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sotijalo said:
Hengwulf said:
of topic for who cares;
Soviet Storm: WW2 in the East on Youtube.
It's a 2011 russian made, but in english translated docu about the eastern front. I like the different point of perspective.

That's what you are up against Fintan

You do know that I'm more conserned that I live next to the country with 2nd biggest amount of nuclear weapons stacked in their backyard.

Army? Oh, we in Poland don't have a mandatory army service since 1.1.2010. Soldier is just a normal job like a builder, teacher, doctor etc.

Good, I don't want to be a soldier and to absolutely listen to the uniformed badass with higher rank than mine. I am my own leader/lord/god/chieftain/call it as you want to.
Hengwulf said:
sotijalo said:
Hengwulf said:
of topic for who cares;
Soviet Storm: WW2 in the East on Youtube.
It's a 2011 russian made, but in english translated docu about the eastern front. I like the different point of perspective.

That's what you are up against Fintan

You do know that I'm more conserned that I live next to the country with 2nd biggest amount of nuclear weapons stacked in their backyard.


You do know that for some reason we Finns are genetically most close to Netherlanders. That must be all the radiation that's leaking from their nukesilos and the Tsernobyl radiation which all decided to land on Finnish shrooms.

Shieldwall Event

I'd like to thank everyone who attended tonight's Shieldwall Event! I feel this event was another success, but please either post on the Event thread or send me some feedback, folks! This is still all WIP!

For the next Shieldwall Event, 4/8/13, we are looking for Leaders for both teams. If you wish to be a Leader PM one of the admins and the reasons you should be chosen.
sotijalo said:
I have a notification to be made. For the next 6-12 moths of my life I'll have my mandatory army service and for that time I'll be very unavailable for Vikingr and CKII. It's likely that I'll be off from the army for some odd weekends but I can't promise my presence even then. So I wish you all jolly time until we meet again and blood-vengeance for everyone who screws up my grand empire.
[me=Jock]sobs hysterically.[/me]
My first time on this forum! Today i tried out this awesome Vikingr mod!, it was friggin awesome! But then my game crashed for some reason and i couldn't find the server again.
So my first question is if it's impossible to join again if you were dropped from the server?
I also got a error in teamspeak - insufficient permissions, so i couldn't ask anyone for help (my first time on TS too!)
If anyone can help me just make it clear if they know it would be nice! I so wan to be part of the next Vikingr event!

Oh gods, Norwegian is so beautiful...

En ukjent stemme kalte
Fra taarnet hvor ingen bodde
Fra bortenfor skogen
Hvor intet levde

Et rop i droemmen saa skjoent
Som stemmen til dronningen av natten

Vi vaaknet og saa maanen
Delvis dekket av dystre skyer

Det var kaldt og vaatt
Paa vaar ferd inn i riket
Av ufoedte tanker
Endelig kan vi se hva som kalte
For vi fulgte den stemmen in natt...

By the way: Do someone of you play Chivalry: Medieval Warfare?
Too bad Varg has gone off the deep end with the bull****. Man, the latest picture I saw of him (possibly linked in this sub forum?) had him in a complete ****-mixture of armour. If the dude is so into his Germanic superiority he should at least be nailing the damnable period.
I don't agree with this that he says, but I've bought his album Burzum/Aske and I like it.

But my most favourite band is Emperor.

Behemoth is another good band. And one of they first releases, album called Grom.


Laaaaaaaaaasyyyyy Poomoooooooooorzaaaaa!!!

Oh, my national language is so beautiful...

Kiedy moc piorunów tnie niebiosa w ciepłe letnie dni,
Zwracam swe oczy ku bogom,
Wspaniałej i potężnej naturze,
Dziękując za dar ukryty w błysków potędze.
Zimna noc zaległa nad prastarym borem,
Ulewne deszcze wypełniają drogi mej wsi,
Ukrytej gdzieś w głębi pomorskich lasów.
Jak strugi łez, deszcz oczyszcza naszą rzeczywistość,
Mamy rok dziewięćsetny...

Lasy Pomorza...
Lasy Pomorza, pogańska rzeczywistość.

Wiem, że urodziłem się właśnie tam,
Żeby czynić mych ojców kulturę piękniejszą.
Wiem, że oddałem im swoje serce,
Bólem i trwogą przepełnione...
W srebrnych pasmach księżycowego światła,
Woje moi przeszywają dębowe knieje,
Podążamy ku rozstajom dróg,
By w krwawej walce złożyć swą ofiarę.
Kolejne grzmoty burzy w zorzy wieczornej,
Upewniają nas w swej sile,
To ojcowie towarzyszą nam od samego początku,
Raz pozdrowienia, a raz gniewy z sinego nieba nam śląc...

Lasy Pomorza...
Lasy Pomorza, pomorska rzeczywistość.
Lasy Pomorza...

Dobrze, że bory zwierza są pełne,
Pozwala to utrzymać mą drużynę na nogach, i topory, i tarcze, i miecze ich są ciężkie,
A futrzane obuwie nasiąknięte krwawoczerwonym błotem.
Mijamy mile kolejne, by zdążyć do lasów,
Pod skrzydłami nocy się schować, jeszcze jeden błysk w ciemności,
Jak ojcowskie "dobranoc" układa nas do snu...
Jak wilki...

Lasy Pormorza...

Or Polish folk. I also is beautiful. Just listen to this:
Let me translate the first stanza for those who dont speak this beautifull language of ours.  :wink:

When the power of lightning bolts cuts heavens in hot summer days,
I turn my eyes to gods,
Great and powerfull nature,
Thanking for gift hiden in power of flash of light,
Cold night filled over ancient forest,
Teeming rains are filling paths of my village,
Hidden somewhere in the deep of pomeranian forests,
Like gush of tears, rain is clearing our reality,
We have year nine hundred...

Forests of Pomerania...
Forests of Pomerania, pagan reality.

Yeah, its quite deep  :grin: but beautiful indeed.
Yeah, it is. But you've missed "the" somewhere. But may someone else fix it. And not "beautifull", but "beautiful". And not "endeed" but "indeed".

Polish is such epic as Norwegian. But every language is so beautiful if compared with the beautiful song.

Polish: 1, 2, 3, 4
Russian: 1, 2
Spanish: 1, 2, 3
Does anyone know where the character files for Vikingr are located? I recently switched computers and I naturally need that file to preserve my Raedmund's handsome face.  :eek:
RandomUsername said:
Does anyone know where the character files for Vikingr are located? I recently switched computers and I naturally need that file to preserve my Raedmund's handsome face.  :eek:

I believe the file is the one in C: Users/You/AppData/Roaming/Mount & Blade Warband
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