Villages not burned down

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Could we please gain influence from saving a village from getting burned down? We lose influence and take penalties for looting them so shouldnt the reverse be true?
This needs to happen for sure!
I am so frustrated with having everyone try and raid my villages connected to my town and there is no punishment for that. I do not raid villages as I want to help the common man. I get enough joy from destroying armies on the field. I think if a general raids villages then after so many, execution should not generate penalties. Or make them more cruel or bad rep to keep them in check somehow. I get it, they are scared of losing as i have defeated them over and over. I took their town, because even with over 6k prisoners I can't build my own!!!! I should be able to buy a castle or land. I make 117k off of one pike or 87k off of a javelin. I'd like to make a bow or armor as well or find a way to enjoy the game as a merchant or workshop lord.
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