SP - General The ability to designate specific enemy units to be attacked by our own.

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With the recent additions of advanced tactics to the game, this is something that is definitely needed. The ability to tell my calvary to wipe out archers, my infantry to block cav, etc, would go perfect with the new formations and tactical ability. I suggest that we can hold the positioning flag over the enemy unit that we want attacked to designate whichever of our units we have selected to target the enemy down.
Strongly agree!
If targeting specific units/unit types is particularly difficult, it would be helpful if I could distinguish between "Move to this location" and "Move to this location and engage with hostiles in an [x] radius", like a lot of FPSs have the room for.
YES! It would already be enough for me if I could just move my formation on top of an enemy one and the order would change from "Infantry: Move to position" to "Infantry: Attack enemy infantry / archers / cavalry / whatever formation is located there".
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