Some suggestions. (Weather, morale)

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Master Knight
I think weather should have greater impact on battles than they do now, and should be more often changing, also according to the area you are playing in.

The weather would be shown on the bottom bar, in the same style as the date.
The weather would consist of 4 things: Actual weather, visibility, wind and temperature.

What are these?

Actual weather:

-Light fog
-Dense fog


-Extremely cold (-25 to -50 celsius)
-Very cold (-15 to -25 celsius)
-Cold (0 to -15 celsius)
-Chilly (0 to 10 celsius)
-Normal (10 to 15 celsius)
-Warm (15 to 25 celsius)
-Very warm (25 to 35 celsius)
-Hot (35 to 50 celsius)

All these would be according to the time of the year and the area that you are in. And a little random factor in there too.

Sarranid desers would never be colder than 20 degrees and would have an average of 35 degrees, while the taiga would be considerably colder, never warmer than 10 degrees. Swadians and Rhodoks would have pretty much tempered climates, while the Rhodoks have a bit more rain but a little warmer too. Nords have rarely snow, but it can be cold. Lots of wind. Khergits have warm weather and very rarely rain.

Wind would affect arrows, and walking/riding speed, if against wind. Rain would affect morale and efficiency of crossbows and bows (it already does, but should do it in a greater degree). It should also impact manouverability on horses to some degree. There should be snow LOTS more often in Vaegir territories.

What I could also recommend is that you make a summer and winter map, which change in certain times of the year. Also, native troops have more tolerance for their weather (a Vaegir doesnt lose morale in -30 degrees, but gets grumpy if fighting in warmer weather than 15 degrees, while a Sarranid would gain a huge impact on their morale if its below 0 degrees.)


It would add tactic and strategic additions. Sometimes, it would give benefits, sometimes it would not. I feel it's weird wandering off with a Sarranid army into the Vaegir territory and my soldiers dont even complain.


This is where the weather info would be placed.

Tell me what you think of this.

I like it, all except for the arrangement. Instead of putting the Party button on the left, why not just shift the whole toolbar over a little while keeping the same order? And instead of putting it to the left of the date and time of day, I'd prefer it to the right. For example, it would say "Dusk (7*C, light flurry)"
RSwordsman said:
I like it, all except for the arrangement. Instead of putting the Party button on the left, why not just shift the whole toolbar over a little while keeping the same order? And instead of putting it to the left of the date and time of day, I'd prefer it to the right. For example, it would say "Dusk (7*C, light flurry)"

Yeah, i thought it would be easier that way, just before i posted.

The thing is that weather is a minor thing in this game. Obviously it should make a greater impact.
This sounds like a neat idea. The Romans used native populations as auxiliaries who knew the land better and were used to the local climate.
I like the idea about temperatures but there's something important about visibility...
It MUST affect AI too! There's thick fog already but bots aren't affected by that and shoot as accurately as at clear weather.
KuroiNekouPL said:
I like the idea about temperatures but there's something important about visibility...
It MUST affect AI too! There's thick fog already but bots aren't affected by that and shoot as accurately as at clear weather.
The only way I could think of doing this would be to check the weather (I'm unsure if there is a command to do this or not) and then, depending, either drastically lower the AI bot's ranged weapon proficiencies, or unequip all of their bows and re-equip them with similar versions, but ones that have greatly reduced accuracy. (The second option would require duplicate items for all ranged weapons, as there is no way to dynamically change item properties in-game.)
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