have to attend regular courses, I'm 99% certain I am autistic. But like most people with mild developmental disorders I developed coping mechanics in my teens and now only Densetsu (who has nuclear autism) notices.
Wrong. I diagnosed your autism publicly a year ago.

Notepad ++ developers make an "Uyghur update" and instead of patch notes they leave textwalls about the situation in Xinjiang.

Butthurt chinese nationalists spam the bug reports with propaganda. :lol:

Message to brainwashed western people living under evil capitalism regime #7476
Michael Parenti, in his book “The Assassination of Julius Caesar”, utterly destroyed the Western idealism in Democracy by pointing out the utter restrictive constructs the wealthy imposed on the masses to have their voices heard. Julius was assassinated due to his land reforms, debt forgiveness, and overall advocation of the masses. Their history was narrated by elites, and their system of government is only a reflection of their oligarchical powers portrayed as “freedom.” We seen it in the founding of the United States, where the slave-owning founding fathers did not allow anyone except land owning white men to vote, while capitalizing on populist rhetoric of freedom, liberty, and democracy. And yet still today, votes are being repressed, gerrymandered, and corrupted. Lobbyists are a legal venue to corrupt “elected” politicians while the masses suffer from horrendous debt, healthcare, income inequality, and education. Millions homeless and go hungry in the wealthiest nation in the world. To epitomize these contradictions, they want people to believe China is a failure for lifting 800 million from poverty in a span of a generation. The Soviet Union, from feudal beginnings to space-exploring superpower, failed. Burkina Faso and their vaccination of millions of children and deforestation, women’s liberation efforts failed. Cuba’s medical/scientific accomplishments and standard of living increase while having a trillion dollar blockade failed. The list can go on. Western democracy is an illusion for the masses to promote and sustain the power of the rich. I'd rather have a dictatorship of the proletariat, one party, one body, putting the people first.

*nazbol anthem plays*
We're **** doomed.  :lol:

"Students at Cambridge University ask for 17th century artwork of a fowl market to be removed from college dining hall because it was putting vegans off their food" (link)

Eh, I think that quickly gets ironed out of most people as soon as they hit the real world. There's a reason these kinds of stories usually seem to come from high schools and universities.
Title makes it sound quite silly, but I can see how a huge painting of heap of dead animals would interrupt someone's meal. They put focus on the vegans/vegetarians, but it reads like it wasn't an issue only for them.
They should concentrate on their meals then instead of staring at walls.

krik said:
Eh, I think that quickly gets ironed out of most people as soon as they hit the real world. There's a reason these kinds of stories usually seem to come from high schools and universities.
That's true. The problem is, there are more and more people who never set a foot in the real world.

That said, it's a ****ing ugly painting. Someone forgot to introduce the painter to colours.
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