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M&B With Fire and Sword Version 1.140 Patch Released

Change log for patch 1140:

    Turkish and German language options added!
    Various other bug fixes

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... st-for-1-6

Minecraft Beta 1.6 is getting release later this week.

Here’s the changelist so far:


+ Added Nether support to multiplayer
+ Added craftable maps
+ Added hatches
+ Added tall grass in some biomes
+ Mushrooms now spreads (very) slowly
+ Added server property view-distance. Sets the radius of terrain updates (in chunks) to send to the players. Range 3-15, default 10.

* It’s no longer possible to build solid blocks on the top layer of the maps (sorry!)
* Players stuck in walls will slide towards the nearest gap if there is one
* Made booster tracks speedier
* Severely nerfed fire so it spread slower, and doesn’t spread infinitely
* Seeds are now found in tall grass, using a hoe on the ground no longer works
* Blocks destroyed by other players in multiplayer now shows the breaking block particle effect
* Activated dispensers make sounds and trigger particles in multiplayer
* Doors make sound for other players in multiplayer
* The record player now supports more than 15 different songs

* Fixed running out of memory corrupting the current level
* Fixed the side textures of grass getting extra dark when mining them
* Fixed anaglyph 3d rendering mode having severe visual bugs
* Fixed the crash screen vanishing immediately
* Fixed not being able to target blocks when at x or z pos 1000
* Fixed the achievements screen messing up the sky color
* Fixed saving while sneaking dropping the player through the ground
* Fixed a system clock change messing up the game speed
* Fixed rain sounds not playing with fast graphics enabled
* Fixed hair and cloaks being rendered in the wrong locations on sneaking players
* Fixed the attack/swing animation not being applied to the armor layer
* Fixed player rotation not being loaded correctly when loading a saved game
* Fixed arrow physics, making them not get stuck midair when you open a door
* Fixed arrows hitting reeds, portals, and other non-solid blocks
* Fixed keybindings not getting saved properly under certain conditions
* Fixed the player not being able to sneak off lowered blocks like cacti
* Fixed a bug where the player could mine without swinging their arm
* Fixed boats placed on snow being placed too far up
* Fixed submerged boats rising very very fast
* Fixed sand dropping onto boats getting stuck in a falling animation
* Fixed a game crash when riding a vehicle or animal into the nether
* Fixed falling while riding not dealing damage to the rider
* Fixed buttons and levers too close to the player being impossible to use
* Fixed dispensers shooting through walls
* Fixed fire hurting through wall corners
* Fixed entities reaching water through wall corners
* Fixed placing doors next to cacti creating half-doors
* Fixed buttons and levers being placeable on leaves in “fast graphics” mode
* Fixed furnaces and dispensers not dropping their contents when destroyed
* Fixed dispensers biasing later slots
* Fixed farmland taking too long to dig
* Fixed tilling below some blocks being possible
* Fixed tilling the underside of blocks somehow working
* Fixed fences and stairs sometimes becoming invisible
* Fixed walking on top of fences not producing step sounds
* Fixed fire sometimes existing mid-air as an invisible block of pain
* Fixed fences and wooden stairs not being flammable
* Fixed fire effect on burning entities sometimes getting rendered in the wrong location
* Fixed fishing rod rendering being a bit lacking
* Fixed fishing rods being stackable
* Fixed mining glass hiding the clouds behind the glass
* Fixed rain falling through liquids
* Fixed items in glass blocks not getting ejected properly
* Fixed water interacting strangely with glass
* Fixed glass not blocking rain sound
* Fixed fences and signs preventing grass from growing
* Fixed rain and snow being incorrectly lit
* Fixed grass staying alive below stair blocks
* Fixed the achievement screen not pausing the game
* Fixed some screens breaking the sky tint color
* Fixed fullscreen mode switching causing mouse issues and screen closes
* Fixed chat messages surviving through game switches
* Fixed ice so it regenerates regardless of whether it’s snowing or not
* Fixed rain falling too slowly
* Fixed levers being placeable on weird locations
* Fixed floor levers sometimes not delivering a signal downwards
* Fixed floor levers sometimes not being removed when the floor is removed
* Fixed rail tiles sometimes not properly connecting to a new neighbor
* Fixed minecarts next to each other causing extreme velocities (sorry!)
* Fixed wolves not following their owner if the name has different caps
* Fixed creepers retaining charge level when they can’t see their target
* Fixed dying in the nether spawning new portals
* “Fixed” beds in the nether
* Fixed inventory acting weird when portaling by making the portal close all screens
* Fixed wooden pressure plates being mined with pickaxes
* Fixed redstone repeaters having the wrong particles
* Fixed saplings being plantable through snow onto non-grass blocks
* Fixed ore density varying per quadrant from the center of the world
* Fixed dispenser graphics being one pixel off. ONE PIXEL!!!
* Fixed mushrooms spawning everywhere during nights
* Fixed animals only spawning near light during the night
* Fixed the multiplayer join screen input field being too short
* Fixed IPv6 addresses being parsed wrongly. To connect to a specific port in IPv6, use the format [1234:567::1]:25565
* Fixed network packets being sent unbuffered, causing huge amounts of packets being sent
* Fixed entity positions going out of synch sometimes. They get re-synched every 20 seconds now.
* Fixed inventory icons not animating after being picked up in multiplayer
* Fixed mushroom soup not leaving a bowl in multiplayer
* Fixed entities above the map height limit becoming invisible
* Fixed healing not flashing the health bar in multiplayer
* Fixed arrows being animated really strangely in multiplayer
* Fixed arrows triggering too many entity move updates in multiplayer
* Fixed the compass not pointing at the spawn location in multiplayer
* Fixed fires being impossible to put out in multiplayer
* Fixed record players spawning client-side fake records in multiplayer
* Fixed records not playing for other players in multiplayer
* Fixed players spawning in the wrong location and quickly lerping to the correct location
* Fixed monsters not being visible for players with their difficulty set to peaceful
* Fixed pigs getting hit by lightning in multiplayer spawning client-side zombie pigmen
* Fixed loads of exploding tnt generating way too many particles, possibly crashing the client
* Fixed bonemeal use in multiplayer sometimes spawning fake client-side trees
* Fixed saplings sometimes spawning trees client-side in multiplayer
* Fixed weather sometimes changing client-side in multiplayer
* Fixed grasscolor.png and foliagecolor.png not being read from texture packs
* Fixed stats getting saved to different files in offline mode if the caps in the player name differ from the true spelling
BigBiker05 said:
M&B With Fire and Sword Version 1.140 Patch Released

Minecraft Beta 1.6 is getting release later this week.
1.140 is a small patch.

On 1.139 they listed all the changes.
# Troops can now upgrade properly.
# Fixed bug with grenades exploding at wrong location.
# Squad size limitation bug is fixed for multiplayer.
# An update is made for preventing graphics glitch on some ATI cards.
# Several text corrections for all languages.
# Scene fixes mainly on the custom battles and village/town scenes.
# Fixed a quest bug with persuading Obuhovich
# AI behavior changed so that muskeeter troops can now close up on the enemy properly

There is a full change log for Eastern European release. lot's of details.
Изменения версии 1.139:
1. Исправлена ошибка со стартовым набором оружия у кавалеристов Речи Посполитой в сетевой игре.
2. Доработан механизм получения долгов с игрока при невозвращённом кредите.
3. Исправлена ошибка в задании «Черный Гетман», приводившая к его приостановке после начала поддержки претендента.
4. Переработана система караванов. Теперь в крупном караване находится 40 единиц товара, в среднем — 30, в малом — 20. Плата за караван теперь составляет 3500.
5. Изменен баланс наёмников в "лагерях наёмников".
6. Изменены показатели спутников:
6.1. Заглоба: улучшены навыки владения оружием и «Обучение».
6.2. Ксёндз: увеличены базовые характеристики, улучшены умения, улучшены навыки «Первая помощь» и «Сбор трофеев».
6.3. Мамай: улучшены навыки «Верховая езда» и «Стрельба верхом».
6.4. Бахыт: улучшены навыки «Содержание пленных» и «Сбор трофеев».
6.5. Бускадор: улучшены навыки «Тактика» и «Обучение».
6.6. Ногай: улучшен навык «Стрельба верхом».
6.7. Сарабун: улучшены навыки, связанные с медициной («Перевязка ран», «Хирургия», «Первая помощь»).
6.8. Ингри: значительно уменьшен навык «Торговля».
7. Для всех наций добавлена возможность повышения «ветеранов-селян» до ополчения.
8. Исправлена ошибка в сетевой игре с «бесконечными стрелами».
9. Доработан поиск пути при штурмах.
10. Добавлено новое задание на старте.
11. Исправлена ошибка с получением кредита силой.
12. Сложность игры теперь влияет на жалование солдатам, баланс цен, максимальное количество солдат в отряде.
13. Исправлена ошибка с открытием ворот на карте «Татарский лагерь».
14. Исправлены ошибки в диалогах заданий.
15. Исправлена ошибка при смене типа щитов у наёмников.
16. Переработан расчёт урона гранатами.
17. Исправлена ошибка смены национальной принадлежности сёл, приводившая к невозможности уничтожения фракции.

Изменения версии 1.136:

1. Исправлена ошибка с покупкой лошади у мастера-лошадника.
2. Исправлена ошибка с нелогичным поведением городов после покупки лошади у мастера-лошадника.
3. Уменьшено пороговое значение боевого духа для бунта в отряде до 40.
4. Добавлено отображение опции «Размер отрядов» для режима «Капитаны» в сетевой игре.
5. Добавлена опция отключения гранат в сетевой игре.
6. Для выделенных серверов добавлена возможность настройки опций «Размер отрядов» и «Отключить гранаты».
7. Сделаны небольшие правки поиска пути для ботов в одиночной игре при штурме городов.

Изменения версии 1.135:

1. Переработан механизм распределения торговцев и товаров в городах.
2. Исправлена ошибка, приводившая к невозможности отправить караван, даже если в городе были товары на продажу.
3. Добавлено понятие торгового патента: теперь для торговли дорогими товарами нужен торговый патент.
4. Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой в разграбленной деревне появлялся некорректный текст.
5. Добавлены стяги над союзными войсками при штурме города.
6. Устранено вылетание игры при бунте в отряде.
7. Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой проданную торговцу вещь можно было обнаружить в другом городе.
8. Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой выкуп, предлагаемый пленником, отличался от суммы, которую он выплачивал.
9. Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой поднималась мораль, если игрок выбирал пункт "разграбить и сжечь" в деревне, а потом отказывался от этого.
10. Игрок теперь видит весь список заказного оружия и доспехов.
11. Исправлена ошибка, возникавшая при поиске выгодного товара для торговли в крепостях.

Сетевая игра:
1. Исправлено отображение флагов для режима "Битва" (CQ).
2. Исправлены ошибки скриптов в режиме "Капитаны".
3. Исправлено положение точки базы для карты "Крепость в холмах".
4. Доработан поиск пути для ботов на всех картах, который раньше приводил к "застреванию" АИ.
5. Исправлена проходимость реки на карте "Старый замок".
6. Доработан баланс сетевой игры.
6.1. Уменьшен запас стрел до 25.
6.2. Значительно снижена точность луков.
6.3. Увеличена скорость и точность огнестрельного оружия.
6.4. Сбалансированы умения у различных классов войск в сетевой игре.
7. Исправлены ошибки в стрелковом оружии, из-за которых игрок мог получить лук с пулями и пистоль со стрелами, если ему недоставало денег.

Изменения версии 1.134:

- Немного изменен баланс в сетевых битвах
- Исправлены незначительные ошибки в квестах и текстах
- Исправлена ошибка со значками в сетевой игре
- Улучшена производительность игры
Well. I don't know about you, but 'Various other bug fixes' doesn't tell me a whole lot. I wouldn't even know what to look for.
eliasW said:
OK seriously guys... stop whining about the patch....

Sorry, that doesn't cut it for me.  The MAIN reason I and everyone else here tend to support small developers is because (in most cases) they LOVE the games they make and they tend to want to communicate that love to their followers/customers.  That's one big plus for Notch of Minecraft.  He's constantly communicating the love and enjoyment he has for his games to his player base.  ALL of his player base.

I don't get any of that from this Eastern European group on this forum.  I've read through enough threads now that the only thing I've seen from Sich (or it could be Taleworlds speaking for them), is how WONDERFUL this game is and how groundbreaking it is and all the other crap a Big Name Developer would put out in a Press Release.  Even if not a single person at Sich speaks or knows English, there are tons of ways to translate what they wish to say (oh wow, look, it's the INTERNET to the world).  Other than the glorified press reases, I've not seen a single Developer talking to us about our concerns.

You don't support Small Developers just because they are small, you support them because they Care.
it's just that soo many have been so disappointed about the patch... and it's kinda annoying
and then they whine about it.
BigBiker05 said:
eliasW said:
OK seriously guys... stop whining about the patch....

What about various other whining?

Oops!  I completely forgot to put in my whine about patch notes in my previous post, how can I fix that.  Oh, I know.

*whines about patch notes*  :smile:
As in the first post, perhaps someone with some spare time list all the reported bugs, say 1 to 132.5, list them on a thread, then all you would need to do is post,

23 - Whine

Then it would not annoy anybody, perhaps.  :grin:
Yozzer, you can easily go to, apply filters and see what bugs have been fixed developer side. The problem is we don't know what has been released in live patches and what has not. You can see the developers are working on bugs which is awesome. We can also see there are more bug fixes coming since a large handful of the already fix bugs mentioned on that website did not make it into this most recent patch.

@Assassin123, just look at the patch version on the game's launcher.
GJScarritt said:
  That's one big plus for Notch of Minecraft.  He's constantly communicating the love and enjoyment he has for his games to his player base.  ALL of his player base.
And given what a bunch of ****s it attracted, I don't blame other developers for not following suite.
Archonsod said:
GJScarritt said:
  That's one big plus for Notch of Minecraft.  He's constantly communicating the love and enjoyment he has for his games to his player base.  ALL of his player base.
And given what a bunch of ****s it attracted, I don't blame other developers for not following suite.

How politically correct...
eliasW said:
it's just that soo many have been so disappointed about the patch... and it's kinda annoying
and then they whine about it.

If you say this is whining i'll ***** until I get a response. With Notch actually telling us what he will put in the patch and us getting quiet whispers about what will and will not be in the patch. If the developers know nothing of English put it in Russian or whatever language they will speak and I will translate it as best I can, through a translator or not. But the fact they give us no knowledge of what they do tells me to stay away from this game until further notice. Along with the grand total of a 100 people I see playing the game at this point, quiting through disgust, boredom or otherwise, it gives you a sense of "Hey, maybe we should ask them what would make it better"

A simple "Hey, here's a short list of what we're working on" would probably satisfy most of us, if not, me.
Look, Wouldn't various bug fixes be like fixing minor bugs in the game instead of a big patch, you should know what various bug fixes are because each game does it
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