
AI/balance improvements
A clan recruitment system and late game that works
A clan recruitment system and late game that works
The last square for their grave hole lmao
What they need to do is actually very easy but for some reason its taking literally years to do. Here is the basics:
Diplomacy: Take everything from the Diplomacy mod and implement it, pay the modder what it takes and move on
Peace Time Mechanics: Feasts and more interactive mechanics need to be added during peace time as peace time is the most boring since their is nothing to do
Population: This is probably the one that should be implemented of all, let me explain. Wars need to be meaningful and make an impact on the economy and powerbase of clans. Currently a clan with high relations with villages and towns can lose an entire army and instantly replenish its troops. This is clearly flawed. By giving a village, castle and a city a population that function on an economic level and military level (aka troops to recruit) this will make battles meaningful. This would also impact the economy of each nation, that when losing an extreme amount of peasants in a war their economy slides to a griding halt.
But if I am honest I think the Population mechanic will never be introduced even though the modding team behind the Jerusalem Mod is doing it. Some part of me believes that the dev team is amateur level at best given their previous track record, slow updates and lack of a clear roadmap.
It gets even easier & faster when they could just set up a contract / consulting gig for Bloc and / or other prolific modders to add those features speedily and well.What they need to do is actually very easy but for some reason its taking literally years to do. Here is the basics:
Diplomacy: Take everything from the Diplomacy mod and implement it, pay the modder what it takes and move on
Peace Time Mechanics: Feasts and more interactive mechanics need to be added during peace time as peace time is the most boring since their is nothing to do
Population: This is probably the one that should be implemented of all, let me explain. Wars need to be meaningful and make an impact on the economy and powerbase of clans. Currently a clan with high relations with villages and towns can lose an entire army and instantly replenish its troops. This is clearly flawed. By giving a village, castle and a city a population that function on an economic level and military level (aka troops to recruit) this will make battles meaningful. This would also impact the economy of each nation, that when losing an extreme amount of peasants in a war their economy slides to a griding halt.
But if I am honest I think the Population mechanic will never be introduced even though the modding team behind the Jerusalem Mod is doing it. Some part of me believes that the dev team is amateur level at best given their previous track record, slow updates and lack of a clear roadmap.
Couldn't agree more. If TW can't be arsed to add actual Diplomacy features, just make the mod part of the game.What they need to do is actually very easy but for some reason its taking literally years to do. Here is the basics:
Diplomacy: Take everything from the Diplomacy mod and implement it, pay the modder what it takes and move on
Yeah there should be some form of peace time activities. Feasts should really be part of the game now due to fog of war hiding all NPC details. There should also be activities you can do in Towns/Villages to earn money/improve relations that don't involve killing people. Maybe you help farm, build a house, etc. something that could also improve the non-combat skills (Smithing, Engineering, Medicine)Peace Time Mechanics: Feasts and more interactive mechanics need to be added during peace time as peace time is the most boring since their is nothing to do
I don't think we need population per say, technically it's implied high prosperity = high populationPopulation: This is probably the one that should be implemented of all, let me explain. Wars need to be meaningful and make an impact on the economy and powerbase of clans. Currently a clan with high relations with villages and towns can lose an entire army and instantly replenish its troops. This is clearly flawed. By giving a village, castle and a city a population that function on an economic level and military level (aka troops to recruit) this will make battles meaningful. This would also impact the economy of each nation, that when losing an extreme amount of peasants in a war their economy slides to a griding halt.
But if I am honest I think the Population mechanic will never be introduced even though the modding team behind the Jerusalem Mod is doing it. Some part of me believes that the dev team is amateur level at best given their previous track record, slow updates and lack of a clear roadmap.
+1, this game is a "masterpiece" that need to port into all platforms. Bannerlord surely claim GOTY this year and the next teniOS/mobile port
Main problem is you, as the player, have to cheese/abuse the mechanics as mentioned.Sadly there's really only two ways to form a Kingdom. 1) Become a vassal and when you have enough fiefs break away 2) Use your elite party to "snipe" fiefs from a Kingdom when they are pre-occupied, then peace out with gold. Rinse and repeat, form a Kingdom when you have enough fiefs. Or take Rebelling Towns.
The problem with Option 2 is that it is sadly probably the best way to conquer Calradia i.e. never form a Kingdom. Use your elite warband, take a fief, peace out, build up your garrison, accumulate more wealth, do it again til you own the map. No stupid non-nonsensical wars, no A.I. voting for multiple wars, no A.I. to lose Parties/Armies. And #1 nobody will declare war on you.
And less those stupid ones like 'can't sell in X town'; it's boring and a one-time 'choose to lose your honor trait' consequence. Or the 'need tools', 'need horses', 'need grain', 'art of trade', 'cow delivery'. There's no fun travelling village/town to village/town buying (since there's no creating/farming to it) all the items to complete a quest, especially since it scales with the player (ie need 80 tools, need 320 grain) for some asinine reason. These quests are 'jobs', not quests that RNG spawn among the 3-4 NPCs in each area.Yeah there should be some form of peace time activities. Feasts should really be part of the game now due to fog of war hiding all NPC details. There should also be activities you can do in Towns/Villages to earn money/improve relations that don't involve killing people. Maybe you help farm, build a house, etc. something that could also improve the non-combat skills (Smithing, Engineering, Medicine)
I don't know why they didn't do the WB version; it worked, simple, and fun. And there's a guaranteed fight at the end too (they can even do the scaling they 'love' to implement). Instead, I'm chasing bandits all over the map, in hopes those units I'm given level up. Quest can work if you were a small party for an engaging challenge but all these quest require some minimum troop-count which is so, so stupid and only an artificial wall for players to force them to play one way only.Training or drilling your troops would be nice too. You don't build a professional army by fighting bandits, you build one with time and money a.k.a. training.
TW just can't figure a proper in-game way to not do this without getting a snowball occurring; it's just what it is as a bandaid fix to the very features they implemented. It's stupid, for sure, seeing some AI rubber band between two villages and watch them go from 20 units (that they spawn with free) to 60, all within the time it takes for you to build a siege camp.What needs to happen is more like this IMO:
1. Way less recruits (and no free troops for Lords) - ideally a Notable should spawn 1 Recruit a day, and only when all slots are filled do the existing troops start to increase veterancy. So if you deplete a village, it would take about 1 week to get a full set of recruits, 2 weeks for basic tier 2 troops, 3 weeks for tier 3 troops, 4 weeks/season to get end up with tier 4 troops. Provided no one recruits from village in that time... This would make battle loses far more meaningful.
They might as well change that 'surrender or die' to just 'die'. Battles, with how frequent they are, are just mass-bashing auto-sims as you take that Uthelaim castle for the 50th time between Vlan/Batt/NE/Sturgia.2. Battles should be somewhat slower, less frequent (i.e. more consequential), and definitely should not be fought to the death. If your leading a war party/army and you fight to the death you've effed up badly. If your losing a battle retreating should be a viable option in most cases. This whole thing you need "Tactics" to retreat is harebrained. No, just let Parties sacrifice their wounded to escape and give a speed boost so you can live to fight another day. Also there needs to be some surrender options like spare troops, spare you, etc. Also the A.I. should surrender when totally outmatched. Even the most crazed Bushido Samurai would not fight to the death if they could help it, the A.I. should value their lives/troops.
They just need to add more besides those ones, how come there's no Poacher composition? Raider one? Deserters? Manhunters? These only spawn via quests, adding them in as a regular spawns adds 'character' to the world map; longer wars increase size/variety/frequency of any of these. Give the recovering AI something to fight to train their troops (and get money); but if left unchecked, they can be a force entirely on its own stopping AI from rebuilding properly or adding a war score for peace to deal with.3. Don't need looters and bandits everywhere; looters should spawn from raided villages, bandits should only spawn from hideouts.
It's entire amateur, VA, you can tell some are not even done in a studio anyways. And adding voice overs for a game where the AI (hundreds) are faceless/auto-generated/non-unique was going to fall flat (ie way more 'copy&paste' AI and dialogue than voices can cover). Yet another half-assed implementation, which they've probably abandoned adding more VA to for the dialogues anyways.It's definitely Amateur Level, FFS why are some Bandit Bosses voiced but others are not? How can you not be consistent in implementing which dialogue lines are voiced?! I believe there is a small handful of knowledgeable Devs, maybe like a dozen, and then you've either got a bunch of would-be intern "Game Developers", everyone else works like 2-4 hours a day, or most everyone is working on a new game...
I don't think there's any DLC package that TW can put together that will compare with mods. If they do make a DLC, let's be honest, it will simply be to siphon more money from those playing on consoles - who will never have mod access.
Oh that broke me...They might as well change that 'surrender or die' to just 'die'. Battles, with how frequent they are, are just mass-bashing auto-sims as you take that Uthelaim castle for the 50th time between Vlan/Batt/NE/Sturgia.
Should have just voiced the characters for Neretzes Quest and left it at. Far more reasonable scope for TW. Much rather use my imagination for most characters, especially since so many are "auto-generated" anyways.It's entire amateur, VA, you can tell some are not even done in a studio anyways. And adding voice overs for a game where the AI (hundreds) are faceless/auto-generated/non-unique was going to fall flat (ie way more 'copy&paste' AI and dialogue than voices can cover). Yet another half-assed implementation, which they've probably abandoned adding more VA to for the dialogues anyways.
Think we all know it's solely so they 'justify' adding VA to their checklist of features to pad the game. Now, if this 'feature' is made solely so it's easier for modders to alter with in the future; that, I can understand. But I haven't really seen a VA mod one yet; and because it's superfluous for most modders to tackle too for the exact same reason we see the issues with the base VA from TW.I can't even fathom what wack-a-do coding makes it possible for my one character's Imperial Wife voice to just change. Status didn't change (still Lady), culture didn't change - literally just went from one Imperial Clan to another. Wouldn't be surprised if it had something to do with all the placeholder voices they had. Wouldn't want the Console Players to know the game they paid $50 didn't have any voice over! Would have been better to just do it all once. But here we are almost 2024 and Console Players are missing a far more useful feature: Kingdom Destruction, and yet TW seems to have zero urgency getting 1.2 out.
From what I understand, with the 1.3.x, the Bannerlord base will be completed and all the announced features will be released. According to messages here and there from devs and CM on the forums, at this moment, we will have some sort of future plans post.
According to the release plans post I'm expecting a DLC announcement or something like that. But will there be more ? Or less ? I don't know but what are your expectations ?
By listing, in one place, what we would like to see added to the game after 1.3, Taleworlds will have some resources on what we, the community, want. I personally don't want to see Taleworlds doing a Total War/Creative Assembly move with them releasing content that their community just have no interest for.
Personally, I want the game to expend for many years ahead. Warband had a very long life though modding and community implication. Bannerlord needs to do better than that.
DLCs and future patches should add new content to play AND new features that expands the depth of Bannerlord's gameplay. One example of that would be a total conversation DLC that adds elephants (new enemy types) and naval warfare (water/sea mechanics and véhicules with agents on it) in battles
On the other hand, multiplayer is a huge part of the Mount & Blade experience. Taleworlds choose to focus on competitive small-scale game modes. I don't see those game modes receiving as many hype for them than this:
The multiplayer part of the game needs more resources assigned to it so that small-scale gamemods still receive support (at least like the one we have now or a better one (RIP Captain mode)) while big scale events and big scale game modes start being a focus.