Star Wars Conquest Mod for M&B 1.x and M&B Warband

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I say there aren't enough cyborgs in Star Wars for that. I mean, the cyborgs in Star Wars are usually indistinguishable from regular people. Luke Skywalker is a cyborg! It's better to keep it as hunting down a random criminal.
Revan Shan said:
Yeah. And hunt down the mandalorian... or rogue clone. And not only jedi, also sith or dark jedi (it's not the same as sith).

I was going to say, sir, that, indeed, there should be less sith, but many other Star Wars games, namely, the Jedi Knight series, have left room for dark side force using lightsaber wielding warriors who are not sith, namely, the Reborn.

Even still, to Cloud Breaker's mention of Bounty Hunting, I think that the task itself should be more standardized, perhaps, rather than an occasional quest from the owner of a planet, be available anytime simply by speaking to the Barkeep (just brainstorming here, by the way) who would presumably have underworld contacts.

And would it not be interesting  if you got a quest to hunt down a certain Named NPC, but weren't told which planet or moon he's hiding out on?

Perhaps the Traveller character (Who could be renamed Spacer or Star pilot) could, as he does, for a moderate fee reveal the location of the fugitive.

But that's advanced and tricky stuff right there, methinks.


Dash Rendar here has a pretty distinctive flightsuit and armour.  And having said that, I think, while the neutral colored Hutt outfits work very well for such a force, I wonder if you'd consider implimenting other generic outfits with varying color schemes as you did with those female costumes.
Kill this Spacer. Yeah! excellent, like in SWG! There was a bounty hunt on the player of the moment. This type of thing could work in SWC too.

And in fact, perhaps you can make some coding so that you get attacked by bountyhunters (but as a special event, not normal, once a month or so)

Question: would it be posible for the mod to add 'NPC Players', that traver through the galaxy and improve their equipment, exp and so? Like yourself in the game...
Revan Shan said:
Kill this Spacer. Yeah! excellent, like in SWG! There was a bounty hunt on the player of the moment. This type of thing could work in SWC too.

And in fact, perhaps you can make some coding so that you get attacked by bountyhunters (but as a special event, not normal, once a month or so)

A bit like when you get ambushed by bandits when walking about the city by night?

Revan Shan said:
Question: would it be posible for the mod to add 'NPC Players', that traver through the galaxy and improve their equipment, exp and so? Like yourself in the game...

Custom Settlements has all the companion characters running around independantly.  Point being, anything's possible, practical is another matter.
Ghoura Agur said:
Revan Shan said:
Kill this Spacer. Yeah! excellent, like in SWG! There was a bounty hunt on the player of the moment. This type of thing could work in SWC too.

And in fact, perhaps you can make some coding so that you get attacked by bountyhunters (but as a special event, not normal, once a month or so)

A bit like when you get ambushed by bandits when walking about the city by night?

CC-4361 Lux said:
I'm all in for EU, as long as they don't cough up ridiculous stuff like that.
Example: I agree that not all stormies were clones, not all clones became stormies etc., but I don't want to even hear about the survival of Darth Maul and his "battle" with Vader.
Well said.
this is how i think of it:
how meny clones were there? let's say... 2 million after the end of the CW. At the rate they were aging almost all the Fett clones would be dead in 3 or 4 years, the GCW didn't (really) start until fifteen years after the end of the CW. theres no way all (or even a small part) of the Stormtroopers Corps were fett clones(why do you think they were different sizes? (the stormtrooper who hit his head on the door  :smile: ) and the two Stormtroopers talking when obi-wan was disabling the DS's tractor beam were not clones (that's why they suck at shooting  :wink: )(aside from the fact that they were 'trying' to kill the heroes of the films). hence Luke's famous line,..."but i was going to Join the academy this year"..."that's what you said after Biggs and Tank left", and Han joined the imperial academy(for a time, how do you think he came to be with Chewie?). obviously the empire was enlisting non-clones.
The academy, if I recall, was an officer's training academy akin to the US Air Force Academy. (Source Keyan Farlander's Papers, the novel that shipped with the X-Wing game.)
QuailLover said:
The academy, if I recall, was an officer's training academy akin to the US Air Force Academy. (Source Keyan Farlander's Papers, the novel that shipped with the X-Wing game.)

And Luke Skywalker, moisture farmer for backworld planet of Tatooine was going there?!?-
Yeah.  Why not?

Luke was regarded as being one of the best pilots on Tatooine.  A planet that seems to breed good pilots like fleas on a mangy dog.  And if you think about it, anyone who survives on Tatooine for any length of time has to be tough, resourceful, intelligent, cunning and lucky.  Good qualities for any officer.  Besides, have you seen the average Imperial trooper?  Not what I'd exactly call world class troops...

It would have been the best chance a: get of Tatooine.  b: gain experience in piloting, star wars combat tactics, officer stuff, politics, language, some cultures, Imperial practices, shooting, leadership, political contacts etc.

Many of the best and finest rebels were trained by the Imperial Academy: Han Solo, Biggs Darklighter, Tycho Celchu, General Madine, General Cracken, possibly Wedge Antilles.  Many other characters like Corran Horn were trained by Imperial agencies or agencies working under the Empire.  The Imps had a habit of training their enemies in the best ways to beat them.
You have to understand that in most academies in that vein accept a few applications like that for "window dressing."
Now it could a be a "flight" academy where they train pilots (similar to the USAF Academy) which in reality are low level officers.

(The Wing Commander Novel: Action Stations actually explains a situation like that, but instead the character was a person the fell through the cracks)

If he was an "exceptional pilot" (as he was pointed out to be in the movies) it would have rang into his favor.

EDIT: Kvedulf beat me, but he explains it a bit better.
Kvedulf said:
Many of the best and finest rebels were trained by the Imperial Academy: Han Solo, Biggs Darklighter, Tycho Celchu, General Madine, General Cracken, possibly Wedge Antilles.  Many other characters like Corran Horn were trained by Imperial agencies or agencies working under the Empire.  The Imps had a habit of training their enemies in the best ways to beat them.

Like Americans teaching Afghans to make bombs, eh?

Still... perhaps there  were many academies, and the references to it as "THE" may have simply meant the nearest, most well know Imperial Academy?  Not that distance has any real meaning is Star Wars, eh?  Warpspeed and all, or whatever it's called.

Then again, it might have also served to train grunts as well, if that was the case, I could completely understand accepting the application of some farmer from some desert planet most folks probably haven't even heard of.  Why?  Because it takes allot of  grunts to run an Empire.

Kvedulf said:
Besides, have you seen the average Imperial trooper?  Not what I'd exactly call world class troops...

And are we here to simulate what we saw in the movies?  If so, blasters should have an accuracy of 2, with the exception of those handled by heroes, who can only miss to intensify the drama, but generally have a firearms skill of 9,000.  And stormtrooper armor should have a defense level of -20.

Anyhow, I'd heard the Empire tried using different .... genetic templates for their clones than those used in the clone wars.  The Dark Troopers, so far as I know, we're clones.... and cyborgs too, yes?
And they even tried this sort of way of making clones in which they'ld mature super fast, but not, y'know, die super fast also.  Trouble was, it caused a sort of psychic/force shock which killed them all.
Still... perhaps there  were many academies, and the references to it as "THE" may have simply meant the nearest, most well know Imperial Academy?

Not sure on that, but I doubt it.  When Han Solo joined the Academy he had to specifically travel to Coruscant.  And he was born on Corellia.  If Corellia didn't have an Academy then I doubt anywhere else would.  (I know it's EU, but it's on the official Star Wars Databank so it's canon)

Then again, it might have also served to train grunts as well, if that was the case, I could completely understand accepting the application of some farmer from some desert planet most folks probably haven't even heard of.  Why?  Because it takes allot of  grunts to run an Empire.

Again, I doubt it.  Han went to the Academy to be an officer, as did every other person who was with him at the end of the first Han Solo book and there were thousands of them.  (The book is called The Paradise Snare.  It's not bad).  Stormtroopers might go to the Academy, but they were a completely seperate branch of the military.  In addition, it seems that Tie pilots trained at the Academy but again, they were elites within the Imperial military and were treated as low ranking officers.

One thing that will seriously bug me is the green eyes on the stormtroopers. I honestly have never seen a single stormtrooper with green eyes.

Movie shot:

Just google Imperial stormtrooper for images. Not a single green eyed stormtrooper.
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