SP mechanics don't translate well into multiplayer.

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Let's face it: Warband's multiplayer was unbalanced mess. It was OK as an afterthought, but it had two things going for it that really made it a masterpiece. First thing is fashion - let's admit it, we loved customizable equipment because we loved to dress up our virtual murderous doll. The second thing is mod support. Modding allowed various communities tweak the game as they pleased, so they would no longer be restricted to what developers gave them. I know the devs don't read the forums and they will never alter the game in a way that satisfies players if it means sacrificing their own vision, but I felt like ranting on how multiplayer fails on basic levels. These design choices are issues only because we don't have mod support, and I consider then solved in case of Warband.

#1 Ranged weapons
So with the current state of ranged weapons, ranged classes are just better than other infantry units. Why? Because they can deal significant damage with pin-point accuracy at (sometimes very) long distances. If you know how to compensate for projectile drop and travel time, you can pretty much kill somebody across the map. And there's no counterplay to it. You might say: just take a shield. But that's not true, at all. All shield does, is it allows you to close the distance. But once you are close and personal, only then an actual fight begins. Currently, ranged classes are often times well armored and they don't suffer any disadvantages in hand-to-hand combat. Furthermore, using shield telegraphs your swings more, so if enemy player is proficient at manual combat, he will outplay you every time. So to kill ranged player, you usually have to to invest in certain tactic to even engage in actual combat.
My fix: nerf long ranged accuracy significantly, so that shooting at very long distances will be much more random. This way, there will be no more camp-sniping on siege and it will give more realistic impression of a battlefield, where arrows shoot left and right. Archers would still be able to be fairly accurate at close-mid ranges, so that taking a shield would still be a viable choice for closing distance. Also, they should get substantial melee nerf, so that any specialized melee unit will have upper hand in close combat. Moving while reloading should interrupt it - this way archers would no longer be able to walk away and no-scope 360 or hide behind a wall, changing into tactical stationary unit.

#2 Shields
Bannerlord's combat improvements (combos, momentum, feinting, stunning with well-timed blocks) were advertised heavily over the course of development. It's a pity you don't ever have a chance to see them in MP, and it's mostly because of shields. Shields in videogames are well known for making for passive gameplay - good example is Dark Souls series, where gameplay was made much more engaging and faster after shields were less prevalent. Unfortunately, current abundance of shields in Bannerlord MP slows down the gameplay and reduces it to pushing two buttons. Too many classes have shields, and with some of them, you are forced to spawn with one.
My fix: remove shields from many classes, leaving only designated turtle class or maybe one more soldier with optional shield. Another way you can go about the problem is to just nerf shield durability, so that you can reliably break opponent's shield within standard 1v1 situation. Currently there thing's just don't budge.

#3 Horses and spears
This is the most broken mechanic in the game. Right now, horse gameplay is all about riding circles around the map, bumping and impaling random people. There's no thought involved, no skill involved. You literally press left-right to steer and LMB to take that sweet kill, with occasionally being sniped by ranged unit. And unfortunately, there's no counterplay to horses either. In theory, spears should solve the problem, but they don't. Firstly, horses have very weird hitbox and they seem to not register many hits. Secondly, even a well aimed spear often deals puny damage. And third, the biggest problem - cavalry can just ride to the side and avoid the spear completely. And just like that, spears are rendered useless.
My fix: improve horse hitboxes, buff spear damage and most importantly - rework cavalry. I believe horses should have two "modes". First mode would be like it is right now, but the horse would remain much slower and rider wouldn't be able to one-hit impale enemies. The second mode would be the designated "charge" mode, when your horse rides really fast and you can break even close formations at cost of handling. In charge mode, you could deal great damage, but steering the horse would be almost impossible - you would only be able to ride straight. That way, horses would gain tactical significance and could allow for great pushes, but would no longer be able to ride away from a spear, punishing the player that made bad judgement.
Let's face it: Warband's multiplayer was unbalanced mess.
So with the current state of ranged weapons, ranged classes are just better than other infantry units.

Why? Because they can deal significant damage with pin-point accuracy at (sometimes very) long distances.

But NOT because of this. Bows are much less accurate than in warband at long ranges. The issue with ranged classes comes in because shields do not do their jobs AT ALL. Shooting around shields is so much easier that it gives the appearance of more accuracy when really you are shooting at a larger target.
#2 Shields
Bannerlord's combat improvements (combos, momentum, feinting, stunning with well-timed blocks) were advertised heavily over the course of development. It's a pity you don't ever have a chance to see them in MP, and it's mostly because of shields. Shields in videogames are well known for making for passive gameplay - good example is Dark Souls series, where gameplay was made much more engaging and faster after shields were less prevalent. Unfortunately, current abundance of shields in Bannerlord MP slows down the gameplay and reduces it to pushing two buttons. Too many classes have shields, and with some of them, you are forced to spawn with one.
My fix: remove shields from many classes, leaving only designated turtle class or maybe one more soldier with optional shield. Another way you can go about the problem is to just nerf shield durability, so that you can reliably break opponent's shield within standard 1v1 situation. Currently there thing's just don't budge.
nononono please god no. Shields are the only thing keeping competitive playable. The issue isnt the shields in melee. I agree that they are too tanky. Without shields the ranged spam would be even more absurd than it already is.
#3 Horses and spears
There's no thought involved, no skill involved.

Maybe in singleplayer. If a cav is stupid he gets punished HARD. Everything about spears not working is correct. Skilled cav can simply outplay skilled infantry. This does not mean that cav does not require skill.
Shield fighting almost requires MORE feinting as you need to bait them into an attack and then hit them.

Cav/spear relationship is being worked on. Swing speed, block speed, and movement speed are all changing (remains to be seen how, exactly).

The way I see it, you could fix or mitigate almost all of the issues you mention along with another issue: The non-viability of "shock troopers" in Skirmish with one fix - Make shock troopers do 150% damage to shields and horses and reduce projectile damage to them by 20%. This would encourage less shields, less archers, and less cavalry and would make for increased skill ceiling, more action, and more interesting battlefield dynamics and strategies.
I’m always amazed by just how balanced native was especially with server tweaks. The first time I got into competitive it felt incredibly balanced and perfection almost
I stopped reading in the warband being unbalanced mess phrase. Not for something people are going back to Warband after playing Bannerlord.
Like Edbanian said, shields are useless against ranged and spears are useless against Cavs, shields are the primary thing that protects you against ranged and spears are the primary thing that protects you against cav. That is the probably the main problem.
In public play you can argue warband being unbalanced, because most public players have a very basic understanding of the game, in competitive we wouldnt need that many changes to make the game incredibly balanced while keeping their faction identity.
More knowledge available to players would have helped warband massively, and bannerlord as well.
In public play you can argue warband being unbalanced, because most public players have a very basic understanding of the game, in competitive we wouldnt need that many changes to make the game incredibly balanced while keeping their faction identity.
More knowledge available to players would have helped warband massively, and bannerlord as well.
True. I will mostly use the exemple of US_GK tdm (excluding neogk weapon because they are more broken than menavlion lol). On tdm people think the weakest fac is nords because they only buy throwing axes and get hs all the time while nords is probably one of the strongest fac in competitive Warband. Same for sarranids; players only buy Jarids and wonder why they keep getting hs. The difference with bannerlord is that Warband gave us the tool to be balanced but the casual players didn’t use them (which is perfectly fine because casual don’t mind unbalance that much). On Bannerlord though, there is a real unbalance for the supposedly competitive gamemode
IMO the reason archer is op is because infantry combat is DOG****. Melee fights take forever because shields have insane durability and melee combat is in a 0 skill state especially when you have a shield. People can pull their sword back all the way on right swings and not get punished by immediate hilt slashes, so really the only way to play melee combat is by doing it in a really boring way you where you can't punish. Hopefully parameter changes will fix melee combat in someway, because it needs A LOT of fixing.
With how large passive shields are, while shields have less coverage when being normally held up, they are arguably more effective than in Warband (except the tiny shields), especially for cav, they cover so much of the cav's body even while attacking. Again, that doesn't really matter for infantry because the infantry fight is slow and skill less so by the time the infantry fight is over an archer will usually have had the opportunity to fire off many shots (mostly to the detriment of inf players) and cav will have been all over the fight with 0 punishment, the real people benefitting from nutty passive shield protection are cav and the people hurting the most from it are the inf who get bullied by the cav who don't have to worry in the slightest about an inf unless they have a spear or pila, and can usually rely on passive shield protection to protect from archers on their left side even when attacking. Because cav are so hard to hit, I think more arrows are also directed towards the inf because hits are easier and more meaningful.
the reason why archery is OP is because it's a point and click, unlike warband. The distance doesn't matter at all.
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